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Everything posted by Othin

  1. It's never such a simple scale. Gameplay, story, graphics, music... they all contribute towards the overall quality of the game. How much weight is given to each depends on the player and the game, although I would expect gameplay to almost always be at or near the top.
  2. That was a separate rumor from shortly before this game's announcement. The rumor has been confirmed to be a hoax; this game is unrelated and takes place on an entirely new continent.
  3. I attempted to convey this in my last post, but it seems I was unsuccessful, so I'll say it again: No, I don't think any of that. Even if I had been serious in my first post, that would be a huge leap to make.
  4. No one will buy it because they hate the art style = Not much business reason to translate it, yes? But no, I don't think there's any chance in hell that it'd influence anything.
  5. Hey, look on the bright side. If you get enough support soon enough, maybe you'll be able to convince them that this is yet another FE game that they'd be better off keeping in Japan.
  6. Look, I wasn't interested in starting some huge debate over this, and I'm not going to participate in the one that's forming. I'm just saying, keep in mind what other playstyles are much more common than your own. If you're sure you're already doing that, then there's nothing left to discuss. That's all.
  7. I'm simply suggesting options that are being ignored - options that may or may not be the case, but that very often are. I know no one's been actively opposing those options, but the alternative here is even worse: people aren't even realizing that the options exist, or that people actually use them. That's what I find disturbing - that general mindset, not particular actions.
  8. No one may have explicitly said there was anything wrong with it, but it was certainly treated as if it was some foreign concept. What I think you and others here have really somehow managed to forget is that for 99+% of FE players, playing while killing most if not all enemies, getting most if not all items, is not just a way to play the game; it's the way to play the game. If you want to take a guess as to what mindset people will be using when they play an FE game, keep that in mind. It used to be common knowledge. I didn't say ranked runs are better than efficiency runs; I said they simply show something important. Certainly, comparing the amount of options and therefore replayability of a rank-efficient run vs. a turn-efficient run, a rank-efficient run is quite clearly what almost anyone outside of this site would define as "better gameplay". This wasn't the point I intended to make, but it's worth keeping in mind. You're thinking only about the practical purposes, when there is so much more to a video game than that. Again, the problem here isn't that people would suggest practical solutions if a player was having trouble with the game. It's that you no longer seem to be able to comprehend that there are alternatives to those purely practical solutions - that a player might want to use their favorite characters that they've trained throughout the game rather than the laguz royals, that they might want to have those characters fight Dheginsea and all the dragons rather than just the ones nearby, that they might want to "mess around with all those people standing around Dheginsea" just because they find it more fun. You don't even appear to acknowledge the possibility of such mindsets, despite them having prevalence many times greater than your tiny group that can only think about turn-efficiency playthroughs, to the point that they can't even comprehend any other possible meaning to the word "efficiency".
  9. What's disturbing is that what's now dismissed here as "unnecessary", treated almost as a sort of deviant behavior, is stuff that's normally just considered a part of the game. And sometimes some of the best parts of the games; often a fun chapter can be warp-skipped, but that doesn't mean it should be, that there's anything "wrong" with doing it normally; it doesn't mean there's anything "wrong" with actually playing the damn game. This applies to playthroughs both for absolute efficiency and not-so-absolute efficiency. Ranks exist to show how much more there is to a game. On an actual ranked run of a game like FE7, you have to get items to fill Funds, train your characters to fill Exp, and sometimes that's at the expense of Tactics. Because the gameplay is defined by doing stuff, not just the few things that lead you directly to the stated objective.
  10. Do any of you even still understand what it means to play an FE game without being constrained by the deathgrasp of minimum turns?
