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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Wolt, Titania, Katarina, Sigurd, Innes, and Othin say hi. Eliwood and Hector are already SpotPass. Bonus map DLC is SpotPass for characters who don't have SpotPass. It seemed like if Othin and Chris were released that way, all the characters would be available in some form, but it means nothing about whether the ones who are already in SpotPass would get full DLC.
  2. Speaking of repeats: the hell is Ike doing as a boss a second time?
  3. DLC Lyn is a Swordmaster.
  4. Technically, Mark doesn't have an original class.
  5. Yeah, this is the same as what the game does when it displays the children in the class roll.
  6. Exactly. They've been holding very closely to their patterns; we just haven't been good at predicting those patterns. We thought they were trying to make characters have distinct classes, but in reality, they were just sticking to characters who would have distinct art. Micaiah got the Dark Mage class not because of avoiding redundancy with Cellica, but as a reason for her to have the Dark Blessing skill. I still say they're not going to break the game-map connection, though. So Ike still has to join in LvD3; he just now could be a Hero instead of Paris's class. I do still think it's plausible that we might see a final standalone map. I'm not sure about the odds, but if it shows up, we'll see it after LvD3. A full map set would've started by now and they don't have enough material left for it anyway, but a standalone map has good reason to not show any trace of itself until the end, and wouldn't require the same content patterns as the others.
  7. What are you talking about? Eliwood not as DLC? She was released a week ago. http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/afej/dlc/dlc_0621.html
  8. Fair enough. So she gets one out of three. And yeah I'm completely confused now as to why they went with Celice over Sigurd. Seems like it would've made so much more sense to leave him out entirely.
  9. Not too unit-defining when you're bad with them. We're ignoring Matthew and Legault because they don't start as Assassins. I just explained this. To clarify: Lyn starting as a Myrmidon with the potential to promote to Assassin would be okay. Lyn starting as an Assassin is not, as that has far stronger implications of the traits. It's like how the Whitewings in FE1 calling themselves Pegasus Knights is okay even though they have the potential to become Dracoknights instead, but it wouldn't be okay for Minerva, who starts as a Dracoknight, to call herself a Pegasus Knight. Citation please for Lyn being "sneaky". And no, "vengeful" is not what I would put as a specific assassin trait. I would put "emotionally detached" in its place, something seen with Jaffar and Volke, something Lyn does not display at all. Hector also didn't get recognition as a main character in ST or LvD, while all potential DLC characters did, including Eliwood and Lyn. Remember when I initially suggested that Lyn would just be a second Swordmaster but then we both realized that would be stupid? Good times.
  10. Those areas are actually to the north of where we see the bit of the western continent poking in, although not by much. Monsters are ingame, yes, although they're mainly in skirmishes. Regardless, given that Paris is capable of having a kid with MU, the odds sound heavily in favor of him being fully alive - at least, to the extent that the other characters are.
  11. Yes, she could use bows. No one cared, therefore she tended to not use bows in practice. They were a fancy bonus to make the Lord classes interesting; nothing more, nothing character-defining. Now you're bringing in reclassing, which is even more irrelevant. The only relevant examples are characters who actually start as an Assassin. So Jaffar and Volke. Surely you realize that it means something that Jaffar starts in the Assassin class while Matthew and Legault do not?
  12. My stance is, if we were going to see another set, regardless of the content, we would've seen the start of it by now. We didn't. Not remotely as outrageously so as Assassin Lyn would've been.
  13. As far as I know, Mark only gets hair color changes. It is worth noting that the place where Inverse shows up is quite near the place where Paris shows up. Perhaps Tellius is just over to the west? And she does show up in a forest.
  14. 1) She used swords in FE7; she never actually used bows. And again, it's an entirely different matter having a character capable of promoting to Assassin as opposed to starting as an Assassin. Can you see Matthew winding up being called to assassinate someone? Sure. Can you see Lyn having it as her main job to assassinate people? Uh... no. 2) Not in the slightest. Their patterns just haven't always been what we expected them to be. The point stands that there is nowhere for them to go for a fifth set, and they're out of ideas. Sounds quite unfitting with that Sacean honor she's so big on.
  15. Secondary weapon access is trivial. There is no possibility of a five star map set. I've explained this over and over and over. Sigurd's chances of being DLC evaporated when Cellica showed up. There's only room for one character left, and it has to be Ike. Matthew doesn't start as an Assassin, and as a spy, he could believably be contracted into the first definition. Lyn... couldn't.
  16. Yeah, Dark Blessing is interesting because it's what's special about her, as far as we can see. It does seem like Fauder might have been responsible for her having it. But could he have given it to anyone? Indeed, we've only seen one other person with the skill, and that person is Micaiah: a Branded. Ike has to be the DLC for LvD3, since it's set in an FE9 map and we've now seen that as the pattern for all the maps so far. Granted, him having his own class no longer seems likely, with two Swordmasters and a good reason why Micaiah changed class. But still, he'll be there. He has to be there. I'm not seeing more DLC beyond these, either. Certainly, it seems unlikely that they'd cram two Paladins into one map set, they're wrapping the earlier sets up far too neatly for that, and there just isn't stuff left to constitute another map set.
  17. as·sas·sin/əˈsasin/ Noun: A murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons. A member of the a branch of Ismaili Muslims (1094–1256), renowned as violent militant fanatics. does that sound like Lyn to you seriously how did anyone ever think that could have been plausible or a good idea Of course, you can still reclass her to Assassin if you're that interested in throwing away her personal weapon. If that's all you meant, then never mind. But it never would have made any sense for her to be set with Assassin as her original class.
  18. It looks nothing like an Assassin, and Lyn is no stealthy sneak attacker. In terms of FE13 classes especially, the outfit is clearly a Swordmaster. It has the dual swords and the neck thingy, while Assassin is covered in spikes and is nothing like Lyn and Lyn already showed up in RvB as a Swordmaster anyway and no character has ever changed class within KvK or RvB because their stats are constant across all maps in that set where they appear.
  19. Well, I was watching for it. Otherwise I'd be asleep by now. What I don't get is why they went with Celice in the first place if they planned to release Lyn. I'd expect them to go either Sigurd/Lyn or Celice/Eliwood for one Swordmaster and one Paladin, but they didn't. No sign of Sigurd, either. But yeah, this is bizarre.
  20. I was thinking back on this and those comments about her seeming like a Taguel. According to this, Fauder targeted Inverse for some reason, killed everyone around her, and messed with her using magic. This could make the Taguel theory more plausible: if he messed with her using magic, he could have disabled her Taguel abilities, while the markings remained. All of this could relate to why Fauder would target her, if for whatever reason her being a Taguel or becoming a modified Taguel would fit with what he needed her for. And him killing the people around her fits with the Taguel dying out. On an unrelated note, RvB3 is now announced: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/afej/dlc/dlc_0705.html It's Lyn, and bizarrely enough, she's a Swordmaster. They can't go one update without disproving some assumption I had made, huh? The item teaches Iote's Shield, which presumably allows fliers to negate their weakness to arrows and wind magic.
  21. http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/afej/dlc/dlc_0705.html Yep. And from the looks of things, she's definitely another Swordmaster: she has the dual swords, as well as the neck thingy that Sairi has. Seems you also get an item to learn Iote's Shield. Shouldn't be hard to guess what that does.
  22. Precisely why Ike has Paris's class, whatever it is.
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