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Everything posted by Othin

  1. I couldn't care less about drafts and I still don't see how anyone could even consider complaining about this. My vote goes to leaving them as they are, and really, there aren't enough that it would be that much trouble for anyone to have them all in their own board, either. Separate boards for each game's drafts would just result in too many boards with not enough point... General NES/SNES and GBA draft boards within their respective general boards might work, but there wouldn't be a good way to extend that to the more recent games.
  2. This game is nowhere near complete. While the current art might say something about the style being used, it's almost certainly not how it's going to look in the final game.
  3. Well, that's just weird. I'm honestly inclined to just leave that part out until we can get more concrete verification on what actually happens and how. Do you know anything about the weird Happiness rank stuff I mentioned earlier? On a mostly unrelated note, does something happen with food prices when you have Chris talk to Estobar? The sites I checked seem to indicate the price of the bonus food goes down by 30%, but the prices I was seeing don't seem to line up with that. Looking into it, it seems the request for Estobar to talk with Sophie isn't counted as a real request. If that means it isn't counted towards the Fame rank, that would mean that there are only 34 requests that count, or 36 if the Bounty and Collector events aren't counted... or 35 if one of them is counted and the other isn't. So now I'm really confused. Any idea what might explain it? Also, is the request set up by an event in a particular area, and if so, do you remember which? I'm trying to get a list of the areas corresponding with the events (as well as requirements and rewards), but because it isn't a "real" request, I haven't seen that information listed. And does it require them to talk or fight, or does they lead to each other like with Faye vs. Chaos in Ch3 so it doesn't matter which? I've also been getting conflicting information about that, unless it doesn't conflict. Also, Basch gets to be a bounty target, since the translation actually worked for him. Unfortunately, he is not a manly man; he is a weak man who hides in a house. Of course, I could always pull an Ettard and have him trade names with something else...
  4. Ah, that does make sense. I can't load ChinaFE for some reason, but the wiki explains fighting him, as well. Honestly, making him break his sword seems like the best option, unless Wrath's added damage ignores the sword's damage reduction or something. So that really just leaves the civilian requests as the one big obstacle, especially since I'm about to have to start translating requests for chapters I haven't even played yet. Do these look right so far? Chapter 2 -Defeat Kerusa and obtain Crystal Ring -Defeat or capture Berrington -Visit house near starting point, then visit house near boss and fight Mohammed to obtain Medicine Grass Bundle Chapter 3 -Search for and obtain Ivory Mirror -Obtain Dark Heal -Have Ward talk to Rodin to obtain Antelope -Have Chris talk to Estobar Chapter 4 -Obtain and deliver the Fire/Ice/Thunder Axes from the bandit trio -Obtain and deliver three Old Imperial R.Shields -Search for and obtain Barca Poem Chapter 5 -Have Ward talk to Gaska three times -Have Chris talk to Arnold and keep him alive -Capture Mumba -Have Izerna talk to Alec and keep him alive Chapter 6 -Talk to Gonzales and obtain Mithril Powder, and have him escape -Visit shop and obtain Mithril Necklace -Capture Sedor Chapter 7 -Have Sherlock visit the house in the northwest and obtain Thunder Arrowheads -Visit the house in the far west and obtain Costume -Have Czene or Sedy search bottom house in southeast and obtain Knit Hat Chapter 8 -Have Daoud examine the tree and obtain Ash Lumber -Talk to Martha and have her escape -Have Ward visit the church and have the priest escape -Have a character visit the shop and obtain Mysterious Parcel Never mind, then. Helps a lot, thanks! Edit: Another thing I was looking at - Happiness stats. I was able to make sense of most of the ones on this page, but it mentions something about the Crippled status and Prisoner exchange - what exactly are those referring to? If they're happening to the actual character, it sounds like they'd decrease the stat, but the site indicates it increases it, so is that wrong, or is it referring to something else entirely?
  5. For the tower and ruins, what's considered abuse is typically playing part of all of it over and over again for unlimited Exp. With that in mind, a reasonable alternative would be to make no more than one visit to each of the two areas, perhaps clearing the entire area in that visit. A similar alternative for the arena could be to send each character in for a maximum of one battle in each chapter where the arena appears, or something similarly reasonable, as opposed to 100 battles, as somewhere between the two is likely what the developers were expecting.
