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Posts posted by YokaiKnight

  1. If your using someone like Boyd you'll have a hard time getting past Mages. :(

    I usually prefer using Random so none of my stats are bad like resistance.

    I don't do BEXP abuse, so my Boyds end up with shitty resistance anyway. Maybe not always as bad, but low enough to not make a difference.

    And he got enough speed in fixed mode for as long as I used him.

  2. After playing RD, I'm guessing those two were Kyza and Lyre since neither of them appear in this game. Lyre is mentioned in one of Ranulf and Lethe's support convos. The tiger is a similar colour to Kyza and Lyre is Lethe's twin so it's possible that it could be them.

    Personally, I don't think they'd even made up Kyza and Lyre when they did this cutscene.

  3. Uh... That's my cue.

    I, too, am leaving. If any of you care, unlikely, you can find me on MSN. colelocke@live.com

    I might be around to post on my story every once a week or so, but I'm not too sure about that. Good-bye, and thank you for the time I spent here, Serenes Forest.

    cool story bro
    cool story bro
    cool story bro
  4. I'm calling bullshit on this warn. He did. Not. Break. A. Rule. If the joke was in absolutely horrible taste (which is still debateable), locking the thread and giving him whatever tongue-lashing desired would have been appropriate, but an actual warn for doing something that violates no rule is not cool.

    That being said, I'll understand if someone comes in and says that I need to bitch somewhere else. If so, who do I talk to about getting his warn removed?

    ...I feel like I'm Cynthia. Dang.

    you might just have been a sort of role model
    I highly doubt the staff would do something stupid like that, when there are people who are actually breaking rules to make examples out of.
    It's called having common sense.
    If lacking common sense was a punishable[/i] offense, there are a lot of threads that could be put before this as needing to be dealt with. But it's not, so I guess that's irrelevant.
    Stating that another member has passed away, regardless of it being a joke, is just bad taste. There are certain lines you just shouldn't cross.
    I can understand that, but why not just lock the thread, tell him so, and leave it at that? The staff aren't moral police too, are they?
  5. 5 brothers:

    1 mysterious possibly dead half brother, never met

    3 stepbrothers, maybe not actually related to these anymore

    1 younger brother, currently reside with this niglet

    NO sisters

    NO transvestites

    ...Final Destination.

    ...I think you are going to be an awesome member.

  6. I hope you know that ALL anime are technically "DUBBED".
    Oh, stuff it. :[ Read every instance of subbed and dubbed with "English" in front of it. :P
    As for Excel Saga, I remember back in the day people described it as the "show which couldn't be dubbed" well they were proven wrong...even if it did take 2 voice actresses first one had to quit on health grounds caused by the acting

    That's one of the few shows I can imagine that happening for. XD

  7. What im tired of in the film industry other than remakes, is those bratty teen movies and horrible stupid comedy (Superbad, etc)
    I understand the general sentiment, but Superbad was freaking hilarious, you should give it another chance. Then again...I'm 18. XD
    i mean come on! the whole "Porky's" humor has been done to death, lets get on with it!! i cant stand most comedies anymore..the only comedy i can stomach these days are stuff like Burn After Reading (that shit was funny!)...
    I wanna see that. I'm into whatever genre you'd classify stuff like Snatch and Pulp Fiction as. Hilarious movies.

    EDIT: My apologies for reporting a post that had already been handled.

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