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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. This is a looong game but I see myself doing all 4 routes and I'm currently in my second. I will work towards getting all supports but I miss a few ones from students not in the same house by the end.
  2. My guess is the game probably remains easy even if you are slightly underleveled anyway. The time-rewinding mechanic pretty much ensures that nobody ever dies so it'd be surprising if one were so bad to lose multiple units and be stuck with a much reduced roster. Plus... you can probably solo (duo) the game with Byleth+chosen lord anyway.
  3. Yeah, I thought some map designs and clever ideas were wasted on enemies that just weren't threats. Like this one paralogue map where I had to make sure that enemy units couldn't stay in the village for longer than 5 turns. None of the enemy units even ever made it close to enter the village. Most of the maps, I could have just sent my units forward without any sort of planning for the clear. Only had to pay attention a little bit because I play classic mode. I'm not sure if I'd even manage to lose on purpose if I played on normal mode/casual. Send my lord in, alone and with no weapon? That's the only manner I can think of.
  4. This won't help so much, won't be complete and maybe not even accurate and I haven't paid so much attention to how exactly the mechanics work this time around as it always changes slightly from one game to another but generally supported units will give each other stat boosts during combat when fighting in proximity. These enemies in armour likely simply had a very high defense stat. You can use magic (as they generally have a low resistance stat) or armor-breaking weapons like the Mace/Hammer or Armorslayer sword to deal with them. Flying enemies are particularly strong in this game, I found, but you can capitalize on their weakness to arrows, which are very good in this game. Attack, Defense, Magic and Resistance are pretty self-explanatory, Speed will allow you to double (and avoid being doubled), and Dexterity (Skill in past games) affects your hit rate. Luck traditionally I believe had various smaller effects on hit rate/avoid and critical hit chances. Charisma affects the battalions in some ways. It's a new stat and battalions are new.
  5. You must be the first non-Japanese person ever to have played Gaiden before any other Fire Emblem game.
  6. I pulled HARD on the Sothis banner and didn't get a single 5* out of it. It ended with my pity rate at 10.5%. Meanwhile, I got three different non-focus free pull 5* units from the many daily banners they threw at us. Got Lugh, a duplicate Celica and Green Olwen.
  7. Anyone else bothered by the manner by which they've written Petra's dialogues? She's meant to be foreign and have difficulties with the Fodlan language but the whole thing reeks of monolingual voice director/voice actress not understanding what it means to learn another language. My main grip is that beyond her peculiar vocabulary, she has no discernible foreign accent to speak of and that should just be impossible.
  8. I don't see the reason for him/her to be a silent protagnist and hopefully this won't be coming back in future installations. It has always been immersion-breaking to me when I'm supposed to see dialogue and interactions where there isn't any. I don't feel the need to inject a character with my own personality. I don't need to be in the game. It annoys me enough that I'd rank them pretty low. Almost as low as the tactician in Blazing Sword or Kiran in Heroes. Love the rest of the cast though and the voice acting in general. One thing I did appreciate about them however is that they looked older and more mature than past lords. I'm glad the leader of my army wasn't a 15 yo again.
  9. I'm not sure why people seem convinced gauntlets will make into Heroes. Colourless melee? My guess is gauntlet units will just be carrying another weapon.
  10. First playthrough on normal mode, classic. Figured I'd adjust the difficulty on my subsequent playthroughs on other routes. My conclusion: normal difficulty is pathetic and I wouldn't even recommend it to newcomers of the series. My gf was watching me play a little bit and wondered if it was even possible for me to lose. There was very little incentive to play strategically, which ruined many of the maps, some of which I'm assuming I won't see again on other routes. Normal mode wasn't terribly challenging on the 3DS games but it wasn't this much a walk in the park, for as long as you played classic.
  11. Flayn with the Golden Deers. Dorothea will do the job for the Black Eagles on my next playthrough. Probably Mercedes for the Blue Lions. I'm not having a man dance for me. Although now that I mention it, I'm intrigued to know if the animation is the same.
  12. Will they be accompagnied by a 5th free unit? Isn't it usually the case? Put Dedue on there.
  13. Personally, I was excited about a mode that would allow us to dig deeper into our roster and force us to use characters from a specific game in a scenario specific to that game. Turns out it wasn't that either. 😞
  14. Pretty sure it's going to be a Black Eagle banner, eventually to be followed by Blue Lion and Golden Dear banners. With Dorothea on it, for certain.
  15. These heroes were chosen via polls by the fans but this was the third Choose Your Legends event so this meant both winners and runner-ups of the last two were not eligeable again. Winners for the first event were Lyn and Ike Runner-ups were Lucina and Roy In the second, the winners were Hector and Celica Runner-ups were Ephraim and Veronica So the door was open for characters like Eliwood and Micaiah in the third year.
  16. Except I'm also expecting a fair amount of their NPCs to also make it into the game and most characters look different after the time skip, which could lead to many of them being introduced twice in Heroes. So it's a larger cast than it appears.
  17. Just realized there are already more Three Houses exclusive characters than there are Thracia exclusive characters. :o!
  18. I love Binding Blade but I can understand why it would be disappointing on release to fans of the franchise's prior games. Mechanics were significantly simplified and the plot made more accessible to all audiences.
  19. I like the idea of canon classes for FE characters so I won't probably use the class diversity much, if I can avoid doing so. I've never reclassed in FE. I find the idea absurd and immersion-breaking.
  20. So, leading to Three Houses's release, Forging Bonds has convinced me that Edelgard is sort of a distant and cold stuck-up asshole with conquest ambitions and that Claude is a cowardly and underhanded little fuck. So while I thought I'd sympathize with Dimitri and an "holy kingdom" the least of all three, it looks like I'll be picking the blue team now.
  21. I am comfortable calling it "fan service" and also consider it to be quite fine. So what if it is? Guy that says he wouldn't do it with crazy? Come on. I sure would. Kronya looks fantastic. Let's stop being prude fucks. Not all characters are like that, unlike what you'll see in some other crappy gasha games that clearly aim for that goal ALL the time. That isn't Fire Emblem Heroes. Yes there are a few Camillas and Lokis but they are scarce. Do we need to complain everytime it happens?
  22. Thought for a bit that Eir and Hel might be the "same person" as well.
  23. Yeah, the recent bridal banner brought me to guess Vaike on this one.
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