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Everything posted by Aurion_Emblem

  1. yeah...I know, I'm sorry...it's your fault I used it anyway...just look at the obvious chain of events!
  2. little did the unexpecting Meteor know, but within the week, the game would indeed be delayed a second time... oh and we need someone else to come in and get this thread back on topic...
  3. >_> you don't think I didn't realize that? I said I don't want to start an argument here...not to mention there is little evidence proving either side...it would just be saying opinions back and forth...you couldn't prove anything...it would just make people mad...
  4. nice, I have a friend who gets his license in March...mostly irrelevant... the first time I drove in the rain was my first behind the wheel lesson and my first time actually driving a car (because you can drive a car on private property without a license)... and yeah, just passed the written test the day before, and so I have my first lesson and it was raining...lovely learning curve, no? in general, I like overcast skies
  5. well the forums are 1 week old...I don't know...I just LoL whenever an old topic shows up in the View New Posts...ok I give you the point that 2 days isn't that long...but i dunno *shrugs* sorry...
  6. but that is gra(e)y not silver...Micaiah has SILVER hair, as in it is like t3#z REFLECTIVES where as hair doesn't naturally end up shiny's like that...
  7. well compared to the real world...yes... Green/Blue/Purple/Silver do not occur in the real world...old people have GRAY hair (or grey hair, personal preference on the spelling) not silver...so yes, there are more choices...
  8. oh, we're doing this the french way, are we? *tries to be on topic* soo how retarded will the fan be in brawl? HAX/lame/CHEEP-CHEEP/boring/non-existent(it won't be an item)
  9. oh him? he's lame...looks lame too...haven't played mind you...but you can tell from the looks...Ike just is awesome, you can't question that Vyse has a flying ship, and 2 swords that can change color whenever he feels like it Lloyd's dad is over 4000 years old...not to mention Lloyd has a sword that controls time and space (thus rendering Palkia and Dialga useless)
  10. wait, as the character in question or in general? but yes, the game will never actually be released... real men don't slap...real men use items...that's what Sakurai says...
  11. if that was in anyway directed at me, I'd like to point at post counts... I'd also like to say that I have been Pre-Newbie... oh and in the event that that is from Scrubs, I'm sorry, I don't watch the show, your efforts fly over my head...sorry... gosh darn, I want to hatch already!!!!!
  12. *face palm* 100% activation would mean it would always be activated under 20 hp...eddie doesn't always have it activated at the beginning of the game...Edward "so yeah, a little bird told me you needed help!...*wrath activates*...Hulk is feeling angry!!!" it doesn't happen that way...yes it activates a lot, but until Eddie levels up a bit, Wrath would always be activated, which it's not...
  13. yeah, but if I get a few quick, cheap kills with Jiggs at the beginning, then I try and win, just to make people hate me...
  14. no, Charlie is proof that unicorns exist...
  15. Rafiel annoys me...I don't want him all over my screen...it makes the forum look like it's populated by an army of the same person, with the mods being few and far between...If you had to have 100 posts or something, Rafiel wouldn't annoy me until more than 20 people had over 100 posts... do you see everyone with the same avatar? I don't think so...why should they have the same bannar that appears right below their avatar? it pretty much is a part of their avatar... sorry if this comes across as harsh...I'm not trying to start an arguement here...
  16. I like the vid...I'd start saying that if people asked...except for the part that I wash my hands...too bad...I think I'll just adopt the "No, 'cause I'm evil" part then... true there can never be too much cheese...fortunately Cheese Whiz isn't actually cheese...
  17. It's a NO from me...as previously stated, I hate how Rafiel is omnipresent...so I ad-blocked him...the others are ok...just I hate when everyone has the same thing..."Cause when everyone is special, then no one will be special" rough (very) quote from The Incredibles...sorry for that, I felt I had to say it... now I'm going to go quote my complaints and put them here! Sharing is caring? *Edit* ahh, here we go...
  18. argh, reviving dead topics! although, you are member 100...so it's ok this time...maybe...
  19. yeah, Pichu's standard A attack is very fun + spammable...not as spammable as Ness' downhold A, but still fun... if you are Ness and you get someone up against a wall, down A For Great Justice, they won't be able to escape for many, many percentages...
  20. Mist is waay better than Rhys...not to mention she helps in the fight...Horse = win...magic swords = win...normal swords = win...light magic = lame... that's all there is to it...Mist can cap Magic and Strength with little effort...either that or my Mists are blesssed...
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