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Everything posted by Othin

  1. It's great for Libera, but others will have a hard time reaching competence in both weapon types.
  2. So you're now farther on your HM draft run than on your vanilla "first" HM run? Man, I wish I had thought of going straight for the boss on Ch14 Lunatic. Would've made it so much easier.
  3. They're frail and will have a hard time getting to use high-rank staffs, but then magic is great and Rescue is E rank and buyable so they have plenty of combat and noncombat use. Magic Cry can give a useful bonus, but only when your characters can really make use of it.
  4. From what I remember, the first one just explodes when the ritual is disrupted, and she kills the other two with some sort of blizzard attack. The one that remains is just the one that survived - which might imply that it's stronger than the others, although it doesn't appear affected at all, so it's also possible that she just wasn't able to target it with the attack in the first place.
  5. Then you remember wrong. One the first time, with Ephidel, and two in the Final that Ninian kills.
  6. http://serenesforest.net/fe7/calc.html So yeah, Fire Dragon-slaying weapons are only x2 even in the Japanese version, where other weapons are x3. You know, it still bugs me that the final boss is technically a generic. Specifically, a generic of a type of enemy that three of it got killed earlier in the game.
  7. Dragonmaster Frederick is fantastic if/when you have other characters ready to take over his previous Fredding duties for whenever Archers show up, which is often. If not, it doesn't seem worth it.
  8. Indeed, there is not. A few of them have defense as a partial objective, though.
  9. http://h1g.jp/fe_kakusei/index.php According to that site: P: R 1: R 2: R 3: Boss 4: R 5: R 6: R 7: R 8: R 9: R 10: Boss 11: R 12: R 13: Boss 14: Boss 15: R 16: Boss 17: Boss 18: Boss 19: Boss 20: Boss 21: Boss 22: Boss 23: R 24: R 25: Boss F: Boss All skirmishes, including SpotPass skirmishes, are Rout. So far, all DLC is Rout, with the exception of IDW. Sidequests: 1: Boss 2: R 3: R 4: R 5: R 6: R 7: Boss 8: R 9: R 10: Boss 11: R 12: R 13: R 14: Boss 15: R 16: Boss 17: R 18: Boss 19: R 20: ??? 21: R 22: R 23: R Assuming the site is correct, we know all except S20.
  10. You have MU and buyable Nosferatu. I don't think you need other units.
  11. Yeah, I don't think that means anything, especially when FE13 indicates otherwise.
  12. Ah. That, too. That means pairing Krom with Mariabel and losing another two points of Luck. Although with Cries, you can still make that up with a Luck Potion.
  13. Pairing Donny and Mariabel gets a Brady with +7 Luck. Pairing that Brady with +Luck MU gets a Mark with +11 Luck. With Limit Breaker, he can get up to 66 Luck. With Royal Weapon added as well, that's a 76% Miracle activation rate. There are a couple of ways to close the remaining 24%. Probably the easiest one is Cry spam. Merging Luck Cry, Rainbow Cry, and Love Cry gives +14 Luck, Double can give another +9, and All Stats +2 rounds out the set for a 101% Miracle activation rate and therefore complete immortality, while still leaving space for Weapon Saver to preserve your weapon of choice. It's trickier if you don't want to use Cries and instead want to just rely on Mark. In this case, you'll need Nidhogg for its +10 bonus, but since it's a bow, you'll need Pass in order for Mark to survive on his own. Weapon Saver becomes especially important with an ultimate weapon, so you'll need to drop All Stats +2 and be six points short. You can get +2 from using a Luck Potion before every map, but there's no good way to close the gap all the way. Wait fuck I thought Miracle worked at 1 HP. Turns out it doesn't, which makes this rather useless. Oh well; I'll post it anyway. I should note that you can use similar tricks to get a 100% activation rate for Sol, Luna, or Magnificent Flame. You can get Mark as an Assassin with 68 Skl and therefore 78% activation rate with Royal Weapon, then Cries for +10 and Double for +8. For the last four points, you can use All Stats +2 and a Skill Potion, leaving space for Weapon Saver, which can get a 100% activation rate on any character with Limit Breaker. Ragnell is the only 1-2 range an Assassin can use, but with Weapon Saver, that's not a problem. Regardless, this isn't nearly as interesting as immortality and probably isn't worth the setup.
