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The Iron Rose

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Everything posted by The Iron Rose

  1. I'm going to be perfectly honest and say that outside of the rally skills that impact movement, even without grinding my unit's stats were high enough to comfortably overpower basically everyone on hard with little regard to tactics. I found that honestly rally spectrum was almost never useful to me, outside of training child characters.
  2. Though, say, if you finished a game with 3000 renown, and started a new one, and beat that with 6000, you would start the next new game with 6000, yes?
  3. Either that or MU's just hot. I wouldn't really know though, I never can assign attractiveness to anime characters.
  4. Have him talk to the southwest villager in his recruitment mission.
  5. Then you're screwed out of Severa. It's why you should always have backup saves.
  6. Nah if you purchase a bundle with a game on it already you don't get points for the game.
  7. You could reload a save. Also dunno why the second needed to be spoiled, but you don't need to redownload anything? It's DLC, it's all available once you hit the outrealm gate.
  8. It's actually a screenshot let's play - one for basically every one of the major fire emblem hacks. I'm doing Dream of Five, dunno who's doing everything else.
  9. I'm personally fine with difficulty, I'm doing Lunatic right now because I hate walking all over everything out of hand, but yeah, I prefer casual both because it's more forgiving and for the reasons I gave above.
  10. I use casual and I've been playing fire emblem for years. I honestly find it expands my tactical options, since I no longer need to twist myself into contortions to keep everyone alive, which means I can use my characters as more disposable lures. If I have, say, Chrom near a forged silver axe berserker and he can't survive the hit, I can have, say, Lissa jump in front of him rather than needing to scrap the whole run. Similarly, it also gives me a lot of leeway and therefore flexibility in where I move and put my units. Easier? Absolutely, but I'd almost say it gives more tactical options.
  11. Presumably one of them is the infinite divine weapons. Dunno about the other, maybe the entombed one? But yeah, I can't confirm myself, but SA says that the DLC maps are out now.
  12. Huh. Twenty minutes from now. I'm at the doctor's so I can't check, but I'm sure someone will figure it out.
  13. Any particular reasoning to back that up? Not disputing you, just wondering.
  14. Well, obviously, yes. But that's not out yet, and may not be for a while, so it's good in the interim. Counter's aggravating as all hell on streetpass teams, but less useful for you personally.
  15. I like despoil the best, because money is uh, at a bit of a premium in this game.
  16. You could google. Or, maybe, exert a modicum of initiative and check out the Ultimate Tutorial.
  17. For bonus box updates, how many sacred stones teams do people have? I haven't had an update in the past few days, and I've summoned/went to the bonus box section during each one.
  18. I'd go for the whole misogyny angle, but I think that might be giving a little too much credit to fire emblem players. But seriously disliking Lyn is a thing?
  19. Dropbox is great, always has been for me.
  20. I concur - the middle one for sure.
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