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Posts posted by YokaiKnight

  1. But, warning someone for breaking guidelines is not a good idea. Then you will get 60 "zomg i did no breke a rewl"

    Then rules they are.

    EDIT: The way I interpret it, it seems to me like the "they're just guidelines really" part is just emphasis on the whole laid-back thing. If you make a spam post here or there, you're not going to have a shitty record with the staff. But if you're constantly ignoring the rules/guidelines or spit on them, you can expect something to happen to you.

  2. Is this just a guide of the people you used? From my Fixed run, I found a few more people who cap a couple stats or do with help. E.g. Astrid, Stefan, Tormod (Mage Band+Spirit Dust), probably Makalov, Shinon, and I guess Volke but I've never 20/20'd him.

    Obviously this can be calculated but I'm a little lazy for that. I haven't played RD either.

  3. We keep bending to make sure that no bad members get punished or scolded, when some NEED to be...

    We do? As far as I see, there's just a lot of blind eyes turned towards crap, but I haven't noticed a trend. But I only joined in October, so IDK.

  4. one reason and one reason only...

    his death was just that fucking epic.

    I'm sorry, it wasn't. I...can't accept that. ;_;

    Quantum dividing yourself into a gigantic drill which makes you exponentially stronger... Also he fucking dies twice Epic as hell.

    Plus, every time they almost die, something he made saves them and he's all "OF COURSE IT WORKS YOU FAGGOTS. I'M A GODDAMN SPIRAL KNIGHT, SUCK MY DICK." Ballin'.

  5. I don't think Musashi doubts you all, but thinks there are enough bad apples who spoil the bunch. If that's how that saying goes. Is it bunch or something else?

    EDIT: My apologies for speaking for other people.

  6. Yes I have. Honestly though I'm more diverse than thought.
    Where? I can't believe it. :[
    I watch movies, and anime, play video games, and I'm entertained by all of that. I smile and I laugh. I'm also very teary during sad animes or movies. I can honestly say I've cried while watching things.

    I'm not as "tough," or "serious," as made out to be.

    I didn't doubt any of that, I don't think you're inhuman. It's just easy to imagine sometimes, e.g. some thread about the moderators not moderating or something.
    I find it sad that you're hoping for senseless fighting and flaming
    For the record, not senseless drama. You only get entertaining crap here because there's so much, there has to be some that's worthwhile.
  7. This thread has been less entertaining than I'd hoped. Come now, jesters! Amuse me. I grow disgruntled with your inferior games. ]:(

    Some people actually assumed I just sit here with a serious expression at all times.
    That's pretty easy to do, lol. Have you ever used an exclamation point on this forum, out of curiosity?
  8. Thanks to quanta, Red Fox of Fire, Phoenix, and Yuli herself (and anyone else I may have forgotten) for saying what I was trying to say much clearer than I could. This really didn't warrant 4 or 5 extra pages, though, people. Especially you, Revan, since you admitted in dragging out the point just to argue. It makes life hard for people who like to read the whole thread, like me. :(

    I get what you're saying, but try to think less of race and more of behavior.

    That's what she already does, like she said. Though you admitted to not reading the last few pages, so I guess expecting you to know would be unfair.

  9. Now we're calling Yuli hopeless and hateful? As I recall, her original statements claimed that she was turned off by black strangers because they invaded her personal space frequently. That's nowhere near thinking they're "evil, lying, hateful, violent people, and that they should be rounded up and shot," or "ignorant and incorrect," . She did not imply that they did this because they were black, like a lot of you seem to think she said. It's all personal experience, which while understandably flawed is not worthless.

    My opinions isn't based on the media. I got my opinions because they act that way here.
    I know I'm a bit racist. After my experience with mostly obnoxious black people, I'm a bit less trusting to them.
    This is totally freaking natural. We can all say "harumph u shud be the biggr prson do not hate em all jsut cuz lots u met are luzrs," but deriving stereotypes of people from past experience with them is not inherently corrupt, and in some contexts is encouraged.
  10. Gino Weinberg of Code Geass
    Of all the Code Geass characters, why Gino? Why?
    Wow WRONG... Kittan > Kamina.
    What the FUUUUUUUUUUCK. Kittan gets bitched out by like, everyone in charge, and his high points are pretty much entrance and exit. Actually, random points of hilarity in the time of the Gurren Brigade, too, but still. WTF.
    Lord Genome > Kamina...
    That's actually plausible, though I hadn't though much about it.
  11. Movies are trash these days. They really make America look like a country of shitbags.
    Coming from someone who thinks "we've got the shittiest government in the world," doesn't that make movies accurate?
    My brothers got Step Brothers and Tropic Thunder and they watched them. For some reason, the writers of those movies think that they need to include fuck, shit, and any other word they can think of in nearly every line possible. What the hell happened to the FCC or whoever the hell censors things?
    Freedom of speech, negro.
    And it's not just movies, too. Video games are full of trash now, too. The next generation of kids is going to be so horrible, they'd be better off dead.
    You're in that generation. Why are you still alive? :3
    The whole world is trash. First, we've got people trying to make our kids think the world is happy and safe. Then when they grow up, movies and shows everywhere are encouraging them to smoke and do drugs.
    Not only is that not entirely true, but parents & professional/academic society are screaming louder at them to abstain from drug use.
    Then, we've got the shittiest government in the world, which is entirely composed of contradictory cover-ups and lies.
    Really? What makes you so sure there isn't one government that's worse than the USA's, especially when you've only lived here?
  12. Anyway I prefer subs, English voice actors fail (at least in the animes Ive seen) if I watch a dub without ever watching the original japanese one I might stand it but once I compare both it's more likely that Ill watch the original.

    Try Last Exile and RahXephon's dubs. Last Exile is probably the better series, but both are great dubs.

  13. Listening to mainstream music = me missing out on superior, mainly underground music.
    You can listen to both. :P Though I guess if you love the underground, no reason to spend time anywhere else right?
    Socializing with preppies = bad for nerds like myself.

    I pretty much considered those stupid.

    Socializing with "preppies" is good for nerds like me, because it gains me friends, social skills, and I get to know people who have more to them than just being preps. But I guess I don't know how that bunch is at YOUR school, so eh.
  14. Which is why you only punish the counterproductive minimods. =o

    I know it's a slippery slope argument, but picking and choosing who is thought of as a "good" minimod frequently leads to favoritism and all kinds of "HOW COME HE CAN SAY THAT" shit, etc. If someone seems to be really good at being at moderating, hopefully they'll become a moderator.

    I see no harm in that, and putting a rule in place is pointless, just because it "annoys," some user.
    Some users.
    Really it does more help than harm. It cuts some of the work for the staff, and encourages members to inform people of the rules and be good role models.
    Ideally it would, and cases where someone helpfully pointing out a rule are not rare by any measure, but on SF I've much more often seen either the "offender" or others in the thread sidetracked or annoyed by minimodding than show a sign of appreciation. It doesn't work here.
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