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Everything posted by Aurion_Emblem

  1. cool, but I'd stick with your guns...stick with what you have...besides your portrait doesn't wield guns ^.^
  2. awesome...define bad weather... I don't like it, because everyone drives 5 MPH slower...annoying when you are trying to get to school...although in the worst weather I've ever driven in (to school no less) at one point this white van going like 15-20 mph over the limit, and he flew (not literally) right past me...I was like "good luck stopping that." cause it was raining hard and the wind was blowing hard...and it was dark...like almost nighttime dark...
  3. but changing topic titles is fun...or I think it's fun...80 posts till hatchling!
  4. STAB's are fun! They make all the difference! and Earthquake is one of the best moves.
  5. YAY! groudon doesn't get all the fun with solarbeam...plus solar beam is special, groudon physical...kyogre is special, as is thunder...it is win
  6. yeah, that's why we like doing said set up... no, but by that also same token (lots of words) Ghost shouldn't learn ghost moves... that's why Giratina is super effective against itself! *coughDragon/Ghostcough*
  7. true...unless you leave 2 of the peg's next to each other and an enemy comes between them, you have to waste attacks for a triangle attack...unless it's a boss...honestly if the peg's could move after attacking (like in 9 &10) then you could easily set it up...but in the GBA games, the triangle attack isn't useful...Heath FTW!
  8. Meteor does his research on the age of consent...
  9. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! everyone knows that splash is a OHKO move...no one has seen it activate yet... ...look, if they are stupid enough to expect a Kyogre with Thunder, then they may as well start teaching their Pikachu's earthquake*...no one logically should learn a move that is super effective against themselves... *this is not a reference to the anime, where Pikachu knows Earthquake, Fire Blast, Surf, Draco Meteor, Fly, Dash Attack, Thunder, and Thundershock, in that order
  10. I really like the style that the pictures were drawn in...it looks awesome, the shading rocks!
  11. you could have edited the second one to say sorry...
  12. Today's update reminded me of Kirby Air Ride...seriously, the whole "Do these challenges" and the "When you complete a challenge, you can see the ones next to it" and who could forget the "Use this and you automatically complete a mission" but they made sure not to leave out the "Oh and BTW you can't use the uber items on all missions" ^o^ I think I made a valid point...although the difference is that, in Brawl, challenges are going to be a small part of gameplay, in Kirby Air Ride, challenges were the only real point of playing (450 things to do! oh boy!)
  13. Meteor know all...or he just stares at people...one of the two...either that or spamming gives you knowledge...
  14. and the worst part is that it is true...again, we must remember that Meteor has a life...and most of us don't...
  15. it's ok if you look different than other people, Serenes Forest Forums is an equal oppurtunity posting community, they don't judge you based on how ugly you are...
  16. Aurion_Emblem


    I never had a "Hi, I'm new" thread (that's only the 5th time I've said so!)...and it just seems pointless posting in one...Meteor is usually good about saying hello as well, but he has more of a life than the rest of us >_>
  17. seriously, you are the pretty prince of parties! and I for one knew that Lucius was a dude when I first saw him...of course I had to argue with my friends that Erk and Lucius were dudes...I managed to convince them that Lucius was a guy before Erk though >_>
  18. Aurion_Emblem


    I like how the negative post club is always among the first to post in the introduction threads...with that said, welcome!
  19. dude, Kyogre + Thunder = win...oh no, I just gave out my anti-kyogre strategy! no one ever expects a kyogre to know thunder!!!
  20. who is lame for doing what? me for blaming sakurai or rabbit for not editing, or sakurai for umm being in charge of smash bros?
  21. seriously, Meteor no longer feels threatened by me--I mean us...well considering that 4 of the 5 were more active posters...Meteor was gone at the time, shame...
  22. I don't know, but why do you think he was accepting character requests on the japanese site? why do you think he moved the american release date to after the japanese one? why do you think he is japanese?
  23. well, if you have a good berserker, then he will be able to dodge everything except enemy swordmasters...who will have the attack power of dead rock...and so I send in my GBA (non-pre-promote) berserkers, who kill everything in 1 hit (which is usually a critical), while dodging and taking minimal damage...only have to heal Dart once a level...if that...
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