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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. Yeah, the best we could probably hope for is Malice mentioning Dice or Katarina/Legion mentioning Kleine/Eremiah. Even so, with the chance there, there's no harm in waiting.
  2. Dammit, no Velthomerian Falcon? They could have made him so much cooler. Can't say I was ever too attached the the old names, but I can't deny I preferred Alvis as he was. In other news, Raquesis is alright with respect to her actual name, but I was thinking Lexus. I can see I was a little bit off. At any rate, she is now Rayquaza.
  3. Demon Fighter and P19 will be next week. 100%.
  4. "Well, when a mommy zombie loves a daddy zombie very much..." Eh, pretty much anything Henry says can substitute. Also, "You should name your next move Eternal Chastity" -> "I've got the perfect teacher right in front of me!" Edit: "You literally traveled across time... to be popular with girls?!" Edit2: "It should be "WHOM did you piss off," Brady".... okay, you know what, there are just too many. I'm gonna give someone else a chance.
  5. Grima was waiting for Lucina's assets to grow to sate his own interests. It was only that they never did that she had time to escape. Lucina saved the world with her flatness.
  6. Well, the Lord costume's based off of Marth. Last I checked, Marth didn't have triple-D bazongas.
  7. Considering that Elincia's been available since last Thursday, I don't think there's really any rush anymore. The free competition's already there, after all.
  8. I am the sort of pedant who can't enjoy the comic because Freddy and Chrom can't S-support each other. I hate myself.
  9. Even if I didn't like Galeforce, it's the only way for Inigo to get it, so you might as well. If you're talking Lucina, it doesn't really matter since Chrom always passes her Aether and she can learn anything Olivia can (except Dancer skills), so you might as well just not grind her and pass Luck +4 (as Special Dance would be even more useless on her than Luck +4 would be). But for Inigo, Galeforce is the only right answer.
  10. Because Swordmaster only branches off from Myrmidon, which can also become an Assassin, anything capable of becoming a Swordmaster can learn Lethality. And yes, be you an Assassin, a Swordmaster, or a Taguel, if you've learned Lethality, you can use it in whatever your current class is - same for other previously class-based skills, like the Thief's Locktouch.
  11. I want to say it's been 85 hours, but if I turn on the game again to check it will be more like 90 by the time I'm here again. I have a problem and this game is not good for my problem. Do not buy this game during schooltime or you may also become a statistic.
  12. I will be a male dancer who can reclass to Pegasus Rider. Give me that and I don't care if speed's my worst stat and I'm recruited in the last chapter.
  13. I want a sequel to the Sacred Stones. Jehanna, Renais, and Grado are basically in ruins at this point, so it'd only take a little bit of meddling to make Frelia or Rausten crazy. Let Mansel die and Rausten would probably become crazy on its own.
  14. Anything that Anna, Henry, Virion, and Gregor say will fall into this category. WHERE IS CHALLENGE?
  15. I'd be alright with that, but I don't see anything wrong with Levin it alone. . okay this is the worst thing that i've ever typed
  16. "I should check before submitting my post... nah, what are the odds?" why does real life use 1 rng
  17. If Sully could do it, she would do it six times.
  18. He's a trickster, it's just one of his many tricks. ...but also because he's not an idiot and won't just stand there like one until he's the only person alive. The team leader's name is chosen from a preset list. I'm still looking into whether or not the teams are random or preset, since nobody's been willing to help me on that. The name should be Outworld Order, yes. None of the generated teams allow you to buy forged weapons, at least on hard.
  19. Nwa, but with a very slight 'r' tone at the end.
  20. Last skill is always going to be the last skill on their list, be it Aptitude, Armsthrift, or Rally Spectrum. You can reorder skills at any time in the equip skills section.
  21. Yes, but only if 'without an Avatar' means 'with Olivia'. Only Avatar and Olivia can pass down both Myrmidon and Pegasus Knight.
  22. Well, you'd need to complete the 25 story chapters, yes. But you could still use them quite easily in any of the 23 paralogue/sidequest chapters that aren't required to get to that point. At worst, you at least are guaranteed to be able to use all but one of them for the last six paralogues that you unlock them in. And if you're planning on getting the DLC - which, as Othin said, eventually becomes harder than the final chapter - they can be nice to have. However, I think most of them were intended as more "oh, cool, I can have this character on my team" rather than must-have combatants. It's more for characterization, in other words.
  23. For what it's worth, Old Hubba still acts like Lucina and Owain have a ring. Granted, it's possible he just sees their parents rings and assumes that that's what those are for, but whatever.
  24. None at the moment. I prefer using characters who can support, although if I ever complete the support library I'll probably do a run or two with legacy characters. I would have used Joshua, but apparently Marisa and Moulder were more plot important than he was. I might pair Ike and Soren together for kicks.
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