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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. A myrmidon with a base speed of -1? Is this supposed to be some kind of joke? Radd is badd. 1/10.
  2. Navarre. Narbarl. Narwhal. Unlike the other sword C characters joining lately, he isn't crap. I swear, those other losers exist just to make Navarre look better. I'll give him a decent 6/10. 7 votes: 3.64 average score.
  3. Right. I agree with the advice given so far. Abel and Hardin can easily switch back and forth between Paladin and Draco to meet the needs of the current chapter. You can swap one to Sniper and slap on the chapter 12 Arms Scroll - bam - instant Silver Bow access. Barst wants to go Hero for the speed. The first Master Seal should be used on Caeda ASAP. The other seals should be used as soon as you get them. I typically also include Cain, Ogma, and Cord. But that's mostly because I can't resist the allure of the large amount deployment slots this game offers. Heh.
  4. I only went through the original game once when I was a stupid little kid, so there's only one piece of advice I can offer: USE THE FLYING KILLER SQUID BABY!!!
  5. Gryz

    Ch 23x HHM

    Yes, in HHM he leaves at the end of the 4th enemy phase and unlocks most of the doors. The promoted magic-using enemies who fill the stage are no longer inhibited by the magic seal and several have long-range tomes and status staffs.
  6. I think Shamans are pretty spiffy too. However, if I were a Shaman... I would be better off trying to bash my foe over the head with the Flux book since I would be too lazy to learn all that spell-chanting crap. Eh, at least dark tomes are the heaviest, so they would be the best at bludgeoning.
  7. To me, the most relevant difference is: Lute gets a pony when she promotes. Artur gets Restore staff access when he promotes. Eh, doesn't matter, because I end up dragging both of their behinds past the level 10 mark anyways.
  8. Lets all be honest here, if we were Fire Emblem characters, 97% of us would be low tier trash who couldn't even beat GBA Loliders. I like axes! But I wouldn't even have the CON to properly wield a Hatchet. Sad.
  9. What is this crazy gibberish? Have you suffered an impact to your head lately? Klein is locked FOREVER to the FAILURE of 2-range. Use Wendy instead! Just simply let her kill EVERY remaining enemy in 8, and ALL the enemies in 8x and 9. She will be PROMOTED by the time Klein even shows up. The BIG difference is that she can TANK hits AND fight at 1-range AND she got TRIANGLE ATTACK.
  10. Just curious, does the Reginleif's "Strong against cavalry, knights." fit in FE6? Heh. Since I came to FE7 from an Advance Wars perspective I was definitely confused by the Mani Katti's "infantry" description. It seemed like it was supposed to be good against the foot units.
  11. I dunno, I don't find Largo to be super attractive. Probably because his physique is a bit over-the-top and he throws it right in your face. There's no mystery, no fun in imaging what he looks like shirtless. Look at Muarim and Gareth, they do it right. They give you just enough while teasing you for more. Heh. Muarim x Gareth. Errr... uhhh... I meant, LOOK AT LUCIA'S BOOBIES!!
  12. No, because the intent is still to distribute a fully functioning game. Changing the file extension and having to apply a simple extra step does not change that.
  13. Heh. If Caesar was rational, he would be on his knees begging for forgiveness after we rout their boss in a single turn.
  14. I think the higher hit and lower weight are valid considerations for deciding between Iron and Steel. If all promoted classes start with D, then why does the E-rank even exist? Only Lyn Mode Kent/Sain would have it. To me, E-rank signifies having little experience with that weapon, which fits in with promoted classes getting a new weapon. There are some exceptions like the Lords and Bishops, but the majority get E. Making all Steel weapons be E-rank is just a compromise between letting newly promoted characters have more choices and not having E-rank be nonexistent. Plus, it pretty much has zero impact on the unpromoted characters. Athos does not have to kill the dragon. But the dragon having 40 attack would prevent him from soloing the entire thing by himself with Luna, that's all. On the other hand, I didn't have an issue before with Athos being able to take on the dragon by himself - he is supposed to be the failsafe afterall.
  15. So my guess was right, he's a jerk. Marth lies! Radd and Caesar were never my friends. They were just two unwanted children who forced themselves upon me, so I had them do some shopping errands.
  16. Dude! Nothing needs to be said about Wendell for you to know he's amazing! That pope hat alone contains more amazing than rest of the entire cast put together! In fact, when Wendell gave My Unit the pope hat, I subjected to so much amazingness that I was blown back from my DS and through the wall, dammit!
  17. Well, this isn't GameFAQs so no blood vessels bursting in my right eye. Biting fellow humans is not a particular hobby of mine. Can you enlighten me to his personality change? I can't make heads or tails of Japanese, so my perspective is he went from no personality to a douchebag.
  18. Holy crap! What happened to Sain's strength!? He should be like 4 points higher at this point. Nils needs to be at least level 7 in order for you to access chapter 19xx.
  19. No fucking way does Radd deserve a score that is OVER DOUBLE that of Wendell's!
  20. Caesar and Radd go shopping and then: 1. Get benched for the rest of the game. 2. Suicide in the arena. The best use of Caesar is to use him as an example as to why Caeda is supposed to be pronounced as "She-Da" instead of "Kay-Da". Also, my eye twitches every time I see someone on GameFAQs recommend him as a Dark Mage. BLEH. 2/10
  21. Gryz

    Ch 23x HHM

    Well, technically, those 4 promoted enemies are already there when the map starts and attacking Kishuna makes them flee along with him. But same outcome, attacking Kishuna still allows you to avoid having to fight the promoted fiends.
  22. No mention of Wendell? Seeing this is written with normal mode in mind and it's assuming 3 Spirit Dusts and 1 Speedwings are being bought from the chapter 21 secret shop - it's not necessary to train any magic-users beforehand. Level 1 Wendell + 3 Spirit Dusts does 14 damage to Gharnef's 34 HP. The Speedwings prevent Wendell from being doubled. With Pure Water or Barrier support, Wendell can withstand 2 hits.
  23. This team is severely lacking in the Paladin department! Take Sain, please!
  24. Giffca. Giffca does the most damage. Naesala does the least damage despite being able to double. Plus, Naesala dies in 2 hits while the other royals can withstand 2 whacks.
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