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Posts posted by Wist

  1. I think it depends a fair amount on the attitude and methods of the teacher. During the previous school year I had to write an essay nearly every week and each test was made up of two forty minute essays so as to mimic the style of the written portion of the AP exam. My teacher this year has had my class write many more analytical pieces but they are usually much less intensive than those from the prior class; I have written very few full essays this school year. This year's class has been much easier than last year's class was.

    Fireman, have you any in taking a more extensive English course? You might be allowed to try it out and decide later whether or not you wish to continue with the class. Many students dropped out of my class this year during the summer after tackling the summer reading. There were, however, two students, who initially expected to drop the class, persevered and are now performing exceedingly well.

    SmartRutter7, out of curiosity, do you have to write a lot of DBQ essays in class? My teacher last year said that approximately half of AP History teachers focus heavily on effective essay writing whilst the other half focus almost entirely on repeated exposure to the content being taught. My teacher fell into the latter category but I am curious as to how a class which spends more time on DBQ writing (we did not touch upon the topic until late March or early April and we spent only five or six hours looking at example essays at best), if that is how your class is taught, is structured and would compare with my previous class.

  2. Never saw Clannad, beware of Crows in Air, and enjoy the harem for Shuffle!.

    Still trying to decide what to watch, but don't have a feel for it. Anyone want to select something for me from the collection?

    Have you yet watched Elfen Lied? You have multiple copies of Neon Genesis Evangelion so I have a sneaking suspicion that it would be redundant for me to suggest it.
    I've watched the first 3 episodes so far and it's really funny, but it's only 26 episodes long and each episode is only 11/12 minutes long. LINK TO PLAYLIST, the episodes are only 10 minutes long and there's only 26 episodes, but so far it's funny.
    After Clannad, when I am next in the mood for a comedy, I'll give Cromartie High School a try. I had not heard of it before you mentioned it.
  3. I would assume that HTML would be intended only for more intricate presentations of text. For example, one would be able to use horizontal rules or tables with HTML; one is not able to use the aforementioned text formatting options, or others, with the code normally available. One can post links or images using BBCode tags, but an image cannot be given an alternative title description unless one is permitted to use HTML.

    Keep in mind that this is an assumption on my part; I am not a staff member, nor did I take any part in the decision to allow members to post HTML, so it is possible that my post is inaccurate.

    Edit (28.04.2008):

    VincentASM, it appears that I am able to use HTML in my posts. I feel safe assuming that this is an error or oversight in the way the privilege is granted because I do not meet the stated requirements for the ability to use HTML. I do not have the rights of a Hatchling or Heron so it seems that only the privilege to use HTML has slipped through the cracks.

  4. I am just confirming that I have read, and thus acknowledge, your response. I will watch Clannad when I next have a fair opportunity to do so.

    Hikarusa, have you found Cromartie High School enjoyable, or is it too early to make an assessment?

  5. If people finished with Kanon, then they should put Clannad on their list. Made by same people. It's not quite as good as Kanon, but it's still very good, almost like Kanon.
    I'll watch Clannad if you put Air on your line-up of anime to watch.
  6. I have a similar opinion to coolguyvatars. I read The Crucible for class last year but I did not find it enjoyable. I have lived in New England for multiple years so I was already very much familiar with the Salem Witch Trials; familiar enough that the play offered no new historical insight for me or my classmates, so I found it boring and unfavorable.

  7. The DVDs contain both the original Japanese audio and an English dub. Subtitles are also available. I have never bought anime in Europe but I would not be surprised if the case were the same.

  8. The game in question appears to have an impressibly huge line-up. Does every card represent a playable character?

    I found cards for Marth, Roy, and Lyn (spelled Lynn), alongside Hector and Eliwood whom you had already mentioned.

  9. Haha, hahahahahaha! I'm sorry, Dokuro-chan is... not an an anime I would have personally thought to recommend, haha.

    I have just completed Kanon and I fully intend to buy the remaining DVDs when they are made available in the US; such a sweet and touching story most certainly deserves it. Kyoto Animation appears to have done an excellent job of incorporating all of the story arcs (not that I have yet played the game) into one fluid medium. The story was more emotionally enthralling than Air (which I would still recommend to anyone with the time or interest); Raven, I am very pleased that you inspired me to watch Kanon and I thank you for having done so.

