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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. You're right. I was initially overthinking it with the whole Options menu thing. You know what would be a hilarious idea? Make it so when you press A on an unit, the displayed blue movement squares ignore the terrain in the darken portions of the map. If your character hits a wall in the darken area, the exclamation point icon is displayed (like when a unit runs into an enemy in the fog) and that unit's turn ends immediately. I mean, c'mon, you are recklessly running around in a dark cave, you are bound to smack your face into walls. Of course, I am not actually suggesting this since the coding process would be nightmarish.
  2. Gonzales: Brigand | Fighter, Pirate Now everyone can just shut up about his damn hit problems! Lott: Fighter | Myrmidon, Knight Myrmidon so we can all have a hearty LOL at his 15% strength growth. (Still better than Fir though!)
  3. Speaking of measurements... I am the same height as Gryz! (5' 3'' / 161 cm) Height comparison of PS4 characters: http://www.psalgo.co...image-1089.html If we're talking about Shadow Dragon Matthis... Curate -> Sniper. Game broken. Wing Spear Caeda/Shiida/Vergilina has nothing on him.
  4. Pffft! Why use Rudo when you can have Amy dual-wield scalpels?
  5. I could have sworn there was a Hammer dude somewhere in 1-6-1... ... ... Yeah, there's apparently an Axe Armor reinforcement who appears in the northeast with 27 attack and a Hammer. So let's see... 14 Strength + (13 Hammer might x 3) - 21 Defense = 32 damage against Tauroneo's 38 HP. Ha! Not even the crazy high might Hammers have in this game can topple Mr. T in a single hit! Hell, he would still have 1 HP left even if one of those 26 attack Fighters also hit in the same turn.
  6. Julian's combat is shit, but it is still less shitty than Rikard's shit. Julian's base durability and speed is more forgiving if you happen to accidentally expose your Thief to an attack. So yeah, Rickard has like no advantages over Julian, but in the context of just using Thieves to open prize boxes, Julian's "advantages" are pretty much insignificant in my opinion. I don't see a huge gap between them.
  7. Janaff can spot a lone enemy on the other side of the continent, but can he see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
  8. Ah, and I suppose it wouldn't be necessary to modify how the Options screen is presented - just make it ignore whatever input the player has set for the terrain window.
  9. Please, with my stats I am more of a danger to myself. Phantasy Star 3 even allows you to marry cousins in one scenario!
  10. Excellent. Now you just need to figure out how to disable the terrain info window in the cave chapter (and prevent the player from turning it back on via options) in order to truly blind and troll the player.
  11. Sophia : Shaman | Knight, Archer HIGH TIER PLEASE!
  12. Best - Sand Worm dude - He's really simple, all you need to do is: 1. Stand on your horse while you are riding it backwards. 2. Aim your bow at the beast's tiny little eyes as it recklessly charges at you. 3. Constantly kick your horse because it's too stupid to maintain top-speed while being chased by a giant monster. I mean, it's really comfortable for your hands to hold down and press 50 different buttons at the same time. Worst - Colossus #4 Arceus I have the damnest of times getting the damn giant horse to look in the damn hole.
  13. PS1-4 fan to be more precise! ... Yes, even PS3 and its... umm... well... okay, it's bad, but I still like it. To its credit PS3 did the whole generation-children thing BEFORE Fire Emblem. Yeah! Go suck on that Genealogy of the Holy Whore!
  14. Perhaps if Nintendo included a strategy-type mini game on a new Wii Play game they could incorporate some simple FE mechanics. For example, the weapon triangle. But since Miis will be fighting each other, the triangle would be modified to Teddy Bears, Flowers, and Hugs.
  15. Dancers/Bards are pretty much always reliable since they can remain useful even with atrocious level-ups. Well... with some odd cases like how my Feena who was screwed in everything (except strength and skill) couldn't withstand Lunatic Sorcerer Meteor smacks with even a fresh coating of Barrier.
  16. I believe you're correct. As far as I am aware, only the Difficult difficulty increases the number of enemies and stats. Although, I never played Normal and only played some early chapters in Easy out of curiosity to see some of the tutorials. I think the most notable thing I remember about Easy is that an enemy Soldier cheats in the chapter 1 tutorial and double attacks Gilliam.
  17. Chapter 13x: 3 of the 4 ballista can easily be eliminated on turn 1, which only leaves the one in the southeast corner. Marth is free to head towards the Iote Shield chest since this is one of the few non-seize chapters. Chapter 20x: You get a Master Key in chapter 20. Well, I suppose you could completely blow through the Master Key in chapter 20, but I rather use a Thief in 20 since deployment slots are a lot more limited in 20x.
