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The Iron Rose

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Everything posted by The Iron Rose

  1. All I'm going to say on the matter is that GhebFE was a pure, distilled pool of misogyny and ten year old internet humor that was funny for about a week, and then never since. Sure, the effort that went into it is impressive, but so is the effort that went into, say, Ghostlight's EU translations. The result, however? Rather less admirable. On topic, this looks utterly fantastic.
  2. In fairness, it's more fun to make it legitimately difficult. More time consuming, sure, but I don't think that's a bad thing, which is why I like making Manaketes balls of HP and Defense and Strength you have to use strategy to work around. After all, isn't making the game more fun the entire point?
  3. Or why just not scrap the divine weapon effectiveness entirely, frankly. It'd make balancing for Idoun much easier too.
  4. So what, precisely, was this topic meant to illustrate?
  5. I mean sure, but it's not memory hacking or actually altering the GAME.
  6. It`s the Calleach thing that pisses me the hell off. It's so utterly, utterly trivializing.
  7. Ugh. If you stuck to difficulty alterations this would be fantastic.
  8. You wanna put some pictures up hun?
  9. In the SomethingAwful Let's Play, it was mentioned that if you use up all of Forblaze's charges, the next tale is glitched.
  10. No. Because at chapter 16 it's stupid and unnecessary. Difficulty should be on a curve and any spikes should be merited by plot and little else. Because that doesn't solve their problems. This has been covered multiple times all over these boards. Because the level ten cap is stupid and you need to rebalance the game to account for it, something you've done an atrocious job at doing. Mini bosses are fine. But you want to again, balance them so that they come part of the way through the level and are appropriate for the chapter. Because you're terrible at balancing. Because the lords are good as is, and you don't need to give them extreme growths and weapons because of it. Because they need to come at a certain time and place. Limited promoted reinforcements are fine once you've hit chapter, say, 19 or 20. Even then they shouldn't be all promoted until endgame. Simply giving everyone bigger or more extreme numbers is not balance. If anything, it's the reverse. The early game in FE has always been the most balanced part.
  11. 0) Balance the game to make it less of an hassle (it's the vanilla game with more difficult situations) Good, except you need to actually balance. 0-1) Archers have much better stats to compensate the 2-range only Giving archers better stats doesn't solve any of their problems. 0-2) No more need to savestate-abuse to get a proper character - the result can vary but it's always proper Terrible idea. 0-3) Some characters now have bad luck to compensate their better overall stats or to make them more fit to an archetype Terrible idea. 0-4) Lyn Mode characters get malus to stats if Lyn Mode is not played Fine, was in the normal game. 0-5) Supports are all +4 when character start to grind for them Fine. Kinda iffy, but fine. 1) The story is the same Thank god. 2) Max Level for EVERYBODY is 10 minus FEW SPECIAL characters so you can level them up up to 20 for maximum potential Fucking atrocious. Get rid of this. 3) Bases stats are now much better in general Awful idea. 4) Growhts are altered to fit It depends on if it fits. Your examples do not. 5) PROMOTION BONUSES to fit in (you'll understand...) They're insane and ridiculous. The new max level is an awful idea. 6) Few more characters now ARE PREPROMOTED Justify it, and balance them. You've not done so. 8) Bartre is Othin archtype, Dorcas is Halvan archtype (first is fast/precise, second is sturdier and more balanced) Fine. 10) There is an ester egg in chapter 27/29 (Linus/Loid chapter) Okay. 11) EXP gain is much much slower (in Hard Modes, but archers get the same cause they are 2 range locked) Rolls eyes. Ten max level is awful. 12) Characters fit archtypes much better (Dart is the Glass Cannon Berserker/Hawkey is balanced and so on) Terrible idea. 13) Vulnerary gives 15 HP back when used Terrible idea. 14) Critical for SM and Berserker is 30 Terrible idea. _______________________________ 0x)Afa drops bonus: +10 That gives people what, an extra two in stats across the board if they use it at level 0/1? Not a big change. 0x-1) Terrains are like Thracia 776 Ehhh. 1x) Giving brave weapon strenght stat boosts +5 Lolbalance. 2x) Rapier, Mani Katti and Wolfbeil have +5 in strenght (second one), resistance (first one) and defense (third one) Lolbalance. 3x) Giviing the final boss dragon capped stats minus speed and luck but making those slighly higher to be doubled only by fasted dude and +4 greens to all other stats Ehhh. Stats don't determine difficulty. 6x) Serra and Erk having better starting bases Depends on the bases. 