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The Iron Rose

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Everything posted by The Iron Rose

  1. I'm not entirely sure wrt setup either, and I don't think you need cleantool. Just to be sure, run setup as an admin as well. You'll want to decompress code.bin if you have any changes you want to make to files within code.bin. I don't know much about fates' data structure so i can't answer that I'm afraid. If you still don't have any luck try posting in the GBATemp thread?
  2. It should create a number of folders in the folder where Hackingtoolkit is located, at least if I remember it properly. Try putting it in a folder in documents, make sure your syntax is valid (i.e. you didn't make a typo or anything), run as an admin and so on. Your antivirus might also be flagging it too, though I really doubt that's the case.
  3. No worries! It's a complicated process. With regards to the extraction, even if the CIA was not decrypted properly you would get a bunch of errors - since you didn't mention any I would assume it is decrypted properly. Try running HackingToolkit3ds as an administrator outside Program Files, it might be a permissions problem.
  4. launching the bootntr.cia. You put ntr.bin on your SD root, put the files provided by the author in sd/plugins/titleid and sf/fefatesse (check the mod page for instructions). it's really easy honestly. OTOH it's kinda annoying to launch NTR every time you start your 3ds and if there's a plugin involved you may not have online access. In that case, plopping the files from NTR into the extracted CIA and rebuilding it with the patch is probably the better option in the long run.
  5. None whatsoever to downloading the special edition. With regards to NTR, it's not deprecated, insofar as much as nothing has replaced NTR. The developer has stopped working on it since he was harrassed, stalked, and doxxed for making it closed source instead of open source. It still works really well though. All you need to do in order to get it working is to use the firmware.bin file available here: https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/wiki/Installation-and-Upgrade
  6. A CIA is basically a program installer readable by the 3ds - think a .dmg or .exe file. It's the full game and copyrighted content, so for Fates it's something like 2 gigs or so. Definitely not an empty file. Without signature checks patched on your 3ds (i.e. without Custom Firmware or A9LH) you can only install "legit cias". Legit CIAs are games that were bundled with 3ds systems released by nintendo, so pokemon, Fire Emblem, Mario and so on. You can install these even if you just have userland access, though at this point that has to be a vanishingly small proportion of 3ds owners. Either you're on 11,0 and screwed for homebrew, or you're under 11.0, and can thus downgrade to 9.2 to begin the CFW/A9lh process. In any event, if you're on CFW like luma3ds, signature checks are patched, and you can install .cias that are not legit. That is to say, you can install .cias of any game you can think of, be it Xenoblade, Super Smash Bros or what have you. Note that even 'legit' cias are copyrighted content and downloading and installing them without a license could be considered piracy. The only difference between the two is that legit .cias were released by nintendo at some point. CIAs have been somewhat deprecated at this point due to the development of programs for the 3ds like freeshop and CIAngel. These (installed as .cias) allow you to download applications from Nintendo's content delivery networks if you have the associated ticket or titlekey installed on your system. Apparently Nintendo placed the entirety of checks on the 3ds system itself, so you can, for example, totally download Ambassador titles like Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones on all your 3dses by installing a ticket or putting an encrypted titlekey database on your SD card, and the only thing that gets sent to Nintendo is your IP address. You can also install games you have not purchased (as purchasing a game simply associates the correct titlekey/ticket to your 3ds), but that's getting into undeniable piracy territory. Think downloading a rom directly from the developer or a game from steam based entirely on a client-side check of your system. Basically, CIAs = installable applications, mostly games, but also custom apps like JK's Save Manager or the homebrewlauncher cia. Note that 3ds roms exist, and are .3ds files. These are next to entirely irrelevant, since .cias are better in every form. .3ds roms can only be used by .3ds flashcarts, and if you use a rom with a public header you run the risk of getting a short term ban from online services from nintendo. CIAs don't have this problem, nor do games downloaded from Nintendo's CDN, be it through the eshop or otherwise. The only real relevance .3ds roms have is if you're dumping a cartridge via uncart or something similar, in which case the produced file will be in .3ds form. Fortunately, it's trivial to convert a .3ds file into a .cia file safe for online play with 3ds Simple CIA Converter, which is available on GBA temp. Now that that primer is over with, let's return to your case. You need to extract the contents of a decrypted CIA in order to make/apply your own custom Fates patches. I'm not familiar with braindump so I can't answer that question. Now, technically you could use a program like FunkyCIA2 to dump your digital copy of fates. However, that's a somewhat annoying and lengthy process. What will be significantly quicker is to find a .cia of fire emblem fates online, on the "3DS ISO Site". You actually own the content so it's not even piracy, it's just saving you a couple of hours of work. Once you have the .cia downloaded, you'll want to put it into a new folder on your SD card. I believe it's called DGame or something, but check with the link in my last post. From hereon, just follow the above link and tutorial by Asia81. Note that you will have to delete your digital copy of fates from your 3ds in order to install the patched version! This is because your 3ds will see both the vanilla fates and the modified version of fates as the same game, so installing it with bigbluemenu or FBI2 will not work. You can, of course, still redownload your purchased content (or rather, any content for which a ticket or encrypted titlekey exists on your system) from the eShop, CIAngel, or freeShop, so getting vanilla fates back is as simple as deleting the modded version and reinstalling. It's probably faster to just install it from the vanilla .cia you downloaded however. You can also test out your changes with NTR and I recommend doing so. Apparently it's basically as simple as dumping the changed files into a folder or two on your SD card, but you'll probably need to ask someone like UnassumingVenusaur (the creator of the fates same sex marriage patch, who provides support for using NTR to patch fates) for the exact process. It will, however, make testing much faster as you won't need to continually delete and reinstall modded fates on your 3ds, which takes a couple minutes each time since it's the full game.
