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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. Six. Eirika, Amelia, L'Arachel, Lyon, Innes, and the Boulder.
  2. ...oh, well, I guess it's probably more visible here than there, anyhow.
  3. I've already got two people to start looking into the game simply because they played the 'first few' on GBA and they hated restarting when characters died/losing critical characters and getting stuck in future maps. I mentioned casual mode and that was pretty much all it took. I know it's a frightening prospect to a lot of people, but casual/classic options are exactly what this series needed to be successful.
  4. I knew that I would survive the sacrifice. After all, I was playing Casual Mode. Killing Grima just made me retreat.
  5. This question is probably going to come across as really stupid to most of you, but... ...alright. So, I'm colorblind. I plan on making a few custom avatars that might or might not resemble characters from other series. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me what each of the 20 hair colors is, to ensure that I don't do something silly like make Adol the Beige or a pink-haired Kloe.
  6. Yes. A level 10 promoted unit (or a level 30 special unit) will be able to reclass to any class they have had access to at any point.
  7. It was my favorite until about half a week ago, yes. But my god, Awakening is too good for its own good.
  8. ...oh, did nobody take the soundtrack? Well, here, I just unlocked sound test. Go ahead. [spoiler=Soundtrack localizations] 17-24, 33-46, and 60-70 have quotation marks surrounding them, being quotes in all. Prelude Prelude~Fire -> Prelude (Ablaze) Dark Clouds -> Storm Clouds Dark Clouds~Fire -> Storm Clouds (Ablaze) Mission -> Duty Mission~Fire -> Mission (Ablaze) Fate -> Destiny Fate~Fire -> Destiny (Ablaze) Destiny -> Divine Decree Destiny~Fire -> Divine Decree (Ablaze) Chaos Chaos~Fire -> Chaos (Ablaze) Expedition -> Conquest Expedition~Fire -> Conquest (Ablaze) The Strong -> Champion The Strong~Fire -> Champion (Ablaze) "Doesn't seem like big trouble." -> It appears the capital was spared the chaos. (japanese words) -> Here we are! The Shepards' garrison. I'm bad with politics and diplomacy- > Negotiation's not my strong suit... There's something... odd here -> Something is very wrong. Alright, run for it!! -> I mean it. Go! My name is Marth -> You may call me Marth. ...Is this really going to work? -> Someone has to save you from your good intentions. Humans have no choice but to fight each other! -> You don't know the first thing about peace. No man does! Onslaught -> Assault Onslaught~Steel -> Assault (Galvanized) Assault -> Aggression Assault~Steel -> Aggression (Galvanized) Attack -> Annihilation Attack~Steel -> Annihilation (Galvanized) Practice -> Training Practice~Steel -> Training (Galvanized) Withdrawing ~ -> Farewell...my friends... Even if this is an illusion... -> Dry your tears, love. This is not good-bye. And here I thought there was no such thing as a clean death! -> I've never seen one fall so gracefully. ......... -> ...... Don't you dare mock my sister's words! -> Don't speak her name! Do you think I have that power... that worth? -> And what if I can't? What if I'm not worthy of her ideals? I shall become much stronger! -> Let's see what I'm capable of now. It's right after this mountain. -> Oh, it's not so bad, Lissa. Just a healthy little walk! Let's prepare for battle here -> We'd best prepare for combat, just to be safe. Let's rest for today -> We should turn in for the night. I've got some nice goods, you know? -> I carry only the finest. I'll give you a discount! -> Open for business! Corpse soldiers, even here? -> Gods, have the Risen spread this far? This guy wants a war -> Now that's a declaration of war if I've ever heard one! Strong Foe: Beginning -> Menace (Intro) Strong Foe -> Menace Formidable Foe: Beginning -> Miscreant (Intro) Formidable Foe: Emotion -> Misericorde Formidable Foe -> Miscreant Crazed Enemy: Beginning -> Malefactor (Intro) Crazed Enemy -> Malefactor Nemesis: Beginning -> Mastermind (Intro) Nemesis -> Mastermind Mortal Enemy: