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Posts posted by YokaiKnight

  1. Easy. I would get a long weapon (so that they can't get close too me without me bashing their head off or cutting or something), and get a projectile just in case.

    What if they run up in yo spot?

  2. What use is it if someone bumps a 5 month old thread just to say he voted for Fiona in a "fav female cav" poll? Relevant, sure, but also quite useless.

    Then we move on with our lives? It's not much worse than someone posting in a 1-day old topic with "Florina ^___^." A dull post is dull whether it's five minutes old or five months old.


    Even if that would be the case, I don't see a reason to bump it.
    People make all kinds of posts for no satisfactory reason that are still allowed. Generally, destructive behavior should be punished; disagreeable behavior should only be discouraged.
  3. Why not just delete old threads then (except for those in Creative and Rom-Hacking sections)?
    Old threads are often useful resources. Autopruning threads can delete good discussions & information, and having mods delete threads is wasting their time with cleanup duty.

    Does deleting posts affect postcount, btw?

  4. I don't like the idea of coming up with a cutoff for necroposts. It's understandable that there are situations where bumping old threads is just annoying, but I think an occasional bump from a member is fine; maybe there should be consequences for consistent necroposts.

    Worthless necros can be dealt with just like any other spam. Making necroposting itself a rule violation can punish members for making decent posts. In my forum experience, it definitely happens.

  5. Generally, their is an implied "without working for it. And the poor just keep getting all their money taken." tacked on at the end. :P

    Generally=/=inherently. I know what's usually connotated by that, but I wanted Death to elaborate so I tried not to jump to conclusions.

  6. Alternatively, be a man and use google's browser: it's firefox without the furry fucking the earth.

    Chrome is nice, and I fucking love the New Tab thing, but sometimes I prefer FF for things like Extensions and the Address Bar of Awesome. I use both.

  7. Downloading now. Black power.

    I am convinced this was made by a white racist. You can log into forums and such, but as soon as you do anything you are logged out so you can't post, it doesn't read the skin alterations on SF or any images like avatars, the way it loads is really weird, the news bit brings you to two sites well known for being unreliable, and I can go on if needed.

    Visual aid; http://s386.photobucket.com/albums/oo305/l...rrent=notuh.jpg

    Also, there's an appalling lack of functionality. No chicken search, no basketball, and worst of all no browser-based rap music player.

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