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Topaz Light

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Everything posted by Topaz Light

  1. I think the reason it was brought up is that, while it's true that Speed in general is a stat you want to keep as high as you can on your own units, Swordmasters, as a class, are more focused around it than other classes. Like, having high Speed and doubling, dodging, and critting (which admittedly is not reliant on Speed itself but doubling means more opportunities to proc critical hits) enemies is kind of their selling point as a class, whereas other units like Cavaliers can work with just dealing singular decisive blows and tanking hits, although it's not really optimal for them to do so.
  2. I'd imagine part of why he's a memetic character is because he's both the first healer and the first optional-to-recruit character in the entire Fire Emblem series. Although that's just from an outsider's perspective, so... Also, characters don't have to be good in terms of gameplay to be liked, so that's also worth keeping in mind. As for the bald head models, not only Wrys, but also Darros, Wendell, Boah, Dolph and Macellan use them, too.
  3. Should be If you can C# it, you can make it happen I would assume fairly easy? Klok or BwdYeti could give a better answer though See the answer to 3. Yes
  4. From what I can tell it's a mostly-independent Windows program that you just need the XNA framework installed to run
  5. The most prominent things that I want, I think, are... Better storyline, although maybe I'm too optimistic but I'm kinda feeling like this one is definitely gonna happen. Please please please, don't make the "player choices" a simple binary between two sides/endings. That's half-assed and boring as hell.
  6. Wait, really? I thought it didn't. For all this time, I was under the impression that it was the last game to use single RN.
  7. Except that FE6 uses only a single RN to roll for hits, misses and critical hits, so "true hit" isn't actually different from the displayed number in that game. It wasn't until FE7 that the double RN system started being used.
  8. Thank you now if only I could apply this to an actual cart of the game
  9. Yeah, that last chapter against Kishuna kinda seemed like he was attempting a Suicide by Cop against your army. I always feel a little sad about having to kill him, but I guess what's even sadder is that due to his nature as a(n apparently mute) magic seal, it's not as though he'd really have any place to go for acceptance even if he lived.
  10. So many products these days are unnecessarily gendered that it's not even worth giving a shit 99.99% of the time. Honestly I don't even pay attention to the text on the shampoo bottle most of the time. Very rarely are any of the different shampoo types' alleged special properties even relevant since all I really care about is getting my hair clean. tl;dr There is absolutely nothing weird about it at all. There isn't even really a reason to go out of your way to buy "men's" or "women's" shampoo specifically, just get whatever is cheap and doesn't contain anything you're allergic to.
  11. I don't know why, but seeing the katakana for Ash's name makes me want it to be spelled "Asch" to match the character count (and also I might be a huge fan of Tales of the Abyss). Also, firstly jesus christ the game balance in this hack is horrible, secondly, Ash's personal lance is called Penetrater, and Milia's personal axe is called Mistral. ...I think. And... Torch glitch? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that... how's it executed, and what does it do?
  12. I'd offer advice, but I'm afraid Donnel really just isn't all that good for a person playing efficiently. Due to his Aptitude skill, he'll be getting incredible level ups most of the time, but his bases are quite low, which means it takes him a while just to catch up, and, due to his low initial power level slowing the rate at which he gets kills and therefore EXP, he's probably not going to be worth it if you're doing a no grind/minimum grind run. But then, if you're allowing yourself to grind, you can use basically anyone if you want to, so... As for how to train him, I generally stick Kellam or Frederick on him and take the chapter slowly, sending Sully and Stahl to do away with the Thieves before they can get the treasure and having Donnel kill as many enemies as possible. I've actually gotten him up to level 5~6 in his joining chapter before, but I realize that not everyone wants to put up with doing that sort of thing for the sake of a character who isn't all that exceptional in the end.
  13. So, I'm not quite sure if this question goes here, but would it be possible to make a save backup using the app for that on the 3DS, identify and pluck the backup save from your SD card, edit the save data, put it back on the SD card and then load the modified save back into the game? I don't suppose it would be just yet, but I feel I should at least ask.
