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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. I'm pretty sure Volke makes love to the piles of gold he accumulates. It explains why he's hesitant to tell Elincia what he does with his money.
  2. Tests. More of them. 12 Avatars. Luck asset, HP flaw. Level 1 --> Level 20 Tactician. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 23 14 16 14 14 24 14 9 29 20 19 14 16 23 14 9 25 20 14 13 16 22 15 11 27 16 18 13 19 21 11 12 27 17 12 14 15 20 11 10 29 17 16 16 20 24 13 7 26 18 12 14 17 19 16 8 28 20 14 16 16 20 14 9 30 18 16 15 13 21 17 10 24 16 14 12 13 22 14 9 32 19 20 16 15 23 14 10 26 19 19 14 18 18 14 11 20 Avatars. HP asset, Luck flaw. Level 1 --> Level 20 Tactician HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 47 15 11 17 13 13 14 8 45 15 9 14 17 12 14 10 46 16 14 16 18 12 13 10 43 17 13 14 17 8 16 12 43 16 17 14 15 10 14 10 47 18 17 16 13 12 17 13 47 16 9 13 16 13 15 12 44 14 14 14 16 8 19 15 45 15 12 15 16 13 17 9 44 13 10 14 15 11 10 11 44 17 12 15 19 8 15 9 44 14 9 16 19 9 8 9 <-- LOL at that defense 43 14 15 11 13 10 19 9 45 12 14 15 12 9 16 8 44 17 9 14 13 10 19 11 45 13 14 13 15 10 17 10 45 15 13 12 17 14 15 11 44 12 12 13 15 11 13 16 44 15 15 16 12 11 13 11 44 14 12 18 16 14 17 11 Getting more confident HP flaw is 60% and HP asset is 110%. Also, I suspect that Luck growth with Luck asset (without interfering flaws) is higher than 65%. Like 70-75% with it currently leaning more towards 75%. Fun story: I had a +HP/-Luk Avatar not gain Magic for the first 13 level-ups. With a reportedly 45% growth, that's approximately a 1/2373 chance. No where near the odds of a shiny Pokemon though. :( For being such good customers, have a free Virion on the house... Oh? You didn't know I am charging by the level-up? Virion: Level 2 --> Level 20 Archer. The "Skill +2" skill not included in stats. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 34 15 4 21 17 15 15 5
  3. Well, at least the sad endings break up the monotony of "Character X returned home and did something helpful." They really need to get over Marth and Abel. C'mon ladies, Cain and Frey are still available.
  4. 512 MB Although realistically I don't even need that much memory.
  5. Well, you see, I am kind of in an unusual situation of having a "preview" thanks to my brother. I wasn't there personally, but the aftermath tells me it didn't go so great. True, my brother came out during his jackass phase and he's on much better terms with my parents now... but still. I mean, I don't think my parents wouldn't be hateful or anything, but I get the general sense that they don't view my gay brother's relationship with his partner on the same level as my straight brother's relationship. Plus, in the household I grew up in, it was basically an unwritten rule that talk about sex was off-limits. In fact, my dad never had the birds-n-bees talk with me so at least I can retaliate with, "But you never told me I had to like girls!" Thank goodness for sex education in public schools.
  6. This is a travesty! Esau can't have wet dreams about gender-swapped eclipse if loud noises are keeping him awake!
  7. I just want to know where the heck did all those level 11 Silver Lance Knights disappear to in the 3-year period between the prologue and Marth's assault on Gra. Chapter 14 (normal mode) just has a single level 11 Knight with a Silver Lance. But he doesn't have the crazy +8 HP, +2 Str, +4 Def bonuses the prologue Knights were blessed with.
  8. Yeah, I agree. All anger and rage should be directed to Navarre vs Nabarl instead!
  9. ^ Yeah, I'm the same. I don't hear character voices inside my head, just my own internal voice.
  10. Hmmm... I see quitting but no raging. I'd be hard-pressed to call this a genuine ragequit.
  11. I could care less if her name was Caeda, Sheeda, Shiida, or Poo-Poo Shitface. My main gripe is that NoA and NoE couldn't play nice and agree on a single translation. I demand consistency, dammit!
  12. I certainly wasn't! I have decided to never visit Japan. I'm afraid Miku might attack me.
  13. Unfortunately, that won't work since I have another brother who is actually heterosexual and married.
  14. Oh, okay. Sorry. The anime girl selling pizza still scares me though. Edit: Oh, here was the topic: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=38549&st=0 ... I'll go away now.
  15. Advance Wars --> Fire Emblem. I'm always a bit surprised that there wasn't more people who got into Fire Emblem due to liking Advance Wars.
  16. Heh. It's true. Gaiden's artwork is so bad that is wasn't until Lost Bloodlines 2 that I finally made the connection that the armor knight on the Gaiden boxart is actually Valbo/Valbar. Although, realistically, I don't see the Gaiden cast getting new artwork unless they announce a Gaiden remake.
  17. Hey, that's great. My parents still think I'm straight, and I have no plans to change that. I really don't want to be like, "Surprise! You actually have two homosexual sons!"
  18. Hmph. I'm not convinced that Risen Priests don't exist. We just need to look harder! He's simply an elusive creature like Bigfoot / Yeti / Sasquatch / Skunk-Ape. C'mon everyone, grab your Reeky Boxes and run out into the woods!
  19. I got some perfects while mindlessly grinding Avatars to level 20 for the growth project. Lately, I had an Avatar gain +2 HP and nothing else. Interestingly, she still said the "Duh. I no feel much different." line. Also, I had a Vaike gain Magic for 3 level-ups in a row... Don't fuck with me Anna, I am doing research for science!
