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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. As someone who is practically asexual I am glad that Brightbow clarified for me that I actually bought the game so that Tharja could rape me and I could marry Nowi. I had assumed this entire time I had purchased it because I liked FE8 and was very interested in seeing a continuation of that game's mechanics, but now I know better. Time to start hoping that FE14 is a dating sim where you need to repopulate the dying Manakete species with characters like Nah, Myrrh, and FE11!Tiki. Although do understand that the American fanbase was, to at least a certain extent, not fond of the games because most of them never played them. Admittedly even still the games remain more beloved in Japan compared to we who appear to prefer 4/7/9, but that's not entirely the game's fault.
  2. It depends on how lazy I am. Avatar when I'm trying to write semi-decently, MU when I'm just trying to be quick about it. Also, the specific genders are always 'FeMU' and 'Male MU'. And when I'm being specific about FE13/FE12 then it's Robin/Kris. I generally try to adapt to localizations but sometimes I get lazy and Avatar doesn't shorten well okay :<
  3. English, definitely. For starters, the English dub is fantastic, but also just because I agree with all of these things. I know that some people have gotta have the Japanese voices, and that's cool, but for people who aren't already Japanese speakers I've never understood that mentality and probably never will, especially when the English dub is perfectly fine as it is here. Or in Xenoblade, speaking of which- AN ELECTRIC GUTBUSTER UPON THEE Compare the English version, where the list is: Cynthia being high-pitched (but reasonably, since she's like six) Olivia being vaguely whiny (but with a much more reasonable voice) If you're not into that thing, it's an improvement, if nothing else.
  4. One of the best tomes in the game, arguably *the* best for a Sorceror that's with Armsthrift. Unfortunately, it's stupidly rare, and there's no good way to obtain more of them. And in the demo, not only can you not save it for later, but nobody can ever use any Aversa's Nights obtained, period, because nobody has the Tome rank to use it or the Sorceror class that's required. Basically, getting an Aversa's Night in the demo is a milder form of finding a shiny Pokemon before you obtain Pokeballs.
  5. Nope. For better or for worse, though, it's a somewhat rare weapon with a low chance to activate earlygame, can only actually be used by someone with D swords, and you ultimately do have the choice of not using it and just pretending you got something useless like an Aversa's Night. I feel so sorry for anyone who gets an Aversa's Night in the demo.
  6. needs more lucius but then again so does everything else
  7. Einherjar in this world are comparable to a 'snapshot' of a character during a given moment in their life. For instance, Professor Marth is from when slew Medeus the first time, whereas King Marth is from the era after he reunited Archanea. Likewise, Normal Ike is from when he saved the world, whereas DLC Ike is from when he lost his arm in a manufacturing accident. I suppose you can think of it as the cards existing outside of time and instead capturing the spirit of a character at one point rather than the end of their life. Alternatively, because a wizard did it.
  8. Ah. That... would certainly have been a handy thing to have known before it was removed, wouldn't it have been? Then maybe I'd have some idea who half of you are~ Thank you for clarifying, at any rate.
  9. Well, disregard this post, then. Apologies!
  10. Ys Seven, as well as the other two (Oath in Felghana and I+II Chronicles) if you don't have them on Steam. Jeanne d'Arc is decent enough. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, once it gets going, is a fantastic game until the cliffhanger. You will then be in constant agony until the second game is localized in roughly eight billion years, probably on Steam if at all.
  11. Hector as a descendant of Ike? Hector as a descendant of Ike? okay i'm done everything in the world is wonderful now
  12. Back when he was released in Japan I figured that Paris would be the brother/son of the main character in FE14 and he'd be the guy ultimately responsible for causing that week's apocalypse. But then the localizers changed his name to Priam and now I can't pretend the name is meaningful. :<
  13. If you're going by the countdown on the main page, and assuming it hasn't actually been delayed, the answer is "your computer is drunk." Specifically, check to make sure the date and time on your computer match the actual date and time.
  14. I would honestly be almost understanding if the bonus characters didn't support with the main characters, but it's really a pity that they can't support among themselves! Gangrel - Aversa and Emmeryn Gangrel/Aversa - Details the relationship between the two while Gangrel led plegia. Gangrel/Emmeryn - Gangrel pleads forgiveness for causing the accident Emmeryn no longer remembers. Walhart - Emmeryn and Yen'fay Walhart/Emmeryn - Walhart discusses his style of conquest, while Emmeryn praises peace. Walhart/Yen'fay - Walhart owes up to what he did to Yen'fay and Say'ri and tries to justify his conquest to them. Emmeryn - Gangrel and Walhart Yen'fay - Walhart and Priam Yen'fay/Priam - The two discuss their different styles of swordsmanship, with Yen'fay focused more on honor while Priam focuses on strength and victory.Aversa - Gangrel and Priam Aversa/Priam, the man-ending temptress, attempts to seduce Priam, the spawn of Ike. Shenanigans ensue.Priam - Yen'fay and Aversa
  15. “I am Wrys, a humble priest. I cannot fight, but this staff I carry can heal your wounded. Take me with you, and you’ll be very glad you did.” class -> fighter this would be the first thing i would do, not gonna lie
  16. By the time you're able to get Limit Break, you should be done with the main story unless you've been grinding so much that the rest of the game has already been trivialized.
  17. I disliked Lissa when I first saw her, but then I played the game and she became a surprise favorite of mine. I didn't list her because I was under the impression she was popular, but if she isn't, well, there's another. And the last few posts have reminded me that I entirely forgot Laurent was hated. He's like my favorite child character. :<
  18. ...well, crap. You mean to tell me now that I've been going about it wrong for the last few years?
  19. Walhart, not Validar. I got 212. Pretty good for someone who never played the Tellius games and only knows the characters who either appeared in Spotpass or are feverishly hated. I nearly forgot Nils and Ninian until the very end, though; ultimately I got everyone from FE7, 8, and 13 (sans Walhart, since he's not in the quiz...)
  20. I like Maribelle, Donnel, Miriel and Stahl. The first three tend to get a lot of hate from what I've seen, and the fourth, while seldom on the end of ire, is adorable and needs more love. :< I don't like Lucina, Tharja, or Cordelia. They're probably the three most common waifus, too, which might impact it a bit, but for the most part Lucy bores me, Tharja angers me, and Cordelia's Chrom obsession annoys me.
  21. This is why the gaming market sucks nowadays.
  22. I should probably mention that I am colorblind, but until now it never even occurred to me that it could be anything other than a slightly bluish green. just what we needed here A THIRD COLOR
  23. One time in fourth grade a very nice teacher told me to have fun in gym. I said "you too." Almost a decade later and I still lie awake at night thinking about this.
  24. Aren't there 51 in awakening? 47 normal characters, Morgan F, Morgan M, Robin F, and Robin M? I suppose Morgan being one makes sense, so are we not counting the Avatar?
  25. Depends on what you like most. If the world map, go Sacred Stones. If the skills, go Path of Radiance. If the challenge, do Fire Emblem for the GBA. And, I guess, if the setting, Shadow Dragon.
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