6xx) Erk is fucking fast (level 1/4 depending if you play Lyn Mode or not with 16 speed... but 1 luck with 5% growht) Ugh. No. Bad. Stop it. 7x) Having chapter requirements balanced in turn cunts and exp gainin Turn cunts? 8x) Lowen has +10% in atk and speed For growths? 9x) Some special weapons give stat bonuses Ehhhh. 10x) Linus map has no more fog of war Why? 11) Marcus 100% speed grotwth and 6 luck, so he can be a good oyfaye in the long run but is risky to use lategame cause he has terribad luck Fucking awful idea. 12) Karel have 8 luck but better overall stats so he compensate the loss of growth levels What is your obsession with reducing luck? 14) Lyn Hard mode bosses are POWERFUL (somewhat) Depends entirely on their power. 15) Support power in general is STRONGER (fire C gives 5 critical and 1 atk) Ew, bad idea. THE NEW 0) 7) Characters have been retooled even more greaaaat. 1) Lyn Mode enemies STRONGER and very few of them are promoted already, likewise for Hector Hard Mode up to Chapter 19 - this included Scrap your atrocious 10 max level system. It's bad, acknowledge that, and get rid of it. 1-2) Lyn Mode enemy armies get better-gimmicky weaponry (HHM too) Depends on the gimmicky weapon. They should still be, y'know, gimmicks, not mainstays. 2) Hectror Hard Mode is the one you should choose to play cause I'm working on that n/a 3) Shops sells poison weapon for free (but they have a gimmick) and some shops are given special tome/staffs for selling later in the game Hello infinite money. Also long range staffs are a terrible idea. 4) Geitz it's available as a pre-promo warrior with solid stats in chapter 26 Okay, fine. 5) +1 move to armors My god, the one good change you made. So long as generals keep 5 move. THE NEWEST (THRACIA 776 Like) 1) Raven will escape since Turn 2 of chapter 17! You'll have to rush and hope in the RNG this sole time if you want to THE BEST pre-prepromo unit for over half the game! Terrible idea. 2) There are minibosses scattered around that WILL fuck you UP if YOU don't know how to deal with them. (Example: Warrior with 23 atk (total) + brave axe that protect the treasure room in chapter 17 with a 30 atk Druid with Nosferatu equipped as support that will have you tamed) Terrible idea. Geitz Stats - he doesn't receive hard mode bonuses, cause he is very good the way he comes (he is a mixture of bartre and dorcas) HP: 41 Strenght: 18 Skill: 16 Speed: 16 Luck: 10 Def: 12 Res: 5 Surprisingly balanced. Raven Stats (Pre-Promo Hero), NOW the HARDEST CHARACTER to recruit in EVERY Fire Emblem game if YOU want to go for Ranked or LTC gameplay or just want the guy Stats: HP: 31 (debuffed from 33) Strenght: 12 Skill: 19 Speed: 18 (debuffed from 21) Luck: 9 (buffed from 2) Def: 10 (buffed from 7) Res: 7 eyeroll -------------------- 1) Some enemies in maps (mostly the ones with fewer enemies and reinforcements, like the starting ones) get Silver Weapons and STATS BOOSTING weapons (Hero weapons). More powerful weapons are fine, if you're judicious with their placement. 2) Some mini-bosses prepromos (1/2/3 per maps, depending on the map dimension and other factors) Eh, not bad so long as you introduce them late enough. 3) Bosses get stats boosting weapons as well (hero weapons) Depends again on the bosses and the weapons. 4) A.I. is changed so it's harder to fight enemies You can edit A.I. now? 5) Physics and Bolting Mages/Sages here and there to make the map more challenging (1/2 per map in relation of the map size) And you want to REDUCE RNG fuckery? Literally all your changes do the opposite. What to do 0) Make Batta beatable in LNM for people that WANT to play that (but he is going to be unbuffed even in LNM) Why would Batta be not beatable? 1) Finish HHM and EHM to fit everything 1-1) Make more prepromo units as reinforcements so you have to be fast Terrible idea. 2) Make it even more funny than it is now oh fuck me. What to do (again): 1) Making all chapters having diverse Ranking values 2) Maybe give luck to Morph Bosses? That'll require ASM IIRC. If you have that technical know-how I think I might cry. 3) Giving enemies even more variegated armamentary again. only to an extent. 4) Changin' music themes here and there for more variety winces. What I'm not capable of doing: 1)Adding chapters to improve the story 2) Improving supports conversations Thank god.
  12. And a misogynist too, how lovely. the terrifying thing is that I think he is.
  13. Why do you assume the OP cares about balance?
  14. I think the best part about all of this is that utter lack of self awareness and it is wonderful.
  15. I'm sorry, was this meant to be an attempt at "balance." Because this just looks like it's all over the place. You have ridiculous growths, completely outlandish and unwarranted changes to classes and bases. HHM is trivial on a base game without savestates, bar the first level or two. You've literally made the entire game a cakewalk.
  16. Levelups are infinite in this gain, though your experience growth will slow down.
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