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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. Except they use 25. Generic enemy characters aren't given the "female" trait which is what causes the 20 - Con formula to be used. However, it takes like 2 seconds in Nightmare to give the female trait to Pegasus/Falcoknight classes as a whole - so all enemies of those classes would have the female aid formula.
  2. No mention of how enemy GBA Pegasus Knights are "male" because they use the 25 - Con formula for their Aid?
  3. Wendy. The plot is that I pop the cartridge out of the 3DS and then throw it in the trash.
  4. If anything, I am more enraged at how under-developed FE males are! I mean, geeze, it seems like FE dudes have to be like 30+ to start showing any signs of facial hair.
  5. Cord gets more flak than he deserves. My heart. It weeps.
  6. So... Marth has time to go open the door after the battle, but not the unopened chests? It's inconsistent. Bah. Nah. I am kinda expecting just the horrible FE1 artwork to be used as rating justification again.
  7. Look at Nino's Mage sprite. Look at Nino's Sage sprite. There's your answer.
  8. Afa's Drops made Lyn go through early puberty. "Maturity increased!"
  9. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe12/ The FE12 page has a Script section, so it appears the intention will be to put a transcript on the main site. Which will make me glad since I play on the cartridge.
  10. Jagen's butt has the ability of verbal communication! LOL
  11. We might as well just skip Dolph and Macellan in the New Mystery rating topic. Just give them the same score they got here and link to this topic. Heh.
  12. C'mon, shouldn't they get some credit for NOT looking so stupid in this game? Heh.
  13. Boo. Forget Toonami. I am enjoying today's Adventure Time marathon more.
  14. Ouch, dammit! I got shoved back up a space! And now my clothes have bloodstains on them. *throws Oliver in retribution*
  15. Jake. Like, oh my gosh, he has a 100% growth in--- Wait. Crap! I had pre-written a review for Jake. I had completely forgotten about Dice and Maris... and Horace. Blah. Dice. I don't know, his growths look dicey - I don't want to take a gamble with him. I think I'd rather roll with someone else more reliable. Oh ho ho ho ho! But really, he's just a pile of unimpressive doo-doo. I want to like him for looking like a viking, but... bleh. 3/10
  16. I (and I am sure many others) agree that there is no point in raising Zihark to Trueblade status. You could make the argument there is "no point" in using any character not deemed optimal. Personally, I think Edward isn't worth raising as well, and I only bother with Mia. But hey, it doesn't hurt to change-up teams. Some other things: You don't need a "Trueblade pick." The game doesn't force you to use any Swordmaster or prevent you from using none or several of them. Using Mia doesn't lock you out of raising Edward/Zihark. It's perfectly reasonable to raise Nolan and Jill to a competent level while also using Zihark to help out in part 1 (yes, including killing enemies). I think too much is being made of Zihark's "exp draining" or "exp deprivation".
  17. Heather's usefulness is solely judged on her thief utility such as stealing, finding hidden treasure easily, and night vision. Rating thief skills against the other units whose primary goal is to kill things is always going to be kind of wonky and awkward. I think you're overblowing the strength-and-stealing issue. Her strength isn't a factor when stealing items like the Dracoshield and Energy Drop. I think pretty much everyone assumes she's not stealing any stuff through Disarm since the skill activation isn't reliable. Besides, it's not like Soren has super amazing combat. So I don't think it's a big stretch to put the unique things Heather can do over a meh combat unit like him.
  18. Pffffft. That's not even a higher score than mine.
  19. Oh fuck, no one has tried to give Dolph Macellan a good rating based on the crazy shit +40 hit/avoid, +20 crit/crit-evade support bonuses he can get. Quick, someone do this!
  20. Worse than Dolphin! 0.9/10 Actually, how do these guys join our group if we never open their cell? ... I mean, we don't receive the contents of unopened chests after the battle.
  21. Oh yeah, I remember another. I once needed a blood test and the middle-age nurse was like, "You have nice veins". She probably was a vampire. How could you be so sure? ... Ah ha! So it was YOU in the stall!
  22. Oh yeah, I am glad they brought back the cool-looking Tom... not that really dumb Tom they had when Toonami originally went off-air.
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