Beginning -> Monstrosity (Intro) Mortal Enemy -> Monstrosity Worthy Foe: Beginning -> Rival (Intro) Worthy Foe -> Rival So, I'm staying! Okay? -> But, Frederick, it's nearly dark! I had forgotten I'd done that ->The Vaike never forgets! I just don't always remember. Kweehahah! -> Agh! Won goph in mah mouph! Blech! Ptooey! Come, don't be afraid! -> Shh... Easy now, Girl. I won't hurt you. We battle supported by "bonds" -> Such bonds are the true strength of this army. I feel power... power much like our own... -> You have power... like mine. Fate won't change, after all... -> Run all you like—you can't escape fate. Fate is just an excuse for the dead -> Don't you put any stock in this destiny hogwash! And here, I rise from my grave again... ->The life force here shall renew me! ...I feel a little uneasy -> Ha ha! Yes, it will take some getting used to! This battle is finally over... -> Grima has returned to slumber. "I"~Safety ->Id (Serenity) "I"~Sorrow -> Id (Sorrow) "I"~Distress -> Id (Dilemma) "I"~Darkness -> Id (Darkness) "I"~Again -> Id (Return) "I"~Because -> Id (Purpose) "I"~ntroduction -> Id (Beginnings)
  9. Well, do consider that it had been a week since the online distribution had been started - the Thursday before the game's release. Sacred Stones' spotpass sorties started alongside standards - the seventh, Thursday. Presumably, the next team (Path of Radiance?) will be given the Thursday following, et cetera. I imagine we'll be getting one DLC a week from now until the end. Likewise for Spotpass, which I guess be condensed so that each week gives a Spotpass team and a weapon, with paralogues and multiplayer teams every other week. [spoiler=Paralogue character recruitment]If I'm correct, we will get Gangrel on the 14th, and I'm sure that he would be most pleased to be your valentine. Then Walmart on the 28th, Emmeryn on the 14th of March, Yen'fay on the 28th, Aversa on the 11th of April, and Priam on the 25th. But who knows. These are only the first two weeks and trying to place a pattern from only two points of data is pretty ill-advised. For all we know they might have just wanted everyone to have FE7's team from the start to see how the system works.
  10. I never summoned Innes and yet got Amelia, so yeah, summoning ain't required.
  11. If you were to use a second seal from a level-30 Manakete/Taguel/etc into a promoted class, would that affect the internal level like a class change (+30/2) or a promotion (+20)?
  12. The Lucina one turned out really nicely. I was almost tempted to switch to it from L'Arachel... but darnit I just love this L'Arachel artwork. Cordelia looks amazing too. We need a Henry one.
  13. What are you waiting for, then? Get to it. He's lonely.
  14. This is way too difficult. Stahl's adorable, Henry and Virion are hilarious, and Mustafa (rainy level boss) and Cervantes (invincistache) are some of my favorite bosses in the series. I think I might have to go with Henry but this is just too hard. ;-;
  15. I just checked these for myself, and I can confirm that you misread or misspelled the following, spelled correctly below: Doma -> Duma Jugdral -> Jugdral Lenster -> Leonster Agustria -> Agustria I normally wouldn't be anal about spelling, but it's sort of important when dealing with things like localizations~
  16. Not when it's Reyn time, it isn't!
  17. When the female avatar is able to marry Lucina, get back to him. Alternatively,
  18. But it's also far more succinct. I guess they could've said "Level increased!", but eh.
  19. Don't judge him, man~ he's just getting in touch with his feminine side he's still bitter they wouldn't let him ride a pegasus
  20. I got Eirika's team and, yeah. Eirika and ersatz versions of Seth, Franz, Gilliam, Vanessa, and the Boulder. I kinda wish I'd paid attention during Florina's team.
  21. Go for Henry or Stahl. Stahl's adorable, Henry's hilarious. What is gameplay justification.
  22. "Don't mock my sister's words" is the unlocalized name for "Don't speak her name". They're the same song, and indeed, prior to unlocking sound test you'll only be hearing them in chapter 10 to my knowledge. Enjoy it, though. Chapter 10 is amazing.
