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Posts posted by Wist

  1. When I'm about to make a post on a forum, I occasionally get out of my seat and walk a few steps then sit down and make the post. Like I did just a few moments ago. I also have a habit of twirling a pen or pencil back and forth when I'm thinking.
    I also twirl a pen or pencil back and forth while thinking (or spacing out).
    I fall asleep. Even if I'm not tired, if I'm just not doing anything, I'll get tired.
    I did not experience quite the same thing, but I used to be incessantly tired while in school. I'd promise myself that I'd take a nap once school was finished, but I would be wide awake by the time I had got back home.
  2. After a quick glance at Amazon, it appears that most first party Nintendo DS games sell for $30 or $35 (minus one cent in each case). Assuming what I saw accurately represents Nintendo's general pricing policy, I would be surprised if Fire Emblem 11 were to sell for $40 at retail (assuming it will be localized). Not even the two most recently localized Pokemon games sold for $40.

    I looked at play-Asia site and the price for this game is $48.90 US dollars...I wonder how much more would be spend including the shipments?
    I have a $10 off coupon if you are thinking about importing the Japanese version of the game from Play-Asia. It is only valid if the price of items is $50 or more, but you can add some cheap candy to the order (that's what I did) and the coupon will offset both the cost of both the shipping and the candy.

    EDIT (16.09.2008):

    I am referring to US dollars. My assumptions may be invalid with respect to Canada (I do not know how games tend to be priced in Canada).

  3. Well...R-Type becomes much easier when you memorize the patterns and such. Gradius becomes very hectic once you proceed to the higher levels, and it becomes even harder if you get more and more upgrades. I suggest you try it out for yourself and see how hard it can get. I can help you pirate it.
    I think I will try it out, thanks for the suggestion, Nightmare. I would, however, prefer to download it to the Wii Virtual Console when I am next at home (unless the installment you're talking about isn't available on recent consoles).
  4. I've only gotten up to the third level in Gradius III for SNES.

    It's difficult dodging because everything kills you in one shot. .-.

    But the upgrades are awesome.


    Neat, thanks for the link.

    This is what I'm gonna say is the hardest.

    I don't think that's true (that's not the case for Super Smash Bros Melee at least), but can definitely appreciate what you're driving at. Certainly StarCraft is to South Korea as table tennis is to China, but on an even more exaggerated scale.
  5. (although I think philosophy came from religon)

    philosophy is important, but alot of hard core philosophers (especially modern) end up losing thier mind after a while (know too many cases to argue otherwise)

    Such as?

    I am not trying to trivial or rude, philosophy is a subject in which I have very limited experience.

  6. Playing StarCraft against Koreans is a beastly task. I believe Ikaruga is the most challenging of single player games I can recall having played, but playing StarCraft with a respectable degree of maintained efficiency is something that takes a huge amount of dedication and practice.

    Nightmare, how do the Gradius games compare to Ikaruga or R-Type? I have never played a Gradius title before.

  7. I am right handed but I can write with my left hand (a little slower but with good form). I am in no way ambidextrous but I took most of my notes in school with my left hand to see how much I could improve (and to alleviate boredom).

    Can anyone write with both hands at the same time? I certainly can't but I'm wondering whether ambidextrous people are able to do it without too much effort.

  8. I don't mean to suggest any personal affection or discontent towards Google. In the public eye, Google was seen as the large company most opposed the perceived evils of most corporations. I am wondering whether or not the general public's opinion has changed.

  9. It'll be worth using if it has sufficient support. Firefox clearly dominates in terms of support in regard to its cast array of available extensions. If Google's new browser is prove a superior browser then I will consider switching to it. Unfortunately for Google, Mozilla (and to a lesser degree other organizations which create web browsers) inspired Microsoft to pay much more attention to Internet Explorer. The market (if it counts as a market) will be much tougher for Google than it was for Mozilla unless the company truly can produce a revolutionary and superior product. I personally have not found Google's on-line applications more useful than software I already have access to. I suppose we'll have a much better idea of how worthy Chrome is once a stable version is released.

    Has Google lost its image as a company opposed to evil or have it's privacy issues degraded that reputation?

  10. I'm done with these tests I took like 10 different kinds for school and they were all different it was stupid
    Haha, I remember taking tests to determine what careers I might be good at and they resulted with the same erratic lack of pattern.

    I don't quite understand the graph. What does it mean to perceive introverted and think extroverted? I don't have any basis upon which I would give credence to a test like this, but I am curious for the sake of being curious.


    The second graph neglects to show my lack of musical aptitude (which was allegedly fifteen percent, whatever that means).

    Nightmare's awesomeness is absolutely breathtaking. I lower my head in shame.

  11. I didn't mean to suggest that "the" is supposed to sound like "thick." They are two sounds represented by the same consonant cluster (the way 's' can be pronounced like a conventional 's' or a 'z', or 'g' can be pronounced hard or soft). They can, however, both be pronounced with the same tongue placements (like 'd' and 't').

  12. I just learned that my sisters say both 'th' sounds (the one used in "thick" and the one used in "this") differently than I do. The topic came up because I had noticed that my little brother (who is seven years old) still cannot consistently produce the sound used in "thick" correctly, he usually substitutes it with an f-like sound, so I asked him how he positions his tongue.

    Anyways, I pronounce both 'th' sounds with the tip of my tongue jutting out underneath my top teeth whereas my sisters place their tongues behind the upper part of their teeth. I've found it's easy to use either, but I had never before considered placing my tongue differently.

    So where do you place your tongue to pronounce 'th,' underneath your teeth or behind them?

    EDIT (29.08.2008):

    The poll option "I use switch depending on the specific sound." should read "I switch depending on the specific sound."

  13. This is interesting; I'd like to add another question if that's okay with you all. I'm curious as to how relevant a game's atmosphere is in regard to one's attitude towards similar games. Do you like the atmosphere in any Fire Emblem game over that of any other? Any other series would work as well if you'd like to mention them, but the Fire Emblem games are generally fairly similar to each other. I don't mean whether or not you liked any game more than any other, but do any of them elicit a different emotional response or mindset overall?

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