  18. http://serenesforest.net/fe8/char_item.html Orson doesn't join with a Silver Lance. He comes with a much less exciting Steel Lance. http://serenesforest.net/fe8/secret.htm The Grado Keep and Jehanna Hall secret shops have the Axereaver listed as "Axe Reaver". http://serenesforest.net/fe8/chapter_d.html The buried Eclipse tome is missing from the chapter 15 item list. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe11/char_base.html Wry's class is listed as Priest - should be Curate. Lena's class is listed as Curate - should be Cleric. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe11/average/ricardo.html Rickard's averages are incorrect since they have him starting on level 3 instead of level 1.
  19. Yep, you're absolutely correct. Mounted units can still useful with their 10 move and flying capabilities though. Also, note that Falcoknight Catria is notable among your mounted units since 26 speed cap + Starsphere will allow her to double 24 speed enemies, which includes the deluge of Paladins and Horsemen in the ordeal of pain known as chapter 19. Chapter 22 and 23 have very nasty reinforcements that come if you don't hurry through the chapter. Especially chapter 22. Plus, they are the dreaded consecutive turn reinforcements which means attacking one will immediately put you in range of the next one in line. Let's just say I wouldn't want to stick around in these chapters longer than I have to.
  20. I always assume Warp doesn't exist. I also like to pretend forging doesn't exist. I am also dead-set on getting the Killing Edge in chapter 6 which is quite... interesting when both Warp and forging are mentally blocked from my conscious mind. Then I don't use said Killing Edge since I don't like the randomness factor of using Killer weapons (except for that chapter 3 asshole boss). But then I am a hypocrite for not wanting to rely on randomness since getting that Killing Edge involves me resetting until one of the Archers has 8 speed so Wendell can double him. Err... anyways. At least the Hunter -> General path for class set B people seems a little more tolerable than Curate -> Sniper... I think?
  21. Rickard was so awful in FE3 that he crashed your game! Yeah, if you have Julian recruit Rickard in chapter 5 and then initiate the recruit conservation again in chapter 6, Anna appears and tells you GAME OVER. Just a completely random guess, but I think the game tries to add Rickard again to your party and accidentally overwrites Marth or something crazy like that. Well, like in Shadow Dragon, it seems the only point in deploying Rickard is when Julian and Marth aren't going to open the chests fast enough to your liking. Which might be relevant in like... what... chapters 9 and 16? I don't give enough of a damn to go check. Yes, I agree. Holy crap. 4 more points over Cord? What the hell. At the very least Cord doesn't have to remain locked in 7 move forever. Off the top of my head, I think chapter 20 is the only time you have to worry about a Swarmer covering chests? I know in Lunatic mode base Julian can survive a Swarm hit with 1 HP left if he is sporting a +7 Res boost. Base Rickard has the same Res as Julian, and 2 less HP, so he should be able to survive with Pure Water/Barrier support providing that the H1 Bishop has 2 less magic than the H3 Bishop, which is likely the case. Well... also if Rickard doesn't get criticaled with his outstanding 1 Luck. 2.5/10. 1.5/10 +1 bias for no longer crashing the game.
  22. Hmmm... and I guess you could even use the inaccurate weapons that grant more wexp since I am not dodging with my crap avoid. In fact, you could easily hit me with the Eclipse tome multiple times if you really need someone's Dark rank to shoot up. Edit: Nevermind on the Eclipse thing, I overlooked that misses award wexp. However, if you are able to land the fatal blow with Eclipse (it does kill an enemy with 1 HP left) then you receive a boat load of Dark wexp! I don't think my game has ledges... but I can use the Trade command! I can be used in trade chains to exchange an item between units who have a space between them! ... ... ... The sound you are hearing is me scraping the bottom of the barrel.
  23. Errr... experience rank or killing off for experience? Because as a late-game level 1 unit, I am probably not giving you more than 1 exp from the kill. Sorry. Crap. I just remembered that I don't magically pull a promotion item from my ass/arse when I stand in a certain area. I think I lose to her.
  24. Nope. Promoted enemies in both Eliwood Normal and Hector Normal should be equal to each other.
  25. Yeah, getting Marth to his speed cap of 25 is absolutely necessary to prevent the final chapter from becoming a living hell. To survive a hit from Medeus, your Marth needs maxed speed and a combination of 14 more HP/Def. Training Marth with those current stats will be a pain though. It might help to splurge on stat-boosters at the chapter 21 secret shop, if you have the cash, to reduce the amount you will need to train Marth. The shop sells 3 of each booster at 2500G apiece. As for money, chapter 16 and chapter 20 have a 10,000G Bullion. You can also sell excess Master Seals and Elysian Whips for 1250G. Dump the Dragonstones. The Firestone can be sold for 1500G and the Divinestone can be sold for 2250G. Finally, any anti-horse/armor weapon becomes totally useless after chapter 20x and can be sold. Additionally, you can save some bonds/potions for the final chapter to reduce the amount of stat-boosters needed for Marth. Just remember that each stat can only have one bond/potion applied to it. If it looks like you will be able to buy a lot of stat-boosters at the chapter 21 secret shop, then I would recommend using the boosters you hold now on your non-Marth units, and then use the Secret Shop boosters on Marth.
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