  14. Errr, let's not, if for no other reason than that there's no way that's going to fit into the space allotted on the status screen even with a variable-width font. Personally, whatever you end up going with for dismounted Cavaliers, I'm against changing the name of the Knight class, especially if you're going for consistency with official translations. "Knight" is what the class has been called in almost every officially-translated Fire Emblem game, the sole exception being Radiant Dawn, so it'd just be weird to change it now for such a small reason. By the way, how about "Trooper" as the name for dismounted Cavaliers? I know it's not really very fancy or anything, but I feel it works just fine, and it'll definitely fit into the space limits.
  15. I'm like 99% sure that "bested" is an acceptable old timey/medievaly way of saying that. It's even used in official Fire Emblem games. (Off the top of my head, Masked!Lucina's defeat voice clip in Chapter 4 of Awakening is, "I am... bested...!")
  16. Going back a ways, but the reason the randomizer doesn't touch Thieves is to make sure you always have access to their utility, because sometimes it's borderline needed to get certain things, IIRC
  17. I suppose the children kinda make it obvious enough how it's set up, but I guess the good news here is that modifying reclass sets is a thing that can be done without getting too hardcore (by 3DS hacking standards, at least). Also, I... want to say that Einherjar!Tiki and the Marth triad support different/unique reclass data being retained for extra characters? Have people found out how Einherjar and StreetPass characters are saved in relation to each other? There doesn't seem to be much of a distinction, gameplay-wise, other than the Einherjar glowing in battle and using the character's official art on a card as their portraits. And even then that's more a graphical/aesthetic distinction than a gameplay one.
  18. I kinda figured. And a quick check of the complete overworld sprite dump shows that there are no female Soldiers, either, although the male ones do have a kinda neat unused "hover over" animation. Also, somewhat inefficiently, the same sprite sheets are there twice for classes that don't have varied overworld sprites between genders (Knights, Generals and the horseback classes). Is there some reason IS can't/doesn't just set the two class entries to load the same overworld sprite sheet?
  19. See, I was thinking about this last night, and it got me wondering about a few things. Firstly, and maybe most simply, is there a female Soldier class programmed into the game? There's concept art for both male and female soldiers, and you even see a female Soldier in one of Lucina's flashback cutscenes, but never in gameplay. On this same note, are there both male and female generic class portraits, or are there only the ones that are used in-game (which would be only males for most classes plus females for a few of them)? Secondly, has anyone figured out how reclass sets are programmed? I'd imagine they're not hardcoded to character IDs, because that would (probably?) make setting up the children's class inheritance a lot harder. Basically what I'm asking is would it in theory be possible to modify a character's reclass set within a file? And- and I understand this is jumping the gun a lot- if that character was MU, would their modded reclass set be retained in another player's game if they got them via StreetPass?
  20. I always assumed, with final bosses, that they were able to use their magic to shield themselves in some way? Or just that their sheer amount of magical power made them more durable somehow. I never really gave it much thought, to be honest.
  21. It'd be neat, but I always thought him being the same class as Sigurd was kind of the point. Him following in his father's footsteps and whatnot. Seliph, Julia and Julius seem to be intended to parallel Sigurd, Deirdre and Arvis to some extent (at least in terms of their classes and designs) so I kinda think it works the way it is. Your suggestion isn't a bad one, it's just that I think they were kinda going for something with the way it's done in the official game. It's not just them being lazy. (At least, I kinda doubt it is)
  22. Ah, yeah, just sorta playing with things until they slide into place in a way that you like is one way to go about it, certainly, hah~ And I actually made some huge posts about it a little further up on this very page, although you've probably seen those already. Although... It's not actually a ROM hack. It was originally planned to be one, but then I read about FEXNA and that sounds like it'd be infinitely superior for what I wanted to do. For one thing, most everything that would otherwise have plagued content inclusion will likely not even exist anymore. Difficulties implementing a Str/Mag split in FEGBA... Limits on the number of recruitable characters, the number of classes, of items, especially of chapters, etc. not to mention how hard it'd be to edit things like the opening backstory montages and the class slideshows and such... Poof, gone! Or at least, made much more manageable. Basically, FEXNA is going to offer far more freedom even with just its innate functionality than any GBAFE game, so there's really no reason not to just wait for that to get released and spend this time on planning. ...tl;dr, no, I'm afraid it isn't almost finished, and there's unlikely to even be a demo of it until some time after FEXNA is released. I'm certainly working on it, though. I'm quite glad people are interested, though~
  23. The thing about Jaffar that you might consider is that, as the first member of the class in the series, the "generic" Assassin animation is actually based on his design, so unless you get something made specifically for that purpose, you're unlikely to find an alternative sprite set that looks more like him than the original does. I can kinda see where it has a certain coolness factor to it, but I'm still not sure about the Four Fangs having unique classes, considering that, historically in regards to the canon series, (visibly-)custom classes have been reserved for only characters of absolutely top-tier importance (the main character(s) and villain(s), mostly), and even then they don't always get them. (Gharnef is a good example, being just a regular Sorceror despite his arguable status as the real main antagonist (if not the final boss) of the Archanean saga. And even Medeus starts the final chapter as a normal Manakete in FE1/11 IIRC). I mean, I do understand from some of your other edits that you're not going for 100% consistency with the way the canon series does things (and that's just fine, there's nothing really wrong with that), but I'm just saying that it's worth noting that canon Fire Emblem games have used true custom classes very sparingly, and they often have a very good reason for being used where they are.
