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Posts posted by Wist

  1. What is a realistic price range? As a student, I'm naturally not willing to pay anything drastic. Is something around $250 too low a limit? How much will prices for TVs be reduced on Black Friday?

    As for what Meteor said: I've briefly looked into hooking a console up to a computer, but it appears that doing so would introduces latency. Please tell me if I'm wrong because I am intending to get a new computer within the next year (the one I use right now is slightly more than four years old).

  2. I didn't bring any consoles (sans my DS and PSP) to college because I was unsure as to how much free time I would have. Having been here for a few weeks I've noticed that I have enough free time to play console games; I don't want all of my free time to go into StarCraft (which a fair amount of it does right now). Unfortunately, because I did not anticipate bringing any consoles to college, I haven't invested in a cheap television. I have one at my mother's house but it's very heavy and bulky; I'm hoping to instead pick up a flat-screen TV of decent quality (ie: doesn't have a seven inch screen and won't fall apart within a year).

    Does anybody have any suggestions for a TV? Best Buy has a nineteen inch flat-screen going for $230 which supports 720p (I have a PS3). As far as I can make out from looking at the relevant websites, it is a better value than anything that Wal-Mart currently offers. Is this a fair deal or should I look elsewhere? Circuit City looks promising as well but I am inexperienced in this matter. Will prices be better if I wait for the holidays or Black Friday, or is now as good a time as any? I currently reside in the northeast United States (as does my family) so I probably won't order from a store like Future Shop.

    I am grateful for any suggestions or comments you may have.

  3. Upon reading your first three sentences, I predicted that you would attack the game's implementation of DRM like most everyone on Amazon. The topic and presentation of your rant was more amusing than I had expected.

  4. It's a joke. Hah hah. Hee hee. Ho ho.

    Perhaps not in the best taste but I'm not being serious. Vista, now that most of the bugs are gone, is a decent enough operating system and will be very good in a year or two. I'm just pretending to hate Microsoft on principle.

    But.......you cannot say Bill Gates is above reproof. A man wealthier than most countries, when so many are starving is not right. This massive inequality in the standard of living , with 1% percent of the population being richer than th other 99% combined is not a system which will last or bring stability and happiness to this world.

    Ah, sorry. I thought your claim was the result of blind bias; I was too presumptuous. However, while Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world, he is also one of the most prominent philanthropists. I won't support or disagree with your claims in regard to economic geography and financial stability because I don't know enough about them.
    The major contributor to why people don't like Vista, is because they don't like change. However if you've seen the Mojave project, you'll see that Vista is actually better than what people are saying.

    For those who don't know the Mojave Project was a group of Microsoft workers taking several people who never used or saw vista, but said it was terrible from what they've been told, and they put them all on computers with Vista, and said it was a new operating system they were making called "Mojave." All of the subjects rated Vista higher than when they entered the experiment, and a majority of which ended up recommending it. None of the subjects rated it lower than what they heard about it.

    The biggest problem with the Mojave Experiment is that it was organized, and very much controlled, by Microsoft. It's difficult to determine how much merit the project deserves because there was no safeguard against Microsoft biasing against disagreeable functionality in Vista. I think it would have been much better if such a project had been carried out by an independent organization and volunteers were allowed to experiment with various aspects of the operating system themselves.
  5. Windows Vista is epic phail. Never trust Microsoft. Bill Gates kills babies.
    Bill Gates is one of the most prominent philanthropists in the world, he also hasn't been credited for writing any code in a Windows operating system for nearly two decades. Disparaging Bill Gates because of the performance of Windows Vista is as unjustified as would be attacking VincentASM if the next Fire Emblem is poorly received by fans.
  6. When I read this quote in one of my classes, I take it literally and think of a student who keeps failing history class, and how he has to repeat it if he doesn't learn from it.

    Although a real applicable use would be when Hitler made the same mistake of trying to take on the russians during the winter with insufficent supplies.

    Those examples make good sense (I like how you used it in the former example especially), but as a general principle it is still too vague to be of much use.
    Oh, and Hitler wasn't? HE inspired us NOT to use Blue Eyed blonde haired soldiers and/or murder people, cuz you end up dying.
    "All great world shaking events have been brought about, not by written matter, but by the spoken word." - I do not agree with this statement, but it is relevant to the quoted topic.
  7. There is no English L or R sound in Japanese. The Japanese R is pronounced differently which is why a Japanese with an accent sounds like he is using an L in place of an R, or vice versa; the sound expressed is a small spectrum in between. If you speak Japanese with an English L or R, it will sound wrong (the way a Japanese Tsu used in place of Tu sounds wrong in English but is still understandable). L is the closest equivalent for the sound in English, but most people still use a romanization scheme using R descendant from the one invented by the Portuguese in the 1500s (sounds change, for example: Beijing's old romanization of Peking used to be a more accurate transliteration of its Mandarin counterpart and English is poorly represented phonetically compared to other languages due to a lack of orthographical changes).


    Also シ looks like a smiley.

    Heh, which is happiest: シ or ツ?
    ぁ ぃ ぅ ぇ ぉ

    ァ ィ ゥ ェ ォ

    Hmm you can't do that in japanese eh? My IME program says otherwise. :P

    When inputting Japanese into a computer, L (X can be used for vowels as well) is used to type smaller versions of the applicable syllabary letters. ぁ vs あ, っ vs つ, ィ vs イ, etc.

