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Posts posted by Wist

  1. If you would still like to look through some Kanon wallpaper, you can look here. I don't know if you are required to sign in, I made my account too far back to remember. You can also probably look for other anime and game wallpaper through the site if you wish. This website also has some Kanon wallpaper (and wallpaper from other anime and games), but there is noticeably less material.

    Anime Paper may be of interest but you must sign in (and there may be a limit to how much one can download each day, but I'm not sure if I'm thinking of the correct site or not.).

  2. Multicultural History

    Music Appreciation

    U.S. Literature

    Physical Anthropolgy

    Simple semester this time :/

    What is Music Appreciation? There is a two sentence Wikipedia article on the subject, but it's not very clear. Does it focus more on the history or the music itself?
  3. MaSu, are you counting Fire Emblem 1 as a part of Fire Emblem 3? Fire Emblem 1 on its own isn't, to my knowledge, available on the Japanese Virtual Console, but 3 and 4 are (with 5 coming this month).

  4. My father makes fun of me because he beat Wind Waker before I did. He also gave me competent tactical advice while I played Resident Evil 4 despite never playing the game himself. Funnily enough, like Songbird, I have been unable to get my Dad interested in Fire Emblem. He used to play the Pokemon TCG and StarCraft with me, but he now only plays Zelda games.

    I don't necessarily expect to keep playing games as I get older, but I wouldn't be surprised if I do. I agee with Lyle Dayek that video games are very much a part of our time (but then again, arcades were a notable success in the 1970's and have since declined into obscurity). Anime is not as mainstream as video games in North America and Europe, but if it begins to entrench itself into popular culture as games have managed to do, then I may continue to watch anime as I get older. Otherwise I predict I'll stop before I'm thirty (but who knows what will really happen?).

  5. I have the first three Trauma Center games, but I have yet to complete Under the Knife and Second Opinion. I think I will probably pick up Under the Knife 2 fairly soon.

    I agree that New Blood is noticeably easier when played with a competent partner. A friend and I played through the game in one long session (somewhere between five to eight hours, I'm not sure, but I wanted to go for a run after sitting down for so long)....

    I've read that Under the Knife 2 is easier than its predecessor. Can someone confirm or debunk this suggestion from their own experience?

  6. StarCraft is played professionally in South Korea and matches are broadcast on national television; the Korean Air Force has its own official StarCraft team. It's ridiculous and awe inspiring at the same time. I was good at losing to Koreans on the PGT ladder....

    Does Ragnarok allow players to play with people from any country/with any language, or are they restricted to the country/language version which they use? I might give it a try again if I find myself too bored later this summer. Funnily enough, I just yesterday learned that the son of one of my old teachers recently developed a keen interest in Ragnarok after breaking one of his wrists.

  7. I played Ragnarok Online a little bit in 2003, but I ended up playing only StarCraft instead. I know one person who plays the game, but I don't know him very well. It might be fun to go back to sometime, do a sizable number of people still play the game?

  8. I hope I am not dredging up an abandoned thread, but it was posted in yesterday and I would like to say something I believe is important to express. I hope that this post can be of some help to those who appear to want to learn a language but have relegated the idea to a university study. Anyone with fair experience (there appears to be at least a few polyglots here) with language learning and disagrees with me can make their opinion known. I was raised with one language at home so my perspective may differ from that of anyone with two or more native languages; I am curious to see how Gino Weinberg, Nightmare, Sword Saint, or Renan in particular approach language acquisition if they ever felt inclined to divulge their own perspectives, but I wouldn't discredit anyone's input. I can recognize that I myself am heavily biased by my own experiences.

    For those of you looking to learn Japanese, or any other language with insufficient school courses, I suggest you do some research on-line and study your target language yourself. Once you sort through the inevitable rubbish, you will find a great wealth of useful resources; Japanese as much so as any other language. There are multiple methods for acquiring Kanji, Hanzi, or whatever method of writing, within a surprisingly short time frame, and there are various useful suggestions for internalizing foreign grammar. I could provide some example websites for anyone who is motivated to tackle Japanese him/her-self (it is the language I am currently most focused on so I have a lot of listed links and resources easily available), but you'll probably find many of the same materials and methods yourself if you decide to search yourself.

    I have little faith that one can learn a language to any degree of proficiency from high school and university classes alone. It is not, however, overwhelmingly difficult to make great progress by yourself if you know what you're doing and you maintain your motivation. Classes can allow for access to a variety of resources, but they're rather deficient for language acquisition itself. A classroom environment is inherently confined to teaching a class as a whole which results in the use of bland instructive material, a wonderful way to demotivate students and stifle any potential progress. 'Learning' a language at university won't be anywhere near as rewarding or helpful, especially if it is not taught effectively (as is most frequently the case at American universities with languages outside of the Romantic and Germanic spheres). While not directly pertinent to the flow of the thread thus far, I want to stress that you should ignore anyone who tells you a language is too hard and time consuming, or that five year olds have magical language midi-chlorians which dissipate after a certain age; listening to people who failed at a discipline won't help nearly as much as listening to people who succeeded. If you believe you can succeed and actively strive to make it a reality, you'll inevitably surprise yourself with your progress.

