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Everything posted by Othin

  1. No, it doesn't. Paris is a character in search of a purpose, in a position only taken by the most plot-important characters. The Holy King, meanwhile, is a character who is referenced often yet is as of yet completely underrepresented in FE13: we know way too little about him. Think back to FE1/3 where we knew Anri's name, FE4/5 where we knew the Crusaders' names, FE6/7 where we knew the names of the Heroes of the Scouring, FE8, FE9/10... we've always known the names and heard detailed tales of the heroes that came before. The Holy King takes a corresponding role, but we know less, not so much as a name. For a game that explains so much, that doesn't fit. Hmm.
  2. You might be able to find something to adjust in the Options menu, but I don't think there's anything other than that. For better or for worse, the wordiness eventually goes down by quite a lot.
  3. What I'm seeing is a sort of Naga/Nagi case here. I'm sure the character isn't quite the Ike as we know him, but he should relate to him somehow. And yes I know Nagi seems to technically be Naga herself, but again - not Naga as we know her.
  4. An excellent point. Regardless, while useful, he's definitely not essential. I can see him as maybe High Tier with that in mind. Maybe. No higher, though. Wasn't I the one who told you that in the first place? Funny how these things work.
  5. It is not. Literal katakana is ku-ro-mu, but u is often silent. The character voices tend to pronounce it close to "Chrome" from what I remember. It's not "ee" as we think of it in English; the long "e" sound in Japanese is more like "eh". The sound we think of as "ee" is associated with the sounds that get literally carried over as "i" or "ii".
  6. Because something designed for first-time players is definitely something that makes sense to restrict to only when it's been unlocked.
  7. Assuming the pattern holds, six weeks from tomorrow.
  8. As of FE13, the only gender-specific classes are Pegasus Knight, Troubadour, and Cleric for females and Fighter, Barbarian, and Priest for males, and Cleric and Priest are functionally identical. No reason they couldn't also make Pegasus Knight and Fighter gender-neutral. Not a whole lot of reason they couldn't make Troubadour and Barbarian gender-neutral, either. And keeping the original outfits for all classes involved. Yes.
  9. It does, and yes, that's how reclasing works. Honestly, the most difficult chapter is Ch2, which is over by the time he joins. I'm sure I could get away with never deploying him again after he joins in Ch3. And I wouldn't call Ch7 "the end of midgame" in a 27-chapter game.
  10. The only limits are only one S support per character and certain parent/child or sibling supports being made available or changed by relevant S supports. Within the available supports on a given playthrough, characters can have any number of A supports.
  11. The connection is that Paris is the Holy King or at least closely associated with him, and the Holy King clearly echoes Ike.
  12. Even when fixing your link, I don't see any such statements.
  13. I assume they're generic, like male Mark's father supports.
  14. Yeah, Concentration and Refresh both are 1-3, not 0-3. I guess it's whatever conditions make Double the most effective.
  15. I don't think this means anything. If they were going to announce it at E3, they'd announce it at E3; they wouldn't announce it at the pre-E3 list of games to show at E3. That's just not impressive. I'm more interested that we're going to finally see progress on Pikmin 3.
  16. FE10 endgame has a magic speed number because it has shitty enemy design. FE13 doesn't. Looking at FE13 HM endgame, there's a Great Knight with 21 Spd and a Swordmaster with 38 Spd, and enemies of every other class with just about every Spd number in between. There's absolutely no consistent way to deal with that. It's really hard to do much with a low staff rank and low Mag stat past the beginning of the game, so that would probably just be worse.
  17. He'd have to start a bit of a ways into the game with E Swords and likely awkward stats. I'm sure he'd do fine in the long run, but it seems like one of his less practical options.
  18. Support bonuses require being adjacent, but they're rather generic. What we're talking about is the bonuses given from having Callum in Double: whenever he sits on someone, he gives them at least +3 Str and +5 Def, at least as a Knight. This doesn't carry a risk of being attacked while in this state, but he does contribute to combat, being automatically the highest priority for Dual Attacks and Dual Guards. Without a doubt, it's a form of contributing as much as anything else, like casting a Barrier spell.
  19. I'm not sure a rating of 10/10 for five maps followed by like 5/10 for the remaining 20 is what I'd call Top Tier status or even High Tier. I mean, I just completed Ch8 and promoted both Krom and MU, and I could see myself going the whole rest of the game without Frederick now, although I don't plan on it. Callum is even less essential: I'm still using him, but really just because I want to. I'm not sure he was involved in combat once in Ch8, even with so much as a support bonus.
  20. He fights by snatching the weapons out of his enemies' hands. 10/10
  21. Yeah, it's 0-3. Similarly, Magic Square is really 0-1.
  22. What are you talking about? Those two calculations are the exact same thing; one shouldn't take a millisecond longer than the other. Skills and Double add additional considerations, but they have nothing to do with the increased stat caps. As for the actual ingame stats, looking at my HM file, enemies in the Final occasionally break 40, but it's rare. Same story with my own unboosted character stats. I don't even know how to turn that on, although that's mostly because of not caring to try. The default is the usual stat screens, with the attack damage shown anyway.
  23. She, rather. I've abused Nosferatu enough with Sariya and Alvis. Planning on avoiding it on future playthroughs.
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