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The Iron Rose

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Everything posted by The Iron Rose

  1. Wait, you can streetpass your own units, and then fight them later? How exactly does one do that?
  2. So uh, question. I ordered my bundle for best buy, but I didn't get the art book. Does anyone know if that's normal or?
  3. You don't need to do the paralogues immediately. Also train on the DLC map if you really have to.
  4. Who exactly do I need to pair with whom to pass down galeforce to as many as possible? I know I'm pairing the Avatar with Krom, but besides that I've no preferences.
  5. I got the bundle from best buy this morning (Toronto), so all good on my end.
  6. My Best Buy order's just waiting for the credit card to confirm the purchase, and then they should be shipping it. Their website lists it as in stock as well.
  7. Looks cool, but I'm not sure why changing the names was necessary.
  8. I'd make a balance hack, because FE8's somewhat lacking in that. Lucina's would be good, but for the fact that xe upped everyone's growth rates by an insane amount.
  9. That'd be because it adds the base strength for both the character and the class. You need to cross reference and adjust accordingly. Also having a prepremote flyer is incredibly overpowered, though less so in FE8 since I don't believe there's as much possibility for abuse.
  10. That. I'm sorry, have you ever heard of the concept of balance? I'd advise you check it out.
  11. Adding more recruits, especially a hero in chapter one sounds absolutely fucking terrible.
  12. On chapter 13A, there's a level 3 archer with a bloody bow you can see if you scroll through the enemies, i.e. with the r button. It doesn't appear to be on the map though, and if you try to go onto the map while you've selected it, the game hangs and freezes. http://i.imgur.com/qco6De1.png This'd be the one.
  13. You really felt the need for that racial joke? Because honey, just no.
  14. Goddammit. Though the same thing happened to me, albeit with the entire hard drive, so I`m redoing all my playthroughs.
  15. That is literally one of the worst ideas I've ever heard.
  16. I'm still not sure where the part 1 Elysian Whip is; it was fine since I didn't overuse Inanna.
  17. I'm inclined to agree with using Caeda as well. I don't have any particular objection to Shiida though.
  18. I... didn't even know there was a warp staff. In my defense, this is my first playthrough, but by all means, elucidate me.
  19. All I know is that there's a door that I've no idea how to get past.
  20. I don't recall having much of a problem at all with 24? If I recall correctly I actually found it one of the easier chapters...
  21. And potentially blatantly misogynistic, but yes, funny's a word I might use too.
  22. Try looking through the topic? There's a list here, and a search button for your use.
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