    I speak English and Argentine Spanish, and okay Korean (I've not used Korean for a while so it's deteriorating).... I'm learning Japanese (I promise you that anyone who suggests Japanese is one of the most difficult language in the world is entirely wrong) and I intend to start Italian within the next few years (although that intention may yet change).

  9. ^yeah that is a pain, but I got a border story for ya. When my family was going back to the states from canada, we got pulled to the side because this asshole thought he could protect the entire country from terrorists. We had to let people search our van and when they were done, we found out that it was our bananas... our fucking bananas were the reason we had to get pulled aside because of some disease or something they might bring (???)
    My family has been delayed entrance to Canada twice, but never the United States. I cannot recall the first time very clearly but I know our car was searched. We were detained the second time because my sister's green card (we are not United States citizens) had expired (we had sent in to update the card but the process was not yet complete). We were told that we might be barred access to Canada because we'd have trouble getting back into the United States. We were allowed in to the country once we proved that the green card was still technically valid for another six months because we had done what was legally necessary to have it updated, but it took a while. Funnily enough, the border guard on our way back to the United States didn't even notice that the card was outdated. We also got to keep all of our food. :)

    I've been to Canada, England, France, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, the United States, and Wales.

    wow that is a lot of them and i've only be to canada for 7 hours
    Is it okay for me to ask why you were in Canada for only seven hours?
  10. I last night updated my Windows XP to Service Pack 2 (I never felt the need to do so before...) and certain useful utilities appear to have been automatically removed as a result. I found Volume Control online and Microsoft Sound Recorder in some arbitrary service pack folder, but I can't find original Windows versions of Calculator and Character Map. I don't go to any other forums at the moment so I was hoping that someone here with a couple of extra minutes could upload the aforementioned two programs for me.

    The two programs can be found (in Windows) by going to Start > Run and entering "system32". A folder named "system32" should pop up. I'm looking for "Calc.exe" and "charmap.exe". I would appreciate it if somebody with a little spare time could copy those two programs into a .zip/.rar file and upload it, or e-mail it to me; thank you.

  11. Yeah, Hawaiian. It actually has Hawaiian grammar, so it's spelled Ka‘ōnohiokala. But since most websites don't have/allow the ō character, I just spell it w/o Hawaiian grammar.
    How do you pronounce the name L'Arachel?

    I was looking for a one or two syllable word to be my screen-name, one that was fairly easy to pronounce. Probably because 'wist' is so outdated, it was the first such word that I thought of which did not turn up any forum member names via a Google search.

  12. I do not yet have a clear career goal in mind but, at the moment, I am inclined towards the idea of working in a non-English speaking country in a profession involving languages or possibly programming. If that doesn't work out...

    Video games-I wish to make them

    Video game betas-I wish to test them

    Animé/manga store or video game store-I wish to work there

  13. It was one of the ONLY series I collected as it was being released. I really felt bad for all the grunts, and am waiting for the scanlations to finish up with the Manga. (I know the end and it's a lot more satisfying the anime)

    As for Neon Genesis Evangelion, would you believe I only paid for one of the sets?

    Perhaps you would be willing to share?
  14. I see.

    Well, good luck with that, everyone. I'll continue with my A levels on my lonesome.


    AP is very roughly synonymous with A-Levels or International Baccalaureate, but I don't think that AP exams are as widely recognized internationally as the latter two, if at all.
    But really, high school just seems to waste so much time compared to college life, education included >.>
    I have no personal experience with being educated in a college environment but I am inclined to agree with you. I believe that the school classroom environment is ineffective for the teaching of some kinds of material. A teacher is forced to either match the pace of the slowest or least motivated students or neglect a portion of the class to make superior progress (an option that a teacher in the United States does not have available to him or her). The students as a whole suffer as a result. This is most pronounced in foreign language classes which I have found utterly useless when the number of students nears ten, and still inherently limiting even with a much reduced class size.

    Could you elaborate on how your college English course differs from AP English courses? I would assume that your class may have more leeway because it does not have to be taught according to a final exam, but that is an uneducated assumption.

  15. Ok, it looks like our classes roughly align. My class, however, did not often involve note-taking during the teacher's lectures because it was expected that the students would already have notes from assigned readings.

    Are you intending to take AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC? My maths are deficient in comparison to other subjects but motivated students in my school have opted to strive for the BC exam despite the fact that my school does not offer the BC course.

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