  6. I saw that, although my impression was that Ouro leaves between Ch7 and Ch9. However, talking to Chaos with Faye is easy. So is the rest of the "hard method", leaving no apparent reason to bother raising his Happiness all the way to 12. Unless you have to do something other than talk to Chaos with Faye. According to the wiki's Ch3 page: Original Japanese version: The part that gets my attention is these two lines: Now, I know neither the wiki or the online translations are too reliable, but it seems like this is definitely saying that to set up the events with Ouro, you need to do something other than the events to get the pendant, and cause Leticia to actually appear. It sounds like there may be multiple ways to accomplish that, and killing Chaos may be one of those ways. I can't make sense out of anything else, though.
  7. Not planning on it, no. Even if I really cared, I don't have the time anymore. I'm sure you're disappointed.

  8. Are there any times when the yellow units attack both the enemies and your own units? I always remember them acting either as a separate group of green units or as a separate group of red units.
  9. You think this is big? I can remember when the GBA FE boards hadn't even been separated in the first place.
  10. Posting this as a new post because I really don't think any further edits to the previous post are going to get seen, and this is functionally a project thread anyway. I finished character averages and parameters, and I've been working on civilian requests. I've found that I'm often never quite sure from raw translations exactly what the requirements for the request are, so this is an area where I'll particularly need the help of someone else for reviewing it. I know YayMarsha completed all the civilian requests in his series, so I assume he knows; I've just been stumbling around doing what seems to make sense and I've completed like half of them that way, but even for those, I'm not always sure what they consisted of. So at this particular point, I really need to know: Is anyone other than me with experience with Berwick Saga willing to review the database, as per Vincent's suggestion, when I get it to a satisfactory point sometime in the next week? (And yes, I realize I said I would have it finished by around this time last week, but that was just because I kept finding even more things to add.) Speaking of ranking stuff, I have most of the information for the Happiness rank recorded (to my knowledge), but there are a few anomalies. Many characters require their own ending events (which have certain requirements attached) as part of getting their Happiness point, but a few have different events attached - Izerna apparently requires one of two events; one is Enid's ending, and the other doesn't seem to be anyone's ending, so I'm really not sure what it is and what it requires. Meanwhile, Arthur and Ruby apparently require each other's endings rather than their own, which regardless seem to be separate. Saphira and Larentia seem to require some event, but I'm not sure what (or even if it's the same event), and Paramythis requires something about Saphira, but it's not clear what she has to do, based on what I've been able to find. Perhaps even stranger, Sherpa and Derrick don't seem to have to be recruited to get their Happiness points. Also, I couldn't find any information on characters requiring maximum Happiness to be recruited. Does anyone know of anything to contradict or explain any of these findings? All that's really left at this stage is these two matters with the Fame and Happiness ranks, finishing up the Starting Items page, maybe cleaning up/expanding the Calculations page, and adding a few more names, especially for bounty targets and horses. And anything else I can find a good way to test Repair costs for, which is mostly bows, although I don't intend to complete that section at this stage, particularly because of the low or nonexistent availability of some items. Also writing a page to explain side chapter requirements and rewriting the Recruitment page to have more information and consistency, if I decide to do those two things, which I probably will. In fact, they're probably the things I'm going to work on next, since they're things I haven't already run into any issues with. After all those, I'll be ready to post it. ...I probably should've been posting more stuff actually from the database for a while, but it constantly has parts incomplete, and getting anything from there to here is a bit of a hassle for some complicated reasons. So I'm just hoping no one minds for now. Edit: Anyone know how much the Sword Mounting increases Reese's Sword growth rate? I'm guessing 10%, but my success rate when guessing about this stuff hasn't been the greatest so far, so I don't want to assume. Edit2: Every site I check, I get a different, incomplete explanation for what has to happen with Chaos in Chapter 3 to start towards recruiting Ouro the weird way. I don't suppose anyone knows what's actually true?
  11. And here I was thinking you were going to link to more, new information about it.
  12. I'm proposing that they can't. That would be an interesting alternative, but I don't think giving females different size restrictions is necessary. That said, I'm still intrigued by the possible implications of keeping the character's Wt the same while adjusting their Bld to use heavier weapons.
  13. Rescuing could simply be determined as any mounted unit is able to carry any unmounted unit, with perhaps certain exceptions such as Ballisticians, no Con/etc. stat necessary.
