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Everything posted by Aurion_Emblem

  1. but you can only use stickers in SSE, no stickers on "trophies" allowed when you are playing with your friends you should feel proud of yourself I just like how this is the longest thread...
  2. wait, what? taken from Serenes Forest's Max Stats by class how could she have had 36 luck as a SM, while her Luck cap is only 30? I'm sorry either Serenes has faulty data or you my friend are lying...
  3. that's 'cause Serra is oblivious to other people and enjoys talking ALL TOO much
  4. Let's see, I don't like eating green things (in other words, hate most vegetables, salad is ok, it has salad dressing), meat is yummy (nay, essential!), beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, I'm pretty bad at singing, I'm probably more graceful than many people on here, etcetra...
  5. no, just around my monitor...and yours...and whoever happens to see/load it...that is a lot of monitors mind you... so Joshua adds Slash +9 it's not Hack +9, so no reason for Meteor to put Joshua stickers on his "trophy"
  6. I like Gerik, 'cause he had enough con to wield a Steel Sword...that won lots of respect from me...
  7. Wist is definitely the most consistent person to have useful posts...in terms of length, general knowledge, and seriousness...definitely someone you take seriously...
  8. yes it did... yay, I'm not alone!
  9. I just like asserting myself...if you are used to/immune to my attempts...well it means you aren't a nub...
  10. Aurion_Emblem

    Be honest

    let's see, I use them most of the time...I won't put it on when I'm going on everybody votes or internet or when I'm going to use a Wavebird... but the fatty covers are retarded... my hands don't get sweaty when using it though...it annoys me when I have to share controllers (of any type) with other people, because they always leave the controllers WARM and SWEATY...can't you hold it loosely so it ventilates and isn't all nasty? Ugh...when I hand off a controller, you barely know I've used it...
  11. I'm annoyed when I can't skip credits... first time I beat PoR, my cousins had just come over, I was just about to kill Ashnard and I asked if I could beat it, they agreed...watching the credits is painful...we wanted to play Melee, but couldn't...just sat there for a long time...they gave me a hard time about it to this day... *edit* oh and I mash all buttons for like 10 seconds then go to the bathroom in the order of START, A, B, Shoulder buttons, START, A, START, Analog sticks, START, any other button I can find, B, A, START it's fun...then if time remains, I spam START, A and shoulder buttons...then I get annoyed and leave the room for a while...
  12. yes, they can triangle attack, but Marcia must be promoted...of course she must be promoted to see the convo, so you have met that requirement...
  13. yay for Meteor saving my sanity... if other games you play aren't linear at all, you need to get more RPG's in your life I don't care if you are scared of grenades, you need more of them!
  14. oh noez, redfoxoffire stretched mah screen! I R LIEK MADZ NOW! well azn's who play as Sheik clearly annoy me this much -------------------------------------------------] [---------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. soo, Meteor, do you type slow, or does shuffle also only play the first few seconds?...listening to all those songs in the time it took you to type them out...
  16. POWERS OF K THX, I SUMMON THEE! *fail* darn, I tried quoting all the k thx posts in this thread...and it said I quoted more things than I was allowed...good thing I previewed my post... k thx
  17. I swear that's not how you spell the pokemon's name...sorry...I thought it was him initially, but I didn't remember there being a U in its name... no, but when you get Lucia and Bastian, that chapter, Ike was like, "I'm going to save Geoffry, because that is what my employer wants. Yes I am the Duke of York (ok, not quite), but I am still a mercenary and still hired by Elicina to protect her and do what she wants, and right now she wants to save Geoffry, so that's what I'm going to do" there he was not fighting for good (getting Elicina to safety), he was being a mercenary...look, saving people isn't good...
  18. oh, it's ON! You don't go messing with this! k thx.
  19. I'm sorry, but give me pictures or games or something... I don't know who these people are...and wikipedia does not have an article for anyone named Arcues...
  20. in California it's when you are 15 1/2 take class (over spring/summer/christmas break) or Take an online course->then take written test at DMV with proof that you are signed up for driving school->take behind the wheel instruction, after your first lesson you can drive whenever you want with a parent->6 months later, you can take Driving test, where you drive it's funny, because for the written test, you have to have proof that you are signed up to learn, but you can't sign up to learn until you pass the written test... catch 22 really...
  21. me? none...just this one... yeah, I know they are there for a reason...I blocked the Member icon, which means that it is even more obvious who the higher ups are...now when I see an image, it stands out that I should take note of them, where as before, "Hey look, this picture is different, must be doing this too long, my eyes are bugging out"
  22. can you say Hammerne? that is really the only time I would find a use for the staff...I use mostly iron weapons, so I wouldn't have a reason to use a hammerne on anything...why didn't you trade him a weapon when you recruited him?
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