  8. Firefox 2 eats up too much memory if it left running for a long time (I don't remember Firefox 1 having marked problems with memory consumption but maybe it's not something I would have paid attention to four years ago). Firefox 3 is noticeably better in this respect.

  9. Ah, sorry; my opening was unclear. I meant that I could not find a Wikipedia article for other people to get a brief overview of the anime. I mean to suggest that other people try watching the anime. I thought that having a quick reference may help others determine if they think they'd enjoy watching it or not; but yes, Google is sufficient (and happens to yield the Wikipedia article I did not find before, perhaps I had misspelled it in my search).

  10. I posted when the site was fucked up still. I said:

    Meh that sucks. I dont get why ppl keep saying they have some sort of disc reading issue, I leave my brawl disc out on the floor for weeks straight and it reads 100% fine.

    I am confused enough by your post that I think I may have misunderstood it.... People report a disc read problem because their Wii stops playing the game. Regardless of how the disc is treated (assuming it is not actively wrecked or in very poor condition), the problem most frequently lies with the disc reading mechanism inside the Wii. A number of GameCubes experienced faulty lasers, as did many first generation PS2s. Enough Wiis experience trouble in this regard that Nintendo has responded. The problem is in a comparatively similar vein to the red ring of death in the Xbox 360; some early 360s have never been affected by a hardware failure despite frequent use and others fail quickly or randomly.
  11. I use Firefox because of the multitude of useful extensions. I have Internet Explorer 7, but that is because my university forbids me access to their network (and thus access to the Internet) if my computer is not entirely up to date. I have the Internet Explorer extension for Firefox just in case I come across a site with which Firefox is incompatible, but I haven't had to use it for a long time. I am happy enough with Firefox that I have never felt inspired to experiment with other browsers.

  12. This is dependent on the mistake and the scope of people one is referring to (I don't know how to word that but I hope it makes sense). Were one to make the mistake of consuming a poisonous plant, it is unlikely that the individual who did so would have an opportunity to repeat the mistake (this is on the individual scale which the quote may or may not attempt to define). On a larger scale, Sega repeated the mistake of putting a console in the market too soon before its competitors and suffered because of it, yet Microsoft was noticeably more successful with the Xbox 360 despite using the same strategy as Sega.

    The quote makes sense, but only as a vague generalization. Personally, I do not think it can be reliably applied to any particular situation because it neglects the multitude of complex factors might be involved.

  13. I could not find a Wikipedia article to link to (although it is allegedly related to this) but I watched the first three episode of this series at my university's anime club. The first episode is a parody of anime (much like the opening episode of Suzumiya Haruhi but with a broader scope). It's quite funny (at least in a group, although I believe it is still quite funny in its own right). Until the end of September, it can be watched for free on-line. It has a medieval Etrian Odyssey-like atmosphere.

    There is a scene in the first episode which pokes fun at a particular aspect of eroge and may be best avoided by those who would find it uncomfortable, either due to age or personal preference.

    Has anybody watched this? Is anyone willing to give it a try (if you have some spare time to kill it might be worth giving the first episode a try).

    Edit (20.09.2008):

    Fixed an erroneous parenthesis.

  14. Alexander the Great died after drinking and partying for a week, lol. He was not in any way an ideal ruler.
    The idea that drinking at his final banquet influenced Alexander the Great's death is one of many hypotheses; the same is true for the idea that he may have been assassinated. It is very possible that he died of malaria or some other disease entirely unrelated to his drinking habits and any potential assassination attempts. Even if intoxication was the catalyst of his rapid degeneration, it does not dispel evidence of Alexander the Great's strategic and political prowess. His use of execution as a means of maintaining order is much more controversial in regard to his perceived virtues than is his choice to participate wholly in a banquet.
  15. i have yet to put it to good use as in Chaotic use, of course

    that striking down people sounds promising.....

    *shifty eyes*

    and how about giving people paper cuts? paper cuts are evile!

    The papercuts would best be given in a random fashion. Slices of paper could be removed from the planner and kept in your pocket until an opportunity to put them in a place inconvenient for others arises. Alternatively, you could make
    ; they do not tend to move predictably when thrown.
  16. Video game tracks have an inherent nostalgic value attached to them (assuming one has played the game from which the music was derived). I do not like listening to music solely for the purpose of listening to music. As such, I tend only to listen to video game music and music in languages I am studying or interested in (if I choose to listen to anything).

  17. I watched somewhere between the first fifty and eighty episodes sometime within the past three years (I cannot remember when more precisely, but it was not spread throughout that entire time period). It was funny despite its immature nature, but it grew repetitive (in the same way that Inuyasha grew repetitive, if you sympathize).

  18. ...and one hour outside regular class time as a practicum to practice and refine skills.
    Haha. I don't see how teaching the students to play the game well is integrated into the alleged focus of the course itself. At least this course had a potentially valid excuse for involving game playing. I'm curious as to how the Oberlin course in Smash Bros was taught (and how many people who weren't already familiar with the game signed up).
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