  7. https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-how-to-decrypt-extract-and-rebuild-a-cia.388677/ basically decrypt your CIA with decrypt9 - game decryption, CIA decryptor (deep). It'll take some time. Then use HackingToolkit3ds to extract the decrypted CIA and you're set. You don't need to do this for using hacks, as NTR works well in that regard (you don't need to use HANS, and indeed shouldn't, if you have kernal access, which you do if you can run unsigned CIAs, which you can do if you have CFW or a9lh). NTR is more lightweight, you only need to include modified files, and you can still go online so long as you're not running a cheat plugin. Alternatively you can rebuild a CIA with custom modified content and install that, at which point you don't need to worry about NTR or HANS or any of that and can just launch the CIA direct from your home menu with hacked changes. It's a bit of a longer process, though the tutorial there goes into detail on how to do it. However, if you've settled on a hack you like and don't anticipate changing it, it's simple - though it takes some time - to just decrypt the CIA, extract it (once you've done this once you don't need to do it again), paste in your changes, and rebuild and install the modified CIA. That way you can just launch it and it'll just work.
  8. Odd, you might have to redownload them from the eshop. If that doesn't work for some reason make sure your NNID is linked to your system. If that still doesn't work you can always redownload them from freeshop or CIAngel. Read more on r/3dshacks or uh, the 3ds iso site.
  9. sure, if you have homebrew just use feftwiddler
  10. If you have a computer with a wired network, you can run something like connectify (which is free) to create a hotspot, which you can subsequently connect your 3ds to. It's a fairly long process, but one that's almost entirely risk free if you follow the steps. Just make sure to back up your saves and format your 3ds before beginning the downgrade process.
  11. Yep! No need to use braindump and the like either, you can use bootNTR to avoid having to do that entire process, you just dump the relevant files in plugins/titleid
  12. Even if you are downgrading your 3ds you can't screw it up, since you can access recovery mode. just follow plailect's guide to a9lh. It's perfectly safe. https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
  13. you can't use the QR codes unless you have a sub-9.5 FW 3ds. also you can't screw up your 3ds by installing homebrew or CFW.
  14. Depending on the chromebook you have, you can run a linux shell through crouton. Hope you have an x86 processor rather than an ARM processor though. Search your chromebook model + ubuntu install to figure out more, but there are patching utilities available for linxus. Multipatch is one, if I recall correctly?
  15. Check on GBAtemp for the FE:Fates NTR cheat plugin. No conversion necessary.
  16. yeah, like I said dude, all you need is NTR and the corresponding fates cheats plugin.
  17. well first of all you should get a9lh now, and switch your CFW to luma3ds or reinand. RxTools is super outdated. For My Castle Resources you want to use NTR + the cheat plugin.
  18. You probably need to decrpyt the CIA? Run it through decrypt9 and choose a deep decryption and that should help.
  19. lol what are you talking about, it's free use dude. Even if people actively sold romhacks, it might get hit with a C&D or the website might get hit with a DMCA claim, in which case the response is to file a counterclaim and wait for a suit Spoiler alert, it won't happen. I mean obviously this all depends on your local laws, but nothing here is illegal, and hyperbolic statements to the contrary is just pointless scaremongering tinged with an incredibly obvious desire to appear intellectual and superior.
  20. Sure, just follow plailect's guide: https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
  21. You can also use a NTR plugin as well.
  22. Use JK's save manager or SVDT to back up or transfer your saves. I'm assuming you're using the NTR plugin, yeah? Or are you sticking with powersaves pro? Anyways, the things that will get you banned are all the enemy only items and the occasional enemy only skill (read: dragonskin and that's it). Breaking the stat caps (movement, HP) will also get you banned. If you get banned, wipe data then restore your save.
  23. You don't. Just upgrade your emuNAND (NOT your sysnand, only your emuNAND) to 10.7 and you're set. I'm assuming you have custom firmware of some sort, I believe RxTools is the best for the o3ds
  24. Not exactly, there's a NTR plugin as well. Considering that if you have access to homebrew you have the ability to downgrade your console to 9.2 and set up emuNAND, there's really no reason at all to run the gay marriage hack through HANS and every reason to run it on a custom firmware, which only expands your ability to use, for example, NTR cheat plugins, RAM hacks if you're on an o3ds and downgrade your browser, and so on. Tl;dr the gay marriage hack should be run through NTR in emuNAND rather than through HANS, since NTR lets you update and use DLC and go online and all that lovely stuff.
  25. lol what. how is that cheating in any way shape or form. furthermore I don't really see how gay marriage is a gamble either.
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