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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. Owain was killed because the game wouldn't let him have Shadowdarkness. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE IS
  2. As someone who doesn't care about Mewtwo and is pretty apathetic regards to new designs, at this point, most of my lingering Pokemon interest is getting a sadistic high off of people who are personally offended by everything the series has changed since 1999. And their tears today were numerous and delicious. Between that and the fact that I love me some Smash speculah, this is my new favorite Pokemon. :3
  3. The ruined timeline's probably beyond repair at this point. :c
  4. this is everything i have ever dreamed of <3

    life is complete now thank you

  5. As a man, you are only allowed to know ten colors: black white brown dark blue green dark green orange grey blood pimp hat purple
  6. Iridium

    3DS games

    Aside from the obvious vote for Fire Emblem, Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan gets my highest recommendation as an RPG. It's the easiest game in the series, but it's by far the cleanest to get into and you've got a lot of freedom. Go buy 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors for the DS, play the hell out of that, and then hunt down Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. One of the greatest gaming experiences I've had in a long time, but the first game is basically a requirement if you want feels in the last part of the game. Professor Layton in the Miracle Mask is the fifth game in the series, but it's actually probably the easiest one to get into. Sure, the plot's insane - all Layton plots are - but the feels are there, and this one manages to not be depressing! Also, there are over 500 puzzles if you connect to Wi-Fi, so that's nice. Also, in terms of Layton games, Unwound Future (3) > Miracle Mask (5) > Diabolical Box (2) > Curious Village (1) > Last Specter (4), but Last Specter's good for backstory and Unwound Future needs to be played last if possible.
  7. Also, I'd give Donnel Conqueror, Lucina Manakete, Basilio Dancer, and Vaike Pegasus Knight.
  8. wait wait are you telling me ephraim doesn't have green hair my entire life is a lie i have always seen it as green until now waaaaah why are colors so mean to me
  9. all he needs to do is take off his clothes they will kill themselves before touching him
  10. Considering that the name appears to be a mixture of the word 'violet' (which is a bad word obviously) and 'drake', yep. There's actually a place in that game called purple dragon mountain? That sounds like something straight out of a kid's show. :x I don't know if I like Violdrake but it definitely sounds a lot more dangerous.
  11. She starts off with both mage skills, though, so all she'd gain are the Dark Knight skills - Slow Burn and Lifetaker. In your defence, no other class actually fits her.
  12. That's only because your team can't handle all of his fabulous.
  13. Mhm. I still appreciate how Emmeryn is Polka and Cordelia is Falsetto.
  14. But there are children characters around what if they are led to believe naga is okay with this
  15. He was my second choice after Stahl, but it was really close. Like, if I didn't love the idea of Village Boy x Princess so much (thus, me giving him Lissa), I'd probably have chosen him too.
  16. If you want to go the route of 'someone who is really good at tricks', there's always Harlequin. 'Blackguard' and 'Mountebank' would be decent if you're just looking for 'someone who deceives'.
  17. If anything I'd just assume it's the name of the deity so that I can stop calling him by his unwieldy and horrific-in-English Japanese name.
  18. Not? It sounds like she basically confirms Tellius happened before Magvel if she's never heard of Eirika. Someone in her position should know of these tales if they'd happened already. So, uh, that means it's second-to-last in the timeline unless Elibe has anything to say about it, no?
  19. I married Stahl as a woman. Why? Because he's sweet and adorable, that's why. Does it make the best Morgan? Probably not, but I don't care. <3
  20. Good job, NOE, for, in spite of doubtless an entire arsenal's worth of legendary weapons at your disposal, knowing a pointy weapon with four-letters that NOA managed not to think of while looking for more places to stick the words 'exalt' and 'craven.' Now you just need to fix Caeda and Navarre's names.
  21. I think it makes more sense this way, given that he runs the Hubba Tester.
  22. Okay, this is just fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. The translators definitely had sooooo much fun doing this. :c
  23. i'm not sure if this is what i wanted for my birthday it sounds interesting but hmmmmm i will miss making up my own characters, there's just something so satisfying about making a new character in the rest of the series even if i don't end up using them
  24. I think they're sort of disregarding most of the classes that were introduced prior to FE6 (that weren't carried over there) in favor of a sort of consistency. The only Mage Knight from then onward is Magvel's, which uses staves and not swords, and also doesn't look nearly as menacing.
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