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Everything posted by Othin

  1. You're suggesting video game biology work realistically? Blasphemy. But yeah, that's a possibility, although the theory of course remains absurd.
  2. It's not clear what being a knight entails in Skyloft, anyway. They don't seem to do much combat, even in spite of their slight sword training.
  3. Yeah, I wouldn't raise any objection to growths being shown in some form in the Extras menu only and only after completing the game at least once. Just keep them the hell out of the character profiles and out of first playthroughs. One more thing worth noting about showing the growths ingame as a normal feature is that it breaks immersion. When you have a character on your team, it makes sense that you would know their physical capabilities, their skills with weapons, any special techniques they know, and strong bonds they've formed with other characters. Being able to predict the precise future ways their capabilities will increase, however, is not something it makes sense for any tactician to be able to tell just from looking at a character.
  4. Giving the player information on growths rather than letting them find out for themselves based on their experiences with the characters spoils the gameplay. It's a spoiler many of us happen to like to have ahead of time, but it's a spoiler nonetheless.
  5. Ninian and Nils got their dragon-ness entirely from their mother. There's no reason why they would inherit Ice Dragon-ness more than Divine Dragon-ness if their mother was a Divine Dragon.
  6. Personally, I've gotten great results with both FuryxClaude and FuryxNoish. Definitely the two pairings I'd recommend most for Fury, with Levin being so much better paired with Tiltyu. I've thought Noish was more fun, personally, but Claude is probably the better of the two, so good call.
  7. A casual player will look at whatever information the game offers them. They will not take the effort to decide preemptively that certain information will be detrimental to their gaming experience and persuade themselves to ignore it every time they get curious. And Crash, I just explained that you don't have to wait, because the games are hacked and the information is on sites like Serenes before the games are even released in America, and perhaps even before they are even released in Japan. There is no waiting involved, so cease posting impossible claims about problems you've never had. Growths are always well-known; hell, they were the only detailed Berwick Saga information I didn't have to search through some Japanese site to find, since they're on a shitty Gamefaqs guide.
  8. I think it is; I don't remember needing any movement stars to get 8 turns.
  9. Playing the game without such basic information as is listed on the stat screen (and restraining oneself from doing so, even by accident, if not knowing that the information is there in the first place) is far more of a hassle than searching serenesforest.net or any of the hundreds of other sites that list character growths in every FE guide and looking at the stats that are listed there months before the game is even released in America.
  10. Some people enjoy the mystery. Anyone who doesn't can look up the information on their own easily. Where's the problem?
  11. I suggest saving in a third slot at additional checkpoints rather than just saving at the start of each chapter and at the start of each turn, if you don't do so already. That should give you better opportunities to back out of situations like these without going too far back.
  12. Metroid and Final Fantasy Skyrim isn't a series; it's part of the Elder Scrolls series.
  13. I very much encourage you to find your own strategies, but Normal Mode and limits on RNG abuse on top of that seem like they could lead to problems. But if you think you can take it, go for it. Definitely promote at LV10 whenever you can. It'll be hard getting the Exp to get even that far on Normal Mode, so just do what you can. As for Saphy, she indeed starts at 190 WExp, but getting the extra 60 is a pain with the turn limits. I promoted her for the +50 WExp, but again, getting her to LV10 in a reasonable time will be difficult on Normal Mode, so hopefully you'll find something that works.
  14. Yeah, there's a lot of luck-based stuff to do, even on Elite Mode... If you're not going to be abusing for things like that and Move growths on Leaf, you'll run into some serious issues, especially on Normal Mode. If you don't want to do that and especially if you haven't thoroughly studied past SSS runs, it may be a better idea to go for Elite Mode first.
  15. So you're getting the circle now? I found what worked best most of the time was pointing it to the left, then going around a half-circle and attacking from the right.
  16. His hand follows whichever direction the sword is pointing. If you move it around enough (without striking), he'll lose track of it eventually and keep his hand in the original position for a moment. When that happens, just hit him from the other direction to stun him and keep hitting him (from any direction) until he moves away. Which battle is this? You have to use a different strategy on the third fight.
  17. You want the Life Ring; it'll help with managing fatigue for the healers since they have such low HP and A or * staffs add 5 fatigue per use. I managed to get 170 turns without bothering with the first Life Ring, but that was Elite Mode; this early in, I'd suggest getting it and holding on to it.
  18. The only animation is the sparkles at the beginning of the attack, which shouldn't be at all dependent on the characteristics of the character or their weapons. So I can't see any reason why animations would be a factor. More likely, it's just that the skills, being specifically called "sword" skills, were only supposed to be used with swords, although IS clearly changed their mind about that with FE5.
  19. The final bosses, I mean. You'll know them when you reach them. And yeah, Koloktos and Tentula weren't too difficult, but they were really fun, especially Koloktos. I had 15 hearts at endgame. Only equipped one of the Life Medals; I never bought the one Beedle was selling. Have you been upgrading your potions? I never upgraded my Heart Potions more than once, but having multiple of the double-upgraded one seems ridiculous, although getting the ingredients seems like a pain, so that could balance it out. Yeah, those two.
  20. I haven't tried it myself, but Serenes says they can. Have you tried it and gotten different results?
  21. Personally, I felt that the two big issues were that you get shuttled in random directions constantly for various forced quests and that Fi is constantly showing up to unnecessarily explain or narrate things. Other things, like re-centering, felt insignificant in comparison to those to me. But then, I haven't done much n the way of minigames, either. On that note, I only ever found the two bottles you get right at the beginning of the game. With those, I felt that the later bosses were somewhat challenging, but still fairly limited in that attacks almost never take off more than one heart; the final boss just has one or two attacks that take off two hearts. The difficulty as a whole was good, though, especially for the puzzles.
  22. Hm... I think you're right about flight; now that you mention it, I remember having similar concerns in that or some related situation. So I'll concede that there are some issues and just say that I never found it to be a big concern.
  23. Not all stats are equal in equal quantities. Is there a problem with that?
  24. I've never had it cause any problems with swinging the sword accurately, and I don't think it even works that way. Don't blame the game for you not being as good at swordfighting as you think.
  25. Sounds like that falls under "making your own argument clear", which is precisely your responsibility, and something you have clearly made absolutely no effort to do. If you are not willing to argue your point, then we're done here, and I hope you are willing to vacate the discussion so as to get out of the way of those of actually interested in discussing moral philosophy rather than your petty attempts to dance around every point.
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