  20. [spoiler=Hurt Snowy_One, Heal Furetchen]Jyosua 11 Tangerine 8 VincentASM 10 Balcerzak 10 eCut 10 Narga_Rocks 10 Red Fox of Fire 10 Shuuda 10 Sask 10 NTG 10 Soul 10 Charlie 10 TheEnd 10 Proto 10 Sirius 10 Princess Kilvas 10 Amelia 10 Mufasa 10 Nightmare 10 Lychees 10 Roxas 10 Masu 10 Lux Aeterna 10 Reinfleche 10 BLS 10 Fayt Zelpher 11 Dagron 11 Ein 10 Ice Sage 10 SlayerX 10 AstraLunaSol 10 Freohr Datia 10 Darros 10 kdanger 11 Karina 10 Wáng Yuánjī10 Hatari 10 blllack&goldmedalmamba 10 Holmes 10 Emerald Knight 10 Bianchi 10 Phoenix 10 Kai 10 chitandope 10 Generic Officer 11 Kay 10 Fia 10 Luminescent Blade 10 Furetchen 11 Dio 10 DLV 10 Zak 10 Hibari 10 NinjaMonkey 10 Zero the Hero 10 Oujay 10 Fox 10 Wist 10 Ninji 10 Fireman 10 Marthur 10 Jedisupersonic 10 Rei Rei 10 Raven 10 Bizz 10 Cymbeline 10 Hikarusa 10 Gio 10 Janice 10 Boron 10 ZM 10 eclipse 10 MagicLugh 10 Joey 10 Ether 10 Ayanami 10 Songbird 10 Pheonix Wright 10 Oguma 10 Metal Rabbit 10 El Rey Leon 10 Erk 10 Spiriter Kalas 10 Knife 10 Iris 10 Pride 10 Ike-Mike 10 Maji 10 JBCWK 10 shadowofchaos 10 I Eat Tables 10 Stolypin Necktie 11 Black★Rock Shooter 10 Desdemona 10 Camtech075 10 Chalis 10 BK-201 10 EnjolrasMTA 10 Death 10 seph1212 10 Gatrie: Guns Blazing 8 NoNameAtAll 10 Tyranel M 10 Lord Raven 10 Popo 10 Tyrant Sage 10 Frostbite 10 Secret 10 Life Admiral 10 Maiden_Of_Emblem 10 Iced 10 Utsuho Reiuji 10 Helios 10 luigi bros 10 ¬_¬ 10 Mouse 10 Le Communard 10 General Horace 10 dondon151 10 Hazuki 10 CR-S01 10 PostPavillion 10 FE3 Player 10 PKL 10 Peppy 10 Silver Harpoon 6 April 10 Hero 10 Mage Knight 404 10 Levant Fortner 10 Lucina 11 <Ramiel> 10 Rhythm 10 Psych 10 Light Lord 10 -Cynthia- 10 Cap'n Flint 10 Paperblade 10 Hanz 10 Little Al 10 Dat Nick 10 Defeatest Elitist 10 Pahn 10 Randoman 10 Ar-Wing Pilot 10 Arch 10 Gold Vanguard 8 Snowy_One 8 grandjackal 10 Cucco Jump 10 SmartRutter7 10 Anouleth 10 Replica Model 10 Spectakitty 10 Solais 10 Meteor 10 Celice 10 Scarlet 10 Mekkah 10 Sho.M 10 King Marth 64 10 Anacybele 6 ReformBlade 10 Espinosa 10 Xander 10 Rehab 10 General Spoon 10 Piemanmj 10 Shin 10 Yoshi 10 whase 10 California Mountain Snake 10 DancingDanny 10 Virion 10 CGV 10 Blasied 10 kirsche 10 noremaC 10 Doom103 10 Der Kimmissar 10 春閣下 10 Strawman 10 Ryan7556 10 Mikethefc 10 Kitty of Time 10 Kanami 8 Sakusa 10 Xinnidy 10 Esau of Isaac 10 torifae 10 Gamer7625 10 dandragon01 10 Excellen Browning 10 Tino 10 TheGhosteon 10 Animefan8451 10 irock708 10 Elieson 10 Nestling 10 Progenitus 10 Burning Gravity 10 Kiba 10 Esme 11 Fenrir 10 Jubby 10 SB 10 Percilugh 10 13th 10 Rothene 10 Radiant Dragon 10 Interceptor 10 Colonel Billie Guile 10 Mousefire 10 Snike 10 Hamlet 10 TheTinyImp 10 Masamune_Wielder 10 Feaw 10 Magnus Blade 10 Lord Glenn 10 fuzz94 10 Char 10 Generic Character 10 De Su 10
  21. Chapter 4. I had skip enemy actions set to 'All' and Masked Marth attacked Avatar/Frederick pair on the enemy phase. During the battle (Masked Marth's battles are shown regardless of your option settings) there was no music, but you could still hear the crowd cheering. I have done this chapter like over 50 times while getting data on Avatar's growths and I have only encountered this oddity once.
  22. Yes. Each Shove should reduce the sleep counter by 1. Anna mentions it in the tutorial.
  23. Disclaimer: I haven't reached Olivia's chapter. But still, the notion of a Dancer doing so poorly on a tier list is just so bizarre. It completely challenges my entire view on playing Fire Emblem! I-I don't know what to believe anymore! Is Wendy now god tier? Can Berserker Etzel solo entire maps? Is Curate->Sniper no longer the path to enlightenment!? I think... I think I will need to lie down to process this.
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