  11. Out of playable characters, Sylvia and Sherlock can learn it, and Burroughs gets it while equipping the short-range Scorpion ballistae. Worth noting that Sherlock and Burroughs are the only characters in Berwick to lack any melee; other bow users all have crossbows or swords, and regular bows have plenty of their own uses anyway. There's also a more conventional Ambush skill which is even more powerful with the counterattack system; only Adel can use it normally, but a few other characters can learn it temporarily by eating certain food. However, Berwick Saga, being evil, frequently gives Shooter to enemy archers, and there's at least one boss with Ambush. Other skills also get distributed to enemies; fear is facing an Armor Knight that you accidentally allowed to activate Pulverize to temporarily double its Attack to 46. In Chapter 4. Unfortunately, there are no Pegasus Knights in Berwick Saga, likely because of copyright issues. Dragon Knights, however, are thoroughly ridiculous in flying out of reach of melee. I don't think not knowing Japanese is a huge issue. I've only started learning Japanese a few days ago, personally; finding out necessary information was a bit of a hassle at times because of the lack of thorough English information, but that's why I'm doing this.
  12. There's something disturbing, even sickening about this perspective.
  13. http://serenesforest.net/fe1/char.html Just for a bit of perspective here.
  14. Berwick Saga certainly perfected the skill system; the implications of it are my favorite aspect of Berwick Saga. A large number of generic or generic-ish enemies have lines, sometimes even in battle. Is that what you're referring to? Battle animations (and orange attack range markers, for that matter) exist, and in fact the battle animations are possibly the best in any 2D FE game, although they're turned off in these videos, presumably to save time. By default, battle animations only show for boss battles, which I think is an interesting touch to the game, but they can be changed to all battles.
  15. If you're asking for advice, it's up to you. Both promoting Sain early and not doing so are completely viable options, and can each yield spectacular results depending on your playstyle.
  16. You're sure that was what that chance was? And furthermore, if it's based on a modifiable chance, I'm not sure if there's anything right now that could be taken as evidence that enemies aren't at least potentially capable of it. And if you don't like forcing random chances, there's a simple solution to that... I don't have the highest hopes for this mechanic personally either; just advocating against jumping to conclusions unless you've noticed something concrete, while being well aware of the possibility that you've done so.
  17. a video, if you're interested. As you may notice, it's from YayMarsha, who's also been posting in this thread, and in fact those videos were what got me interested in Berwick Saga in the first place, so yay for him. (And his other videos were what got me to do an FE5 SSS run, while we're at it. I then got some help from him before proceeding to beat his time by nine turns, but that's a story for another time.)Most of the information I've been putting together has been from a couple of Japanese sites run through online translators and some Google searches to track down things that don't translate well easily, so I couldn't really take credit for anything more than my time. Feels good, though.
  18. I don't mean your opinion; I mean I don't think these are the final graphics in the first place. The final version will probably look at least a bit better even if no opinions change. As I said, short time and money expenditure - in this case, about the same as what you'd pay otherwise. I personally own five Japan-only FE games, although FE12 isn't among them. The language barrier was only an issue for Berwick Saga, and even then only because of the lack of English gameplay information; soon, when I finish my database, that will forever disappear as an obstacle to playing it.
  19. Personally, I've only played the first two chapters of TearRing Saga (and even then, only on emulator), but Berwick Saga is my favorite FE game even from just what I've played of it so far, and TRS doesn't seem to have anything that could put it on quite that level. But who knows? Anyway, I don't know whether or not you've actually been reading this thread, but if all goes well, I should have enough to cover all key areas of the Berwick page in about a week. I don't know whether or not Vincent is actually interested in putting it on the main site sometime after I put it together, but it's been my hope from the start that that's what'll happen. Current status by page: Base stats - Complete Growth rates - Complete Average stats - On hold (don't intend to include in first version) Learned skills - Complete Class change / Requirements - Complete Support bonus - Complete Classes - Complete for playable classes only Maximum stats - Complete for playable classes and weapon ranks only (which is 99% of the time the only gameplay-relevant part anyway, if they even have individual core stat caps in the first place) All weapons / items pages - Nearly complete Horses - Nearly complete Food - Effects complete, character data in progress Furniture - Complete Blacksmith / Alchemist - Nearly complete Bounties - Nearly complete Calculations - In progress (not much so far) Rankings - In progress Shops Guide - Complete for base shops only Skills - In progress
  20. It's not coming out for 6-9 months, and this is a pretty much new version. There's plenty of time for things to change. If you're referring to FE12 by the last FE game, you can play it anytime you want, or after a short time and money expenditure if you really want it.