  14. If only actual characters were relevant, eh?
  15. http://www42.tok2.com/home/joll/skill_teki.html Basch is a from YayMarsha's Berwick Saga videos, alongside a few other things. I think it's a reference to something, but I'm not really sure what.--- On repairs, I was able to make sense out of the information on the wiki about how repairs work for different uses of the weapons - putting that together with information from the Tok site, I was able to work out a couple of tables that can be used to determine uses, chance of breaking, and cost to repair. I then was able to test a few more items by using those tables to extrapolate; there are certain points where it's possible to project that you've reached the maximum number of Repair Stone uses needed without getting the durability all the way down to red. I'll keep testing this where I can; the listing isn't complete, and it won't be until someone hacks into the game's to find out for sure, but it's helpful in the meantime. The weird thing is, of the four sites I'm referencing, two of them did hack to get information, as evidenced by their listings of apparently unused items (the Old Imperial Sword, the Fire/Thunder/Holy S Shields, and the Fire/Wind/Thunder/Holy/Dark M Shields). However, one is the Miru site Paladin found, which doesn't list repair information at all, and the other is Pegasus Knight, which lists repair information for everything and is incredibly wrong on almost all accounts in ways I can't begin to guess at the reasons for. So it's really just Tok's background, the wiki's incomplete data, and my testing, which is proving to take annoyingly long for the items that remain. On a related note, in YayMarsha's Chapter 4 video, he mentions costs of weapon durability as issues with the Parry and Axe Defense skills. On the Tok page, it indicates that shields lose durability four times as fast as weapons of the same durability. Does anyone know if weapons used by those two skills to block attacks also get the shield treatment and lose 4x durability? I can test it myself, but it might take a while, so if anyone already knows, that would help clear things up. Edit: My tests indicate that whatever durability is consumed, it's at least lower than 4x. I don't know for sure whether or not it's normal durability, but I'm going to assume it for now, unless anyone has other information. --- I was able to find a quick way to do average stats and all parameters, so I'm working on that now in a separate file. I also started a section for noting characters' starting items, but I couldn't find information on starting consumable items anywhere - does anyone know where to find that?
  16. Are you talking about the Fury skill? That's separate; it makes some enemies get auto-Provoked. That's why they turn red. I remember Provoke giving enemies the benefit of a use of Yell at some points, but never consistently. Do you have any idea what causes that?
  17. FE9 and FE10 have Bld still used for rescuing while Str is used for weight instead. I'm not saying to just transplant the system; in fact, I'm saying the opposite. My point is that whatever system the game uses for weight, it simply needs to set up the numbers so that they work out. You can't just assume that stats, caps, and weapon weight will stay the way it is in existing games, so existing stats can't prove a point about how a new mechanic would have to work.
  18. Ah, good find. Looking at it, one of the Ch2 requests and one of the Ch3 requests are parts of the goals for the bounty and collector lists, most likely to serve as introductions for the two functions. Although the game seems to classify them as civilian requests, I'm guessing they don't count towards the Fame rank, since they already count towards Action, which would explain the discrepancy and just leave the expected 35 requests. Elbert was able to target another nearby enemy that had already moved but could reach him, while the archer hadn't moved, so that's not it. I'm 99% certain I've had Elbert target enemies while they couldn't reach him on their next turn, although it may have been a matter of other enemies being in the way than him actually being outside of their movement ranges. I didn't think to check level; I'll test that next. Edit: So the archer was in question was LV10, while Elbert was LV10-11 at the time. On the next map, Sedy, at LV3, successfully used Provoke on a LV14 soldier which, because of a terrain divide, was about 10 turns away. It's not level, it's not ability to reach them in one turn, so now I'm really confused. Edit2: Ah, I see. The enemy has to be able to move to some space where they can attack, not immediately, but eventually. If the enemy won't move, even if they could, that counts for that. And the archer seemed to be stationary, so he couldn't reach Elbert, ever.
