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Everything posted by Othin

  1. I've bought and viewed both of them, but I haven't played through either one yet. KvK3's teams are FE1, FE3, FE4-1, FE4-2, and FE5. FE2 is absent for some reason, so the total number of enemies is 50. They tend to use whatever high-level weapons suit them, so the map has a ton of Holy weapons for the FE4/5 characters.
  2. Do whatever feels right; it's a lot more fun just trying things out and you have plenty of room for error on Normal. The one thing to keep in mind is that a lot of promoted classes, especially Grandmaster, learn their best skills at LV15, so if you're planning on reclassing them to another promoted class, make sure you know what skill you can get by waiting until LV15. Have you set up your internet yet? You have a few more days left to get the Marth DLC for free.
  3. Haven't played it yet. What have you gotten so far? Does it seem to have everything the enemies in that map use?
  4. Not that I know of. Certainly not with the Pegasus Knights.
  5. Yeah, it's out. The Dark Warlords are back. And they've been breeding. There are two Zehns right next to each other, one with Thorhammer, one with Falaflame. Two other Warlords also have Thorhammer, but not Falaflame. They have most if not all of the rest of the FE4 weapons, as well, including Naga, but none with Loptous. They also have Excalibur, Ragnell, and Sol Katti, as we've seen. The boss is Eins with Gradivus, and one of the enemies has Parthia. As for new weapons, there appears to be a fourth FE2 weapon - a bow with a Skl/2 effect, presumably Astra. There's also Armads and Nidhogg: Nidhogg now gives +10 Luck. 36 Warlords in all, all with ultimate weapons. Now to check Celice's map... --- Edit: I can confirm Double Bow as well. Strangely, only three chests, and the enemies are unchanged on Lunatic. Meanwhile, looking at Celice's map, the boss is King Marth as expected. The enemies' levels seem the same as in the other KvK maps, but their weapons are changed, as I thought. Levin and Sety both have Holsety, Alvis has Falaflame, etc. --- Edit2: KvK3 has just 50 enemies. FE2 team is absent, even when starting the map. I think we'll see either them or FE8's team in RvB3 to give it 50 enemies as well. Perhaps both.
  6. Looks like the new one, with Vengeance attached. Just got it. I guess it finishes the FE2 trio. Getting DLC now. And just when I was about to go to bed...
  7. A LV5 Great Knight would become a LV1 Cavalier, but would gain Exp as a LV13 unit. So the unit would still be able to gain 19 levels without using another class-change item, but would still need to gain 9 levels before learning Outdoor Battle or using a class-change item again. That's the thing to keep in mind: class levels are still what determine class-change access; internal levels have no bearing on this. A unit must be LV10+ to class change to a first-tier or single-tier class (or to use a Master Seal) and LV30+ to class change to a second-tier class - again this counts second-tier classes as level+20. Levels gained before don't have any impact on this. Also, characters can use a Change Seal to reset their level within their own class only when their level is maxed: LV20 for first-tier, LV30 for single-tier, and LV20 (LV40) for second-tier.
  8. Class changes always set a character's level to 1 exactly. A LV12, LV17, etc. character will still wind up at LV1 whether they use a Master Seal or a Change Seal. As for Exp: First of all, a promoted character is counted as level+20, like in some/most other games. Meanwhile, whenever using a Change Seal, the game saves half of a character's levels while in their previous class as internal levels. So for example a LV10 promoted (LV30) character using a Change Seal would get 15 internal levels, as the +20 is counted. So if they class changed to a promoted class, they would be displayed as a LV1 (LV21) unit gaining Exp as a LV36 unit. There seems to be a cap on how many internal levels the game will keep track of. Apparently it's 20 for Normal, 30 for Hard, and 50 for Lunatic. Past this point, characters get no penalties for additional Change Seal use.
  9. Barring starting with the skill, this is correct. Frederick could drop down to Dracoknight any time later to get Ride Fast, though.
  10. The really nice thing is, he can reach LV10 promoted easily enough to access promoted classes directly. I reclassed him to Dragonmaster shortly after he reached LV10 on my HM run, but I hadn't actually been using him a whole lot and he had fallen behind by then, so I stopped using him.
  11. Um, no. That's quite pointless, and would only serve to forfeit the contributions his promotion gains make to his high base stats, especially important on the higher difficulty levels. The children tend to all serve Est-like roles, really, more so than Henry.
  12. If a character learns a new skill when they already have five, it gets stored in their skill set. There's a menu where you can add/remove skills characters have learned: they must have picked up any skills you give them at some point, but if they've since removed the skill, they can add it back anytime between chapters as long as they make space. Through this function, you can remove a skill and then add it again to drop it to the bottom of their list; it works even if the character hasn't actually learned five skills yet. Marriages produce all kids assigned to both parents, yes. So both MU and Krom can have two kids in this way.
  13. Also, the children are all LV10 unpromoted, so they have two of their own skills from their class. So as long as there's no redundancy, the children characters are typically set to start with four skills. Also, it doesn't have to be when you start the battle. When you so much as go to the chapter's preparations screen to be able to view the map and therefore the character's stat screen, it gets locked, even if you go back to the world map and change things. But you can do all the adjusting you want between making the pairing and going to the map for the first time.
  14. Well, I can't read much of the dialogue, so I'm mostly dependent on the stuff people here have translated for that. So with my limited knowledge, the one character who really stands out to me is Henry, for obvious reasons.
  15. Starting equipment doesn't affect choices made when using the unit. You're not going to use Galzus more because he joins with a Master Axe - at least outside of it potentially making him more useful within Ch24 itself, which should be taken into account. Seizing is similar but different. No matter how good or bad Leaf is, he has to seize. So it's not like you could choose not to have him seize, so there is no decision to make there, either. I can't say I see the sense in ignoring recruitment costs. And for this discussion, apparently we're paying attention to the recruitment costs that actually matter anyway. Warpskipping is the only one you list that makes sense to selectively ignore because it turns the entire game on its head, ripping out massive amounts of content and regular gameplay and replacing them with an entirely different playstyle. Scrolls do no such thing. As for Elite Mode, I think we can agree that it would hardly make sense to try to rate units based on two mutually exclusive difficulty levels at once, so we must pick one. In fact, I'm sure we agree about that, based on our past discussions.
  16. Nothing special, but not bad either. I'll toss on a bias point for sharing my name and give him a solid 6/10.
  17. Scrolls exist; they're part of the game. It's absurd to say that every unit will always have every scroll they want, but it's just as absurd to say that none of them will ever have scrolls. The only reasonable answer is to look at scrolls as they're actually used, which is sometimes but not never, depending on what is practical - just like stat boosters. And of course even the sometimes can be enough to make units much more usable than they would be in other games, and that's part of how FE5 works. To ignore that is insanity.
  18. It is worth noting that the game stores half the levels from whichever class as internal levels when using a Change Seal, up to a certain amount depending on the mode. So if you have base Frederick use a Change Seal to become a Dracoknight, he'll be counted as a LV1 unit with the stats of a LV21 unit (but lacking promotion gains), but he'll gain Exp like a LV11 unit.
  19. This is my experience with it, as well.
  20. I like this version, but Soldier looks really odd in the middle of the regular promotion trees like that. The process is fine, but I suggest now working on organization to separate the non-promoting classes a bit more, especially the non-playable ones.
  21. The listed Manakete and Taguel bases are with standard bonuses taken into account, if that's what you're confused about. So reclassing Nono to Dracoknight wouldn't give her -5 Mag; it would give her 0 Mag. As for Donny, have you considered adding Donny (GG) as a separate character? Regardless, this is fantastic.
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