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Everything posted by Othin

  1. I don't have an easy way to get images, no. Ten of them are the same as they were before. The other 20 are the male/female representatives, with stats, weapons, and skills on about the same level as the LvD1 enemies.
  2. I haven't played it, but from the preparations screen, I can confirm that Cellica is indeed a Sage. Not that her outfit was any less convincing.
  3. Yes, after finishing the game. I'm working on completing the Support Library, so for each playthrough that requires making a new set of pairings and getting relevant family supports, etc.
  4. I completed all the sidequests and got all the characters so far in my NM and HM files, yeah. I haven't been doing sidequests in my LM file, aside from some DLC I started doing last night. My plan is to do all the ST and KvK maps once each, then return to Ch18 and see if I have better luck.
  5. Not really, with how hard they are to fight in the first place.
  6. Sigurd follows orders, doesn't want his soldiers getting hurt, and is in love with his wife. That's all there is to him. His marriage is particularly notable due to its utter lack of depth.
  7. Ahh Callum, the stealth master. ...Do they notice him after you recruit him?
  8. Do the enemies ignore Callum or something? That's interesting, but doesn't seem too practical.
  9. I haven't finished the map, but I assume so, as level and stats seem to be constant with their versions on the map itself. You get the 10 main villain characters from the regular SpotPass teams as allies: Lyon, Alvis, Ashnard, etc.
  10. They're LV20 promoted... which is exactly how they were in LvD1.
  11. They only add a new team every two weeks, so that's next week. We're still on FE5.
  12. Can't you get to shops after Ch3? Either way, not much help here. And I thought one of the teams had just one Archer. But that's still one too many even without Counter to make them impossible to fight.
  13. As an enemy, she loses Magic Cry for Magic Square and Tome Slayer. All enemies and NPCs in LvD have 1-2 Slayer skills. Her player skills will certainly be different. I assume they'll have all 50 characters that have shown up so far. Haven't played it yet, can't read conversations to know what's interesting.
  14. Honestly I'm more disappointed by the fact that even if they weren't planning on tossing in more monster maps for him, they couldn't have bothered to add an actual team of "light" enemies and just reused the same 10 again. To be honest, for the first time, I really do feel like I just bought the same DLC all over again.
  15. Got Cellica's map. Unsurprisingly, it has the 20 characters featured in the ST maps. Surprisingly, the remaining 10 are... those same 10 newcomers to the original LvD: Eltoshen, Katarina, Jaffar, etc. How strange, and honestly disappointing. They couldn't have come up with a new set of 10? It looks like we can confirm no new monster DLC and therefore no Othin or Chris available. If they were present, they would've shown up here, like Eltoshen did earlier. I had my suspicions after no fourth monster map was announced with this one, but it looks like we can confirm them. The boss is Katarina. Seems they really don't care about a pattern to the bosses. Newly released item is Thorhammer. Yay, another one?
  16. Westbrick, I'm thoroughly befuddled by your definition of character development.
  17. It is indeed accurate. For all characters capable of having kids other than Mark, all father/mother pairs are possible except ones involving Krom or Sumia.
  18. Yeah, I'd recommend it. It's been easy enough so far, but it puts up enough resistance to be fun. And there's a lot of stuff you can go out of your way to do to make it easier that could easily be ignored when trying to take a more direct route through the game. It's flexible like that. I mean, right now, I just unlocked the Electric, Psychic, and Fighting kingdoms to battle: their Pokemon are high leveled enough that they seem like they'd put up quite a fight now, if I went in without preparing much.
  19. I went for +Spd -Luck; he's currently a 17/15/6 Dark Knight or something close to that. He's my best support unit, but also my best fighter, which leaves not a lot of time to do supporting. Right now, anyone not named Krom, MU, or Sairi pretty much disintegrates if poked: Frederick, Libera, and Serge can help finish some enemies, but otherwise, that's about the extent of my available fighters. The game is certainly immensely challenging at this point, but it's not too fun. You know what just occurred to me? My favorite part of this mode was chapters 9-14, where I was able to use several units competently but still had to be incredibly careful. Past that point, it's been getting to be more of a hassle with so few units able to do anything... and that's also the point where a bunch of sidequests might start becoming available, yet I haven't been unlocking or playing them. Coincidence? I think not. With this in mind, I think I can allow myself a bit of a detour. At least, in time. For now, I have Pokemon Conquest to play. Such an amazing game: it's like Fire Emblem crossed with Pokemon. And yes, I know it's actually a crossover with a different series, but I haven't played that series and don't care about it. Regardless, this game is fantastic.
  20. I wouldn't think FE12 would even need to bother with Male A/B, right? Since all the males ultimately have access to both.
  21. Well, I haven't actually played any of the sidequests, so I don't have Anna. Frederick's a 10/5 Dragonmaster and not doing a whole lot, and I haven't been using Callum at all. If you're having so much trouble with all that, I get the idea I shouldn't even bother trying it like this. I'll go for ST and KvK in this case and maybe set a straight run through Lunatic as a plan for the future.
  22. Nope. I do have a couple of Beast Slayers, but I'm not as worried about killing them when I can get into combat with them as keeping them away from my other characters and surviving against them.
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