  24. The idea of a sort of "FE7DX"-type deal isn't necessarily a bad one, but a lot of the characters that have been added as recruitable seem to be somewhat poorly-chosen. Eagler and Jan are fine, since they're very minor characters. Fargus and Natalie also make sense, but I think maybe it'd be better to have Natalie's recruitment wait until Eliwood's/Hector's story. Maybe she'd be recruited by visiting the village Dorcas and Bartre come out of? She could have a special conversation with Dorcas or Bartre, or if it was someone else she could say something about how her husband's new friend just came and dragged him out of the house. You could even put the Dracoshield you normally get from that village in her starting inventory. It would probably take a while for the cure for her leg ailment to fully take effect even if she got it in Lyn's story, and it also wouldn't make sense for Lyn's party to stay put for so long at that point considering how time-sensitive their mission is. Additionally, (this reason is purely gameplay), you really don't need two healers for Lyn's story. Getting Natalie in Chapter 11E would contribute a new unit type to your team, so she would be more useful there. Of course, in Chapter 12H, her plus Serra still makes two Clerics joining in the same chapter, but it's what would make sense if she was among the units recruited in Chapter 11E. I'm really sorta not feeling the whole making the Tactician a playable unit thing, though. They're kinda supposed to be largely unseen during the story, and I, at least, feel that directing the party in battle is a more-than-sufficient contribution to the effort. If they were to be playable, I would strongly recommend you make them a non-OP regular class (like a Mage or something), because Avatar/My Unit-type characters tend to end up way overpowered when given special gameplay treatment. If you must give them a unique custom class, either use custom animations for it (but only if you have the original spriter's explicit permission to do so), or take animations from another Fire Emblem game, but it's really meh to have what's supposed to be Nergal's personal animation be used for a different and completely unrelated character of a completely unrelated class in the same game. Uther's still getting settled in as Marquess of the biggest and most prominent Lycian territory, do you really think he has time to go gallivanting around with his brother's cadre for a few months, even if they are on an important mission? As for Leila, Lloyd and Linus, I'm actually rather strongly against having them be savable, because their deaths add a certain amount of dramatic impact to those parts of the story that would be greatly reduced, if not outright erased, if they were to survive. I realize that you like them and wish that they could have lived, but that's kind of the point. If they were just generic and unmemorable like a lot of the random bosses and other casualties in vanilla FE7, you wouldn't really care at all when they were killed. But because they are likable characters who aren't generic or boring and who have meaningful ties to other characters, even some in your party, you do care when they die. It makes you sad, because it's supposed to make you sad. It's one of the world's sad realities shown in the story, that not every good person gets a happy ending. What's more, two of these characters are killed by other, meaner villains, (you can sort of count Ephidel as being responsible for Leila's death, since he's the one who figures her out and essentially sentences her to death. Jaffar's just the executioner called in to do the dirty work), who you're supposed to hate. Also... Lloyd getting a unique personal class...? Why...? None of the other Fangs have unique personal classes... I'm not really seeing whatever it is you saw that caused you to believe the weapon names should be changed but I mean sure if you want go for it. Also, wasn't Treck Ilian? It doesn't really make sense for him to be Eagler's son. Of course, this is your project, so really you can do whatever you want, but those are my two cents, at least.
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