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The Iron Rose

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Everything posted by The Iron Rose

  1. I'm pretty sure there's a patch that lets you use both physical and magic weapons at the same time. I don't know if that's your problem, though - can the myrmidon just not attack period? Or does it look like they're just using a ranged (i.e. magic) sword?
  2. Fitting that Rebecca should be the one to finish Nergal. Anyway, very cool run, and congrats on finishing it! I know I enjoyed it a lot! Though Limstella still remains my favorite character.
  3. Damn, I think Florina's actually better now!
  4. God your Florina is really shit compared to her sister. Also yay updates!
  5. Totally incorporating that into my personal canon.
  6. Well, if the story is the most important part, I really think there's a lot of work that has to be done either by you or a decent. Both in plot, storyline, and basic grammar and stylism - from the few screens that I can see, there are a lot of problems that, if addressed, can make your hack really, really good, especially since you actually have a lot of good technical work done.
  7. Jesus that Rebecca is insane. You sure you're not abusing savestates? also kudos on a pretty damn impressive run so far.
  8. Much the same as above. I'm willing to help out with writing, plot, storyboarding, et cetera. Especially if you're not a native English speaker, a writer (doesn't have to be me) would probably help cover any flaws in storytelling.
  9. Have you seen the Baldur's Gate modding scene? *shudders*
  10. Despite being a mediocre event hacker and worse at most everything else, I can actually write worth a damn, something I've found to be sorely lacking among most mod-makers of all games, though I've found some of the more complete ones here to be pretty good. Regardless, I'll write stuff if you're willing to show me work, though obviously I'd expect you'd want to see storyboarding and a portfolio first. I mean, assuming you wanted a quality project, right? Wait. Community hack. Fuck.
  11. The Ultimate Tutorial works pretty well. I'm fairly sure you just need to go into FEditor's Animation Manager, expand the array, and then insert the animation from there. I do believe that everything's already pre-scripted and pre-processed. Then just set up the new Animations in Nightmare, also available in the Ultimate Tutorial, and repoint the animation that armour knights currently have. Don't forget to set an animation for the hand axe and tomahawk too!
  12. http://www.bwdyeti.com/cafe/forum/showthread.php?tid=13 That's the link to the animations, but you should ask for permission before putting anything into the patch.
  13. And there you have it, then. Seeing as I have little to no idea to do anything relating to Assembly, nor do most people here, I believe.
  14. I know there's a nightmare module that does that much, with the FEditor Autopatches, but I don't think it works for FE8, nor do I know how to convert it.
  15. Sorry, you were complaining about Plot Holes in Elibian Nights?
  16. Hmm. More readily available weapon triangle reversal weapons might counteract that problem, but the problem then arises that they're also still quite good weapons that could be overpowered for that stage of the game. Boosts to Vanessa and Franz also suffer the problem of screwing up their lategame, though reducing their growths could counteract that. The other option is to do small scale increases at the start, and increase that as missions go on. As an example of one chapter I thought quite balanced is actually chapter 19. Lots of strong, fast hitting and hard to deal with promoted enemies, especially if you wanted to defeat Riev. That sort of difficulty is probably close to ideal, but right now, the other chapters don't really come close to matching it.
  17. Oh hello flaming. That being said, yeah, I'm inclined to agree. Increasing the level and stats of enemies, as well as promoting more of them is a very good way to make things more difficult, but at the same time upgrade the experience awards as well.
  18. Or mess with events and make enemies rather more difficult, for one. Because seriously, I see nothing but buff's in the easiest FE.
  19. While this looks cool, it also looks even easier than FE8 normally is. Which is impressive, I'll give you that.
  20. Hey, I just have a quick question. Is there any possible way to give an item stat bonuses, and have them apply without it being a weapon? That is to say if I had an item in a character's inventory, that isn't equippable (e.g. a vulnerary or iron rune), is there any way to set it so that merely having said item in the character's inventory gives stat boosts? I've with the Nightmare editor (hence me asking here), and looking through the offsets in the hex itself is similarly useless. I've set the bonuses pointer, checked it repeatedly, and it works! With a weapon. If I try with just a regular item, it does nothing. Is there any way to fix this that doesn't involve ASM Hacking?
  21. Uh-huh. I've read that, actually! I think I solved the problem, though I'm not actually sure how. I've actually read that same tutorial before I asked for help, and tried editing in the animations via hex. Unfortunately, the edits I was making kept disappearing, for reasons beyond my comprehension, but it seems to be working now, so I'm happy. Thanks for all the assistance, I'll edit again if when I make another stupid mistake.
  22. Figured out how to get it past 0xA2. Unfortunately, expanding the Animation List, which I tried before I posted (including the number of entries at the top of the file) didn't seem to do much of anything, so I just changed the relevant box to be an editbox, rather than a drop down menu. Still, it seemed to fix my problem, though of course the pallet is an issue. Regardless, thanks for your help! E: And duh, fixed the animation list. All fine now! E2: Okay, second problem. So for several of the animations I want to insert, there are more than the 4 slots available in the nightmare module. What I did was edit the nightmare module to display 8 different available animation slots (effectively combining 2 different tables into one). This was in an attempt to gain more than 4 slots per pointer, which I now realize was fairly stupid, in that I could have just edited the next available pointer. Problem is actually selecting that. How then, do I set it so that one class can use pointer data from beyond the first list. That is to say, if I edit offset 0x8FFF810 and extend into 0x8FFF820, what do I put in for the pointer under the battle animation pointer selection in the class manager?
  23. Hey, so I've been trying to import some custom animations for my FE7 game, and unfortunately, while I managed to import the animation with FEditor, have a working script, have all the images, et cetera et cetera, I'm having a little bit of trouble with actually getting it to be in the game itself. What I did was I increased the Max Index for animations, but unfortunately, I uh, can't figure out how to tell the Nightmare to USE the animations past the max index or 0xA2. Essentially, under the animation played category, which is the one I gather I need to edit, there's nothing past 0xA1. While I could just overwrite another animation, I'd rather not in case it ended up being critical in game. So in that case, how then would I set it so that Nightmare can select indexes past, in FE7's case, 0xA1? I tried just editing the animation.txt list, which didn't do anything, though I didn't exactly expect it to, given it's a txt file. I honestly I know basically nothing about increasing data to work with or doing any kind of beyond basic hacking or modding, so any help would be appreciated. Also question on animation etiquette. Is it okay to use others' work without their permission for personal use only? I'm not planning on uploading anything, and I'd never do that without contacting someone first, but if I'm just planning on using animations/sprites/whatever for my own personal stuff, can I just download animations without gaining permission first? I'd assume yes, seeing as most animations are publicly available, but I thought it prudent to check first. Thanks for any assistance! E: So it's entirely possible I'm also screwing up actually importing the custom animation as well, which is entirely possible. I have all the frames, as well as the script in a .txt file in one folder. I hit the "Load From Script" button in FEditor Adv, load the script, and then save the file in a new folder. It tells me "Animation Saved!" Then I go over to Class Animation Manager, bump the Max Index up by one, go to the new opened index, and import the animation. I enter a name for it, save, close the editor. The new animation shows up in the animation pointer table with nothing in the header, mode divider, Frame Data, Left and Right X/Y Positions, and Pointer. I haven't a clue what any of those things mean. Assuming I want to tie the new animation to a class, I know I use the custom battle animation module to set up the new animation, with the problem being that nothing past 0xA2 shows up. What else should I/do I need to do? Thank you again!
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