  10. That is good to hear, thank you for the quick response. When you reach more complex fights or environments, can you tell me how potential problems with the frame rate compare with the PlayStation 2 version, if there are any? I suppose it would also be beneficial to have confirmation as to whether the dodge command is broken, as suggested may be the case by Zephrion. Again, thank you; I very much appreciate your help.

  11. I have two $5 off coupons (for orders over $50) from Play-Asia, but they expire on April 18th. I do not intend to place any orders within the next two days so, if anyone wants one, or both, of them (if I remember correctly, one cannot use two coupons for one order, but two separate orders can be made if one is purchasing multiple items), then I will gladly PM them to whoever first express an interest. I do not know if anyone here intends to import anything from Play-Asia, especially within this abrupt time frame, but I figured it was worth checking because the coupons will otherwise go to no use. I used to buy cheap $.49 or $.99 candies with games just below the $50 cut off point to make the coupon valid, a useful tactic considering a lot of titles sell for an evil price of around $49.90.

    Edit (18.04.2008):

    This offer has since expired.

  12. Thank you very much, and please don't feel pressured to rush; the recipient's birthday is a month away.

    As you say, the PlayStation 2 version is difficult to find; it will thus inevitably be a little more expensive than its Wii counterpart. I am, however, willing to spend the extra ten or fifteen dollars if the Wii version is in some way inferior. That will probably not be the case, but I want to be certain.

  13. Can anyone who has played the PlayStation 2 version, and now intends to purchase the Wii version, make a personal and independent assessment of how much the Wiimote affects the efficiency with which one can use the Celestial Brush, whether or not the occasional frame rate drops have been ironed out, and if load times are noticeably superior this time around? There is conflicting information about some of these concerns from reviewers. I have been contemplating purchasing Okami as a gift for someone, but, if I do make the purchase, I want to buy the version most easily played. Any pertinent information is very much appreciated.

  14. That sounds neat, I find alternate histories to be quite fun. I'll inquire about The Eyre Affair the next time I find myself in a book store.

    Do you know of Kim Stanley Robinson's The Years of Rice and Salt? I wouldn't think it to be in quite the same vein as Thursday Next as you described it, but it is, in my opinion, another noteworthy alternate history.

  15. I don't know if you live within the vicinity of a GameStop store, but you can try using their game locator tool in order to search for a used copy of Fire Emblem. If any results come up positive, you can call up a store which claims to have the game in stock to confirm whether or not they have it. It is worth a try if you have not performed a similar search already, I was able to snag a copy of Ikaruga using this method.

  16. That's interesting...

    Do you like it though?? I think those publishers don't know what's good when they see it.

    I did not particularly take to Pride and Prejudice, but I read the book two or three years ago and did not understand it very well. I think I would get a lot more out of Pride and Prejudice were I to read it again. My father is very much keen on Jane Austen's works and almost certainly owns a copy of the book in question, perhaps I should borrow his copy from him this summer.
    I'm reading a sheakespeare comedy for class now.

    I liked his plays, and I even had this biggass book of his works, but I stopped reading it because it was in such bad repair...

    Which play are you currently reading? I am not much informed about his comedies; the only comedies of Shakespeare that I have read are Taming of the Shrew and Twelfth Night.
    Anyone read the Thursday Next series? It's really cool, too.
    I haven't, what's it about?
  17. I'm really getting into Pride and Prejudice right now (Chapter 7). The coolest thing about it is how the writing was fresh enough to be read right now, 200 years after it was written!

    Unfortunately, modern publishers may disagree with you.

    Edit (10.04.2008): I clarified to whom I was responding by adding in the quote to which I responded.

  18. There is no need to apologize, the discussion in this thread itself suggests that Kanon is definitely worth a try. I will see if I can get my hands on the first few episodes this coming week.

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