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Everything posted by Aurion_Emblem

  1. Holy...you are right, didn't notice that before...I'm mad now...Japan gets pushed back a week, and we get delayed a month!?! That just ruined my week... but thanks for bringing it to my attention... Sakurai couldn't even tell us in an update...he just put a small note at the top and changed the date on the side...
  2. Alright, today's (or tomorrow's or yesterday's or ect's depending on when you view this) update is a Pikmin stage called distant planet. It is not the earth, ok? soo throwing pellets at onions to get items? fun gimmick/lame idea very gimmicky stage, probably not one I'll play at a lot...
  3. Rafiel is ugly and can't fly...fails at being a Heron, which is look cool/awesome and fly
  4. yeah but still, Lloyd is awesome! seriously, all (video game) Lloyds are awesome sword wielders! (all 2 of them?) Jaffar is overrated, everyone likes him, Linus just likes to kill things, and Ursula rides a horse...Lloyd is a man with a crit bonus!
  5. cool, let me be first to welcome you on board *edit* hah, beat the rest of the welcome wagon! ahh, wanted to do that! I don't think they're on right now though...take that Hanz and Hikarusa! ^o^
  6. Lloydo! Heck yes! He looks awesome, and he has wicked facial hair! Not to mention he has the strongest sense of justice...
  7. seriously, I was like "WUT! Jill only grew 5 levels over the course of PoR?" That of course was after I questioned life itself for such crappy stats Lv 14 promote...but I quickly learned that this was intended so you could use her and she wouldn't steal XP
  8. and they are fitting it all on one disc! I mean, Sakurai took time out of his busy daily updates to say that he is fitting it all on one disc" (cite needed) MLA gods: "SMITETH!" me: "argh" MLA: "SMITE!" me: "blech" Sakurai: "YOU MUST RECOVER!"
  9. yeah, trutrue...Florida has old people, Washington has rain, Texas has cowboys, Kansas has white people (strongly European facial features) (not to mention their highest "Mountain" is only a hill by national standards), and California has surfers/asians/San Francisco...yeah, other than that, there aren't any real things about states that you can joke about as far as States go...
  10. matthew...I would say Volke but-- in PoR, Volke NEVER used Lethality...never...ever...never... and I haven't got to him in RD yet...Volke is awesome, but PLEASE use Lethality, please? ...compared to say Boyd, who activated Colossus every other attack...
  11. well he was harder in PoR, because you only had 5 turns...sorry, haven't got to him yet in RD, so if it is 5 again, then this point is void
  12. well, as far as town-specific jokes go, Seattle is #1 that I hear, which is why I asked...
  13. yeah, % makes more sense than say unlocking hammers by completing certain missions
  14. He sucks at FE...that's all...he only loses 1 character at a time though...he restarts...doesn't let them all die
  15. yeah...I didn't notice at all in game...DL-ed a bunch of sprite sheets...looking through them...WHAT!?! When did that happen?!?...shocked me...yeah, you learn a few things looking at sprite sheets...
  16. I have a question, being near Seattle, do the "It's always raining in Seattle/People from Seattle are scared when the sun comes out" get old or offend you? Sorry, just wondering...
  17. I'm so OCD though, that not having all the hammers would make me claw my eyes out...oh noez, I R missing hammah! it R not prefect!
  18. well that is what happens when you are as lazy as you are Amarao...anime > life itself...is not a good strategy
  19. well something about under-aged minors mooning people when they attack...>_> see Blade Lord + Lyn + Sol Katti...find your own sprite sheet!
  20. yeah! quick! hook up the dubious cables! Wii can brawl with 16 people!
  21. ok, what game are we going to wait out for? besides brawl and days of ruin, nothing is hitting US shores for a while...unless we are going to Japan and waiting for ToS:KoR (Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk)
  22. wow, that's special...I drive a mini-van...I like it...
  23. ah, true...was too lazy to click on the link first time...looks awesome and I agree with the pokeballs...but all you will see is the square...and well you can't tell he has pokeballs based on the square
  24. any...hmm...good thing you don't live in Seattle!
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