  14. Dammit. No announcement yet and they're past the plausible point. Looks like we're not getting a new map this week.
  15. The humans on Jugdral weren't involved in the Scouring, so there's no reason why they would've hated dragons. Furthermore, let's recognize that the dragons, rather than coming in as dragons and devouring stuff, showed up in human form and granted powers to the humans. This sort of aid is more in tune with the post-Scouring dragons, from what I can see; from what I recall, the dragons never took human form before the Scouring. We also need to recognize that the main factor linking Archanea and Jugdral is when Bishop Galle travels from Jugdral to Archanea and back to found the Lopt Sect. Any evidence from that linking it to specific times in Archanea's history would answer this question, but I don't remember where to find details. As for the DLC, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be canon, especially since Valhart's ending references it. At least, we can take it as an accurate reflection on the FE13 characters involved.
  16. My main confusion is how Jugdral is ending up so much earlier than Archanea. I don't remember all the details, but the two are connected enough that we should be able to track their relative timings. Could you explain more? Regarding Magvel, we know it takes place some time before Iris, and seemingly quite some time before Iris. But that fits with what you said, so if that's what you meant, never mind.
  17. Decided to finally get back to this. As it turns out, Ch5 isn't so bad when you already have a promoted MU. Liz grabbed Richt and Mariabel on Turn 1, while Frederick and Derrick hacked through the overpowered enemies, with backup from Krom, Viole, and Marth. I initially let the enemies approach through the pass in the middle, but I eventually killed them and plugged it, also seizing the fort on the left. This meant that the only enemies that could approach were the ones coming from the far left, or the Dracoknights swooping over the cliffs. Krom, Derrick, and Viole were all able to take down the Dracoknights with their three different methods, and reasonable numbers of enemies coming from one direction aren't too hard to hold off. Plugging chokepoints is much harder on Lunatic+ due to the presence of Counter and Pass, but there are workarounds - the former by unequipping weapons, the latter by redirecting and killing the problematic enemies. Surprisingly, the chapter only took two attempts, and the sole reset was due to me screwing up my damage calculations and thinking I could get away with a useful but unneeded gambit with Krom against a pair of Dracoknights. But getting cocky would be a mistake. I tried Ch6 next. It doesn't have the immediate pressure that other maps have, but I didn't take full advantage of my freedoms and ended up in a checkmate position on Turn 3, completely swarmed by enemies I hadn't fought off fast enough. I backed up and took a look at ST2, but the enemies were completely out of reach, going so far as to occasionally break 20 in their regular stats, scary enough to crush my team even if it wasn't split up from the start. With this in mind, I settled on S2 as my next target. On my first attempt, I bungled the beginning and got trapped, but on my second, I straightened things out and managed to fend off the enemies initially swarming my starting position. I held back more from the second part of the map this time, so a pair of Barbarians settled on the village Anna was guarding as a first target instead, keeping them out of my way. There was no way I was going to save Anna or the village at this point, so I just let them distract the enemies while I healed up and prepared to take them when they approached. The boss and his squad also eventually started moving on their own, breaking their pattern from the lowest difficulty levels of waiting until you get ridiculously close to start moving. Derrick and Frederick remained as my main fighters, but I made sure to keep distributing Exp to my other characters as well. I know this momentum I've been having will fade in time, but it wouldn't do to burn out any faster than necessary; on regular Lunatic, Dion still needed a ton of support even once he had maxed out most of his stats, and characters are even less self-sufficient here, so training a solid team is especially important, but it's going well so far. As for actually fighting the boss, Derrick managed to score a crit and one-round him, although the boss would've taken massive damage without it and should have been easy enough to finish off. Derrick gained a ton of Exp from the kill and reached LV5, getting Magnificent Flame, although he hasn't activated it yet. Regardless, it goes to show how fast he's racing through the levels. Funny enough, even though Anna "died", she still showed up at the end of the chapter, as strangely cheerful as ever. After this, I returned to Ch6. I made some different moves at the beginning, and variations in enemy skill distributions probably helped, but I still nearly got destroyed on Turn 3. The skill variations are usually manageable and serve more to shake things up than to absolutely destroy the possibility of winning, which is really great when it works out that way, but I'm not sure it was the case this time. Ultimately, I'm still not sure the variation actually helped, as Marth still nearly got killed by a Fighter with Absolute Hit, only surviving due to a Dual Guard from Mariabel. I checked afterward and it turns out her Dual Guard rate with him was just 3%. The next