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Everything posted by Quick

  1. Units like Mia in the Fire Emblem series that are good but underdeveloped, like Guy from FE7. Can't expect a unit to be well-developed just because she's good. Also, she's not even close to the best unit in RD and she's overrated as hell. So many more units worth training over her in Part 3 and they are 3 other Trueblades that are kickass in Endgame so it doesn't matter, but I guess I shouldn't go too off-topic.
  2. What's a better girlfriend for a +Speed MU!Gerome that heals himself with Renewal, flies, and has 12 movement with Boots and no support bonuses? Dark Knight Libra!Noire or Bow Knight some father!Kjelle? I guess it's more of whether going magic or going physical is more important and Lucina should be with Yarne so she can't be it. :|
  3. It all makes sense now, Soren did Mist and everyone thought that Soren's bromance with Ike made him gay....quick check Paris's back and see if he has a brand It actually seems possible, but knowing IS I doubt it is.
  4. Too similar to Elieson's playthrough, I say do a legitimate Lunatic mode run because maybe one person finished one and I don't want to be the second or even the first to showcase a Lunatic playthrough. As for MU, Male +Speed, -HP.
  5. I personally think it makes sense, if anybody but Warrior's, Sniper's, and their 3rd tier counterparts could get it IS might've thought those classes would become meh and not as good as some of the other classes. As for the prepromoted thing.....I don't think you want to face those Archers in 1-2 if they had Crossbows....
  6. I might actually restart a Lunatic playthrough just to DLC grind and kill everything, just to reach the final chapter ASAP and let MU marry Aversa. Or I might not, a Speed+MU as Gerome's father makes him and Morgan pretty damn good.
  7. Ah. Makes sense now, I forgot that you practically Nowi solo'd this game. Then again if I could beat Gerome's map by chapter 21 then you can beat Inigo's.
  8. Don't be intimidated by what people say about the difficulty, and run Hard first so you can get the broken mechanics down, then it should be pretty easy after chapter 5 until around chapter 22. That's basically all I can advise you and after that you're pretty much set to go.
  9. ChromxOlivia for life man, for both love and for power, but how did you beat Inigo's? Or rather, why? He missed out on Galeforce (which won't matter until postgame but still) and was it worth braving through? It was worth braving through Gerome's for me but idk about Inigo haha.
  10. The latter is super inconvenient and causing me to sell 5 Steel Axes just so I can use my forged weapon for Haar without feeling bad, and in the localized versions they are a lot less Master Crowns so it's kind of hard to promote in that kind of sense. Ah well, I suppose it isn't a HUGE deal, only a nusience that they made the game easier for us for no apparent reason. I'm assuming that codes to bring these back up, (including the Wrath/Resolve and the other stuff that was changed) and I might actually end up doing one of those Serenes Forest posts and focus on using Edward RD needs more love man.
  11. MU and Cherche They sat on their chairs all day for the rest of their life and did nothing else, except for MU who had to call the Ylissian Volke some maid to force food and water into their mouth and move them to some place to poop in. The End.
  12. I suppose it was better for the newcomers, but it doesn't make me feel any better. I really wish they didn't nerf the difficulty at all since it means I still have yet to play the true difficulty. :L
  13. This, and another tip. DON'T FEEL INTIMIDATED. I know many people say that Lunatic mode is super difficult but they haven't actually felt pain before it's actually relatively easy after chapter 5, and from chapter 6-22 this game really wasn't that thought provoking, and that's basically most of the game. The intimidation factor will kill you if it sinks into your head man...
  14. This seems very interesting. Won't buy it but it still seems interesting.
  15. Rightful King Owain........oh lord I wish that was actually possible. Wait, that is the joke, right? Wait it's the fact that Chrom and Lissa are the parents isn't it.....wait how does Owain have brown hair then?
  16. I'll be surprised if you survive without Frederick, so idk what to say. Also yes, Maribelle can be easily rescued by a Lissa paired with MU/Miriel if Ricken and Maribelle range attack the nearest Myrmidon.
  17. BUT NOBODY PAYS ATTENTION TO LUIIIIGIIIII. Anyways this game is only a spinoff like Vincent already mentioned and like Mercury said the game has been out too soon to tell. And I'm glad it didn't break into popularity, tbh, at least I wouldn't want AWAKENING to be the FE game to start it's non-existant mainstream performance, but rather a game more true to the FE formula. Aka Localize FE12 so I can play it on my DS.
  18. Don't feel bad, the game is Lunatic with a billion more luck involved. If you lose a lot then it's not completely your fault.
  19. Speaking of Arvis/Libra.... Jaffar/Owain Selena/Gerome
  20. First run was in Hard Mode and was SPECIFICALLY for postgame, so I married Sumia because she had pretty good caps and I like Sumia a little bit. Second run was in Lunatic mode and was for both ingame and postgame, so I married Cherche because I needed the flying boost to get past chapter 16 easily and between Cherche and Lissa I thought that Cherche will be better since that means I can have Gerome have access to all male classes, which is better than Owain having it. Besides, if Lon'qu doesn't take Cherche, I'll take her.
  21. Because IS decided that the "vacuum the hell out of everything" weapon was too broken and so Nintendo sent Luigi to another mansion. Also, you can really just Mire the commander and rescue Nah and complete the chapter in one turn.
  22. It's worth the effort since it also makes Olivia great, but keep in mind that you might consider it "unfair" and not do it. I personally don't but people have different views on things.
  23. You have no idea how much I'm fanboying over Ephraim he's so awesome yayyyyyyyy! Oh yeah and Lyn is out and in two weeks Ike will be out.
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