  19. Pent is available for a third of the main story, is often quite busy with healing, and isn't a frontline unit anyway. Personally, I don't think I've ever completed an FE game without at least one character having 100+ rounds of combat. Let's compare to Raven, who's available for more than two thirds of the game. He would need to attack three times per chapter to reach that goal, presumably not even needing to hit. And then there's double attacks, which are quite possible for him even with the Speed drop, meaning that he doesn't even need 64 rounds of combat, but may need closer to 32. Spending a few turns on the frontline every few chapters would be more than enough to get 64 attacks with a Steel Sword, even without using the Steel Sword all the time - although as a cheap and effective weapon, it tends to be used quite frequently. Perhaps I should clarify: I'm not arguing that the idea is a good one, and I'm sure as hell not arguing that the random number suggested as an example for the requirement is right, especially in one specific game, because I just don't care. What I care about is the notion that a character would never use a Steel weapon 64 times, when even in a normal playthrough of this one, specific game, that is very much reasonable. Considering all of the games in the series, all of the different ways people play those games, for any reason, the notion that it would never happen is just insane. Even the simplest of these games, which you insist on focusing on for whatever reason, are not so simple as to remove the countless possibilities of how people might play them for whatever reason, and anyone expecting that they can account for those possibilities is sheer arrogance. Specifically, not you, as you don't seem to hold that view. When considering better characters and the reasonable variety of ways a casual player might play even without the mechanic, it is very plausible that they might have at least one character use a Steel weapon 64+ times in one playthrough, no matter when they reach that point, and without assuming they have the knowledge to play at all optimally. Do you disagree with this? If not, this doesn't concern you. Differences exist; they don't have to always be negated for perfect equality, especially with differences so small. If a male character has 20 Str and a female character has 16 Str, where's the problem if the female character gets slowed down by another point by weapons? Characters are supposed to have differences, not all be exactly the same.
  20. Half strength worked out fine in Berwick Saga; you know this as well as I do. What really matters for any given system is that the weapon Wt is calibrated to get results that work well with the abilities of the characters to negate that weight. Females' higher Speed is supposed to be the advantage for males typically having higher Strength. It doesn't make sense to put the females entirely at a disadvantage. ...Sigh. Repeat after me: The vast majority of FE players do not play for particularly low turncounts.
  21. Halves have been a part of FE calculations since FE1. Fifths, however, are stretching it, at least for major statistics. I don't think any of us object to the weird math that goes into defining things like Exp.
  22. Not according to the other site (specifically this page), which seems to be the most accurate source. It notes when describing Robbery: 他の盗み系スキルでは不可能な『強健』の敵から装備品を奪える点は見逃せない長所。Babelfish translates it as: With other stealing type skill as for the point which can take the equipment from the impossible 'robust' enemy the merit which cannot be overlooked. Now, I might be misunderstanding that, but I think it's safe to assume that it's saying it can take equipment from enemies with Robust, unlike the other stealing skills. Based on the rest of the page, Mug and Steal can only steal unequipped items, while Mug II cannot steal equipment from an enemy with Robust, which fits with all of that. Also indicates that Axel can steal some things better than the "actual" thieves, strangely enough. That just leaves the chance of it activating. The tests YayMarsha linked to seem absurdly low, and I remember when fighting Fells, he would activate Mug every other battle that involved him landing a hit. So unless anyone has a more definite source, we may have to leave the chance as unknown for now. Changing topic again, I watched YayMarsha's Chapter 15 videos and noticed that Bau Crash definitely does not seem to be an area attack... so I just don't get it. It looks like it's doing something fancy, but doesn't seem to have any corresponding effect, even though literally every other Dark spell does. Also, it appears that criticals do not ignore defenses; multiple times in those videos, characters such as Reese hit for less damage than their base damage. I particularly remember noticing Reese attack a Gigas Knight in the throne room with Succeed and 100% critical. Reese's physical attack was in the 20s, beaten by 1 point by the Gigas Knight's Defense, and his magical attack was 15 while the Gigas Knight's Mind was 11. Rather than doing at least 20+/15 damage on the critical hits, he did 19/4 and 17/4 damage, which lines up much more logically with my other thought - the critical hits don't ignore Defense at all, but just add 10-20 damage. And then I proceeded to play my own file and have Larentia crit the General boss; he had 29 Defense when blocking with his shield (which he did, having 91% accuracy with it), while she had 17 Attack with the Chalice Sword. Her crit did 19 damage, indicating that unless it added 31 damage, some defense-piercing was at work there. Keeping past observances in mind (both in YayMarsha's video and my own experiences), I wonder if it might ignore shields, but not defense entirely. That would put the damage increase at 14, much more plausible. On an unrelated note, does the final boss ever appear anywhere else in the game? He seems to have Beldo syndrome. --- So I've been working on the ranks, and while the site Paladin linked to has a list of the civilian requests by name, it doesn't actually describe them, which is less helpful. Does anyone know where I could find descriptions of each of the civilian requests and what they entail? --- So I was playing farther into Chapter 7, and I wound up with Axel about to get killed by a powerful archer. None of my characters could reach the archer, so I was worried until I remembered that my team included a manly man who didn't need to reach his enemies to mess with them. I called out to Elbert: "Save him, Basch! Save him with your face!" But even though the archer was only a couple of hexes away, Provoke couldn't target him. Axel died. So what are the limits on Provoke? Does the enemy not only have to be within the 5-hex range, but also have to be able to reach the character using the skill in one turn? I thought I remembered using it on enemies that were too far for that, so now I'm really confused.