turn was absolute insanity as I tried to figure out a strategy to have Liz heal Frederick and Mariabel heal Marth so that they could kill two more problematic enemies while keeping them and others from getting killed on the enemy phase. As it turned out, there was no safe way to do it, and I ended up healing neither, having Liz take Frederick's place in killing the Dark Mage while Frederick just healed himself kept blocking off the middle, and having Mariabel stay safely away in Double while Velvet took a hit to keep Marth safe. I really had to start digging into the special weapons here - Krom using his Noble Rapier to kill pesky Cavaliers, Marth using his Thunder Sword for 1-2 range, and Viole using his Longbow for sniping Dark Mages from out of their range. It helps that he now outspeeds most reasonably slow enemies, letting him double them when he has speedy backup. Frederick kept up using Luna as a replacement Silver Lance, mainly for OHKOing frail enemies. It's my main countermeasure for foes like Thieves and Myrmidons that happen to have the Counter skill. It was also how I took down Fauder, since he was enough of a troublemaker to take Vantage+ as one of his skills. I'm not normally too worried about that skill since it tends to be tame compared to the others, but Fauder has Vengeance on Lunatic, making early hits a huge problem since he'd OHKO any character trying to finish him from low HP. Fortunately, Frederick was able to 2HKO Fauder with Luna, and had enough of a Spd advantage to double without too much trouble. The other enemies were dead by the time Fauder approached, so I was able to carefully set up supports to ensure that nothing would go wrong, and indeed, things went just as planned. Krom and Viole have now both hit LV10 and could promote if I had more Master Seals, but I don't. Marth and Frederick also reached LV10 and could use Change Seals, and I do have two of them, but I think their current classes are the best places for them to stay for now. Marth likes his high class bases and Double bonuses, and I don't think there's a need for Frederick to take an Exp cut for a class that might not have much of an advantage right now at all anyway. Taking on a flying class could be an especially bad idea due to my limited team strength, making it unwise for one of my best characters to pick up a fear of arrows. Before starting the run, I wanted to try making him a General for Defense Cry, and that takes planning in advance due to it being a LV5 skill, but right now, that just doesn't seem worth losing the mobility, and having a flier with competent combat is so useful for chapters 8-10. Interestingly, once again, Frederick seems to be my only combat-ready lance user so far. This gives him a lot of options for strong lances: he's using Luna right now, but I also have Sigurd's Steellance and two of Ephraim's Bravelance, all of which can work as better Silver Lances and all of which he has to himself. I also have Gradivus and Gaebolg, but for obvious reasons, I plan on saving them for a while. Next up, Ch7. This will be especially interesting because a defensive approach just doesn't work on the higher difficulty levels: as I learned on Lunatic, hanging around the starting point means certain death by reinforcements. On Lunatic, I had Frederick lead a charge straight through the enemies. With those enemies now having Luna+, Great Shield+, Holy Shield+, and Counter, it's going to take a lot more than that to make it through. I'm also going to need to figure out how to properly train Tiamo this time. On Lunatic, I waited far too long to get her to promote and learn Speed Cry. I will not make the same mistake on Lunatic+.
  18. I'd join if I had an open file slot, but I don't. Maybe I'll go for a future draft when I've finished things up on my Lunatic file, but not right now.

  19. Has anyone allowed S2 Anna to die and yet still been able to recruit the Anna in S4? It seems like it should be possible, but I want to make sure.
  20. She has new artwork, but it's really close to her original art.
  21. That list only contains the characters Vincent has full stats for. I'm the only one sending them to him, so it's limited by my speed in getting them, and he's busy, so that adds to the delay. The full FE9/10 teams are the enemies on this map: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_LM_Enemy_Data:_Red_vs._Blue_S
  22. They don't want to include other Dancers; that's why Mark won't inherit the class from Olivia. The only ingame classes that can't be inherited are Lord, Dancer, and Overlord. None of the three are used by any SpotPass characters; we can interpret this as meaning they want those classes to be specific to the characters that have them. And Dancer in particular would be game-breaking if possible to get multiple times at once due to the ability to go infinite.
  23. Ninian could potentially show up as a Manakete, but I don't think we'd see Sylvia or Nils. But if we were to see a Manakete DLC, I'd be betting on Ena. Ninian is too important; if IS had wanted to include her, they could've easily added her on the general FE7 team in place of one of the less-significant characters.
  24. No one knows the requirements, but it's possible. I haven't tested it to make sure, but based on how the marriage system works, that's how it should happen. She should be listed as his wife on his status screen, which will block other marriages.
  25. Soren, Mia, Mist, and Sanaki are all known SpotPass. We're not going to see more Dancers.
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