  23. Dunno if anyone will notice... but here's my tiny little contribution, Keldelia. [spoiler=Kellam x Cordelia, C Support] Cordelia: ...Good. It seems that I have gone undetected. Kellam: Oh, hey, Cordelia. What are you doing? Cordelia: K-Kellam?! How long have you been there? ...Gods, but it's impossible to do anything in secret with this guy hovering around. Kellam: Sorry, did you say something? I didn't mean to interrupt your training. Cordelia: Ah, it's fine. Don't worry about it. It's my fault I got caught. Kellam: Practicing your stealth moves, eh? Are you planning some sort of covert op? Cordelia: A good warrior should never neglect the chance to practice ALL her skills. You never know when they might come in handy. Kellam: Wow, Cordelia. You're so dedicated. Cordelia: Yes, but when it comes to stealth, you have us all beat. Kellam: Yes, but I don't know if that counts. It's not like I practice or anything. People just seem to...overlook me. Cordelia: Oh, come now. There must be SOMETHING special that you do! Kellam: Not really. I just kind of stand here and fade into the background. Anyway, I'd better be on my way. Good luck with your training. Cordelia: Kellam, wait! I wanted to talk more about– How does he DO that?! You'd think that armor would be a big clanking giveaway... [spoiler=Kellam x Cordelia, B Support] Cordelia: *Pant* O-okay, I think I did it... Kellam: Hello, Cordelia. Are you practicing your stealth moves again? Cordelia: Kellam, there you are! Listen, I think I've got the hang of this now. I just circled the whole camp without being spotted by anyone! Kellam: Really? Oh, well done! That must have been hard. Cordelia: But here's the thing: I made a count of everyone, and I never found you. Kellam: That's because I was on guard duty patrolling the camp's perimeter. Cordelia: What?! B-but I was sneaking AROUND the perimeter! I didn't see you anywhere! Are you sure you weren't taking a nap in one of the tents? I won't tell. Kellam: No, I was on the perimeter. I even saw you when you hid behind that raspberry bush. Cordelia: Wait. You SAW me circling the camp? Then I didn't... Then I wasn't... Oh, blast it all! Kellam: Aw, don't be glum. It's hard to be stealthy when you stand out as much as you do. Cordelia: You think I stand out? Kellam: Well, I mean, you're just so pretty, and you have that long hair, and– Cordelia: That's it. I'm getting a haircut. Kellam: Oh, no! Please don't do that! Cordelia: I'm just joking, Kellam. Don't worry. But...thanks for the compliment. Kellam: Oh, um... You're welcome. [spoiler=Kellam x Cordelia, A Support] Kellam: Hmm... I haven't seen Cordelia all day. I wonder if she's practicing her stealth moves again? Cordelia: Correct! Kellam: GYAAAH! How long have you been there?! Cordelia: Yes! Nailed it! I finally managed to sneak up and catch you unawares! Gods, but that took forever. Kellam: Congratulations! Cordelia: Well, I still can't just disappear at will like you can. Kellam: I find it helps to turn sideways. But sometimes I just stand there. Cordelia: I'll never have that skill, no matter how much I practice. Kellam: Why are you so worried about stealth? You have lots of other skills. Cordelia: Oh, I have lots of skills, all right. But I haven't mastered any of them. I just wish there was ONE thing I could be better at than anyone else! Kellam: Aw, I bet there is. Just let me think... Oh, I know! You're better at being able to do more things than anyone else! Cordelia: That's...not quite what I had in mind. Kellam: But it's an amazing skill! You learn new things nearly every day, right? That means you're the best at being average at everything! Cordelia: Um...okay? I suppose that IS something to be proud of, huh? [spoiler=Kellam x Cordelia, S Support] Kellam: *Pant, pant* Okay. This time I won't blink for 17 minutes. Ready... Gwwwaaarrrrrrfff! Cordelia: That's quite a workout, Kellam. Kellam: My eyes! They burn! ...Oh! Hi, Cordelia. I'm practicing the exercises you used to see me. Cordelia: I never expected that I'd be teaching them to you one day! But I kind of like it. It's fun to have a secret training partner. Kellam: I think it's fun that someone actually talks to me. Which is why I went out and made you this ring. Cordelia: Oh, Kellam, this is beautiful! Did you really craft this? Kellam: Yep. It's probably not worth much, but there's only one like it in the whole world. Cordelia: I didn't know you could make jewelry! Kellam: Well, I can't really. But I tried my very best. It took a lot of trial and error, but... Cordelia: You did all that for me? Kellam: I...I really like you, Cordelia! More than anyone! Not to mention, you can actually see me. So, I got to thinking, and, um... Well, I'd really like you to accept this, and...you know, be my... Cordelia: Oh, dear. Kellam, I'm so sorry. I don't know how to say this... Kellam: Uh-oh. Cordelia: Just kidding. YES! Yes, yes, and yes again! I accept your proposal! Kellam: Oh, y-you do? Gosh, that's great! I kinda thought you'd turn me down. Cordelia: Now why would I do that? Kellam: Oh, you know. Because I'm kind of a wet leaf of lettuce... Cordelia: You'll have to ditch that attitude if you want to be MY husband, mister! Kellam: R-right! You got it!
  24. Celice is a girl's name. It's also one letter from the also-major character Celica. This might not seem like a large deal to someone who knows the series, but when I was still getting acquainted with it I honestly did not know that Celice and Celica were separate characters for some time, so the potential for confusion is definitely there. We could also go with "it's not Serlis and therefore is automatically at least a 9/10".
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