  21. 13 of the 16 currently existing FE games follow a clear, linear progression in terms of order, leaving no question as to their numbers. For those 13 games, the numbers offer an easy, clear way to refer to them, where acronyms are only easy for a handful of the most recent, and full names are far more cumbersome, and even indeterminate to an extent in the case of Japan-only games. FE6 can only be abbreviated based on its subtitle to FESoS, which puts it rather close to FESS. FE2 and FE5 only have one word for their subtitle, while FE1 and FE4 have several, and the only other way you could really abbreviate FE3 and FE12 is FEME and FENM - NM is especially an issue, referring to so much else in the series. I dropped that acronym after one use because it caused precisely that confusion. Speaking of referring to other things in the series, it's precisely why FE7 has no good alternative abbreviations. BS refers to not one but two of the Forgotten FE Games: the BSFE downloads and Berwick Saga. The numerical abbreviations for the 13 core FE games are easy to use, clear what they mean, and have a basis both in the games and in Nintendo's listings, while using anything else is either cumbersome or likely to cause confusion somewhere. They're simply the best way of referring to them. Especially right now, with this new FE game that we don't know of any title for, even a translated one.
  22. Seems promoting Reese and subsequently recruiting Larentia doesn't affect the Happiness ranking, which would imply that it's forced. Of course, on a ranked run, you'd have to get enough Tactics points to promote Reese as early as Chapter 7 anyway. Rankings are one of the things I'm working on at the moment (alongside food). I'm currently going based on the wiki primarily, so I'm using the info here. I have 34 of the Fame and Happiness points accounted for, and I know I can find more details on the Tactics and Fame requirements easily, but I'm stumped on the last point each for Fame and Happiness. Anyone know what they are? Also, still wondering if anyone knows the % HP recovery for Area Heal and Dark Heal, or if Bau Crash does anything except not counter, not take counters, and not hit fliers. These are my main information uncertainties at the moment. And I don't know if it was clear that I was asking last time, but is anyone who's completed Berwick Saga interested in looking this over when I get it to a point where I'm satisfied with it? It'll probably be at least a week before I reach that stage, though; I've found myself going after basically every gameplay info page suggested on the current Serenes section for Berwick Saga, as well as several others. I'm making fast progress, but there's so much to do.
  23. The FE games follow a progression, building on aspects of past games and adding new things. The process has slowed and even reversed at times since Kaga left, but it's still there. More relevant, FE11 and FE12 are part of that progression, if somewhat distantly so, rather than focusing on FE1 and FE3 as independent games. FE11, FE12, and FE13 are convenient and accurate enough names.
  24. Thinking about it again, I'd say thieves are fine as long as they have sufficient opportunity to steal something decently worthwhile. Like, a few enemies in every chapter with decent secondary weapons they can steal, although that of course requires the thieves being able to steal weapons. FE games tend to not have many items that are worth getting, yet don't have to be super-rare; more items between the two would be necessary for thieves to make sense in a game where they couldn't steal weapons.
  25. Anouleth, you've brought up some good points, and some things I still disagree with. My feelings about my original point are unchanged, but I don't think there's any sense in continuing this. Berwick Saga is too different from the rest of the series for me to explain sufficiently to argue with someone who hasn't played it for us to be really arguing the same matter at all. Bringing it up the way I did here, at least at the present time, was a mistake. That said, I highly recommend playing it, to anyone, especially after I can get more data compiled and hopefully added to this site.
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