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Everything posted by Xeniferos

  1. I'm a monster in what sense? D: I supposed I'd like to be one. They're rather adorable. ^ Loves snow.
  2. Just started school(If I'm not mistaken).
  3. Kick Niime and Hugh, marry Canas. Garcia, Ross, Gilliam.
  4. Super Mario Sunshine, most definitely. Though, Galaxy comes close. Ever been to a big city? If so, did you enjoy it? If you already live in one, do you like it? If not, would you like to visit one? (Trying to make sure I make the question accessible. >.>)
  5. Haven't been here in days(sorry!), so I'll start with a question: Favorite theme or song from any video game OST?
  6. Pretty much any shade of blonde, but mostly platinum blonde. White's awesome too. (I'm darker-skinned, with boring dark eyes and dark hair to match. Sue me.) Favorite personality trait/quirk in a person or character?
  7. Merp... Sorry, I wasn't exactly entirely sure how these work, so I've kinda' just been going with it. =/ Favorite video game villain would probably be... Duke from Tales of Vesperia. Or perhaps Caius from FFXIII-2. Favorite pokemon type, if you have one? (Or if you even play pokemon?)
  8. Gummi bears/worms. The non-sour kind. Just your basic ones. Favorite game as of right this moment?
  9. I actually don't like any sports at all... :x Favorite antagonist/anti-hero/etc.?
  10. I saw that the word "Samurai" was already used, so I wanted to keep in theme with "Ninja", "Samurai", etc. I figured I'd disregard gender association as a result. I actually have no idea what rule 63 is... xD Also: CrashBandicoot98
  11. I liked this one. Seemed a lot shorter than the GregoxMaMu support, but it was nice. Nice, if brief, insight into the way King and Queen are determined... Though let's be honest, Grego would make an extremely lolsy king. Then again, from what little I've seen of Basilio he probably doesn't seem like a prime candidate either. Regardless, I love Grego. He's quickly becoming one of my favorite characters. I enjoyed the dialect you had him speaking with.
  12. No worries! I'm pretty easy-going. I get along with just about everyone. :D

  13. There would be no kids of hers in FE6, I would think. And Canas would have never found out that she was his niece... Oh, and her potential husband would have either been really sad or continued life like she never existed. And FE7 would be at a severe lack of playable female sages. EDIT: I assume you'd probably also have to fight her undead morph form in the final chapter. What if:
  14. I don't really feel misled... What about hugs? Would hugs make everything better? I like hugs. D:
  15. Eesh being used for "It's." I just read that back to myself and realized that "Eesh" looks like a really impatient girly noise, or something. ^^;

  16. Eesh no worries about the little forum post mishap-bizarro-communication thing we had earlier. Just wanted to let you know. You are still a cool... er... cookie in my book! :3

  17. I forget how the statement or quote actually goes, but: You sir, are a genius, and a scholar! Your entries were quite good reads on the support convo thread. Quite good indeed.

  18. -Shiny Skarmory hatched in Emerald. -Shiny Onix hatched in Emerald. (I was a huge breeder in Emerald. Over 300 hours logged on it.) -Shiny Rattata in LG. Don't recall ever legitimately encountering a shiny in any of the newer releases, unfortunately. Favorite Pokemon type?
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