  23. I can't read Spanish, either... Do these look accurate? Of course, I'll write them better on the actual database, as with the other skills. Mug - When hitting an enemy, randomly steals an unequipped item (?%) Mug II - When hitting an enemy without Robust skill, randomly steals any item up to twice per map; otherwise, can activate Mug skill (?%) Backhanded - When hitting an enemy, randomly inflicts Crippled status up to 5 times per map (Weapon Skill/2+5)% The thing that seems most odd is Sylvia's skill being based on an independent chance when it had seemed to simply double the base Cripple rate. But then, that's really just based on wiki, which has proven itself to be one of the less-reliable sources here, and it's not even consistent in the wiki. Confirmed Mana Stone effect as becoming invisible until moving. Getting another translation, I then decided to change the name to Vanish Stone.
  24. Yeah, the only difference with Mercy itself is that it's activated by command in this game. And has some rather complex uses with capturing due to the wacky mechanics, and therefore has quite wide distribution - 6 characters, tied with Blade and Throw for second most distributed skill behind Continue's 9. Seems the wiki left out the last bit of Holy's effect, looking at it in the game. And not that it really matters, but it turns out I was wrong - in the game, the line breaks really are there, but in the opposite order. (状況によって倒す場合あり) Don't know if this part exists for Black Meteor or not. Anyway, with a brief bit of testing, I was able to confirm that Holy indeed both automatically attacks first and leaves an enemy it would kill with 1 HP. It can't even be used to attack an enemy with 1 HP. I suppose Black Meteor works the same way... with its power, it seems almost to function like an FE4 Hell or FE6 Eclipse, but it actually has both range and accuracy. 40% accuracy, but that's not too horrible for Berwick Saga anyway. Certainly helps make it less absurd with its ability to hit anywhere on the map for crazy damage, although I can't decide whether that balance is good or bad. I've only fought one enemy with the spell so far, and I killed him with Larentia before he could do any real damage, so I don't have much experience fighting it personally, but whatever. Interestingly, Berwick Saga actually handles complete invincibility a bit different from FE5. There are certain effects that can absorb a fatal blow completely - it hits, but for no damage. This appears to be unrelated, though. That leaves Bau Crash. The second site I've been using, here, which showed the full Holy description, also showed a somewhat different description for Bau Crash. I don't have the means to check which one is accurate with the game, but it may be worth considering... 敵ユニット一体を地面に 叩きつける(対地のみ) Google Translate: Integrated strike enemy units on the ground (ground only) Babelfish: It is accustomed to hitting enemy unit one body in the land, (only anti- area) Certainly seems to be ground-only, but can you get anything out of the rest? While we're at it, in case it's more accurate, the description that site lists for Black Meteor: 黒い隕石 攻撃相手を倒さない Still has the "not-killing" part, but now the only other thing it says is, as far as I can tell, "Black Meteor"... perhaps not as helpful as I had expected. But it does seem to confirm that Black Meteor indeed cannot kill, however weird that sounds. --- On an entirely unrelated note, I've been wondering for some time about the feasibility of adding TearRing Saga and Berwick Saga to this forum's Favorite FE Game field; in fact, intending to post that suggestion was what lead to me discovering this thread in the first place. Your thoughts, Vincent? --- So looking at the other site's skill section a bit more, it explains several skills I had been wondering about, including relevant chances, but I'm still left confused about the exact chances and function of Strike and Mug/Mug II. It also shed some light on other matters, though, such as Marcel - it seems he has an invisible skill decreasing his movement until LV15. There are also a couple of other invisible, enemy-only skills with seemingly largely irrelevant effects, which I'll figure out and add at some point. I don't think they're really a priority, or even necessary. And changing the subject again, does anyone know what the Mana Stones do? 使用すると数ターンの間 索敵範囲外なら発見されない
  25. It's been six years. I don't believe we know whether or not she's come to understand that, but it certainly seems plausible. And furthermore, you've given no evidence as to why that sentence would be any better at accomplishing that goal than any alternative.
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