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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. Yarne receives it by doing the same, then claiming that it doesn't make them more comfortable and his mom lied.
  2. Dread Fighter is one of the best name changes in this game. I like what they were going for with the name 'Smash Brethren' but I think they're laying it on a bit too thick. I'd have done something slightly more subtle like 'A Smashing Display' only with more than ten seconds dedicated to making them sound decent apiece. But whatever. Yep, sure looks like they did. I wonder if it was just a typing error or if they confused her with FE6's Cecilia-who-is-in-this-game.
  3. Please tell me why I would ever bother escaping in an escape map if I could steamroll the enemy and would in fact be recommended to do so for the experience it would give me. If it's not punishing, it doesn't work.
  4. Arms Scrolls? You can get as many of them as you want with Anna Merchants. Same with Hammerne and all the Stat Boosters except Naga's Tear. Both have a rare chance of appearing on any normal chapter or paralogue, and a very good chance of appearing on chapters 24, 25, and the spotpass paralogues. Granted, they're pointless at that point anyway, but whatever. I've got like six Arms Scrolls in my convoy and two or three Hammernes because I am a hoarder and am stupid.
  5. Generally speaking, the difficulty goes up in accordance with how late in the game the mother was recruited. Thus, the easiest ones are Sully, Miriel, and Lissa, while the hardest ones are Olivia, Nowi, and Tharja.
  6. Gaius' confect keeps appearing whenever it would be funny for it to do so. Panne, who he's married to: "You humans have such strange tools." YOU GOT GAIUS'S CONFECT! Cynthia, who is currently paired with Gaius: "What's this? Finder's keepers!" YOU GOT GAIUS'S CONFECT! Gaius: "Candy? Not candy?" YOU GOT GAIUS'S CONFECT!
  7. Galeforce, Rally Spectrum, Sol, and Armsthrift are probably the four best skills in the game until Limit Breaker comes out. Attack twice, make your allies almost as overpowered as you are, and get free healing for half of the damage you do with your infinite divine weapons.
  8. If their child is male, absolutely. If their child is female, it couldn't hurt.
  9. Three other men? Not counting the defenseless convoy and the useless Myrrh presumably hiding within, he took on what was allegedly the most powerful army on the continent, and broke halfway through the army alone. The only reason he had any help at all was because Duessel realized that, holy hell, this man is freaking insane and changed clothes to avoid Ephraim's deific fury. Knoll only came after they'd already won. Edit: Oh, wait, you're speaking of 5x. Well, count this as another example, then. Still, credit where it's due, he did 5x with a mole.
  10. To boot, siblings can't marry in either version. Same-gendered siblings especially cannot marry in either version.
  11. If they don't get any good gender exclusives, I like to pass down Lifetaker or Renewal so they don't need to reclass to Dark Knight or War Clergy.
  12. I didn't get that at all from her Nah support, and that's sort of the point of her Lucina support (in that she wants to make sure Lucina deserves the name she took.)
  13. I suppose one could say it's not really the point of FE, but I love the overworld system of FE8 and FE13, which allow me to more easily develop characters (both in ability-to-get-supports and, you know, actually being able to use all of them without having a terribly weak army) as well as allow for a postgame rather than a game that entirely ends at Final. Sure, it's only 22 chapters, but that's not too much shorter than FE7 sans Lyn Mode (which is a semi-forced tutorial anyway), and doing Valni and Lagdou even once will add another 18.
  14. Nah is the best for Morgan statwise, Tiki is arguably the best character-wise and doesn't give -1 speed, and Nowi's the best if you want an overpowered Nah to go with your overpowered Morgan. Choose from there.
  15. Be sure to do this before chapter 11, or Chrom will pair with someone and the Avatar Logbook will give you away. edit: why do i keep calling it the logbook compendium i need to go to bed
  16. Generic ones also don't list pairings when you select them in the logbook compendium. This is the most absolute way of telling whether or not a team is generic if they have a single child character, Cherche, Henry, Tiki, Say'ri, Basilio, or Flavia, which are all only available after at least Chrom has been paired with someone. Additionally, generic ones never use more than one Avatar character, so if they have more than one original character they're definitely genuine. I don't believe that generic teams can use the spotpass paralogue characters, either, although I can't confirm this entirely. (Although if they can, they fall under the rule in the last line.) Typically, only generic teams will have generic leader names (from a long list of them), generic quotes (from a shorter list of them), and the team name Outrealm Order. All of these things can be mimicked, although I don't think anyone would actually bother. Finally, only real teams can set difficulty status. Real teams can also hide difficulty status, so this can only prove legitimacy and not deny it.
  17. It stems from Germanic Arvin, and means 'friend of the people.' Both work for very different reasons, but Arvis is more commonly a first name while Alvis is more commonly a surname.
  18. No, his son was Morgan. Severa's too fargone for Stahl to help, and let's face it, Stahl deserves waaaay better.
  19. Everyone deserves to be able to marry Stahl. Everyone. Except Severa.
  20. I posted from my phone and realized I was being a touch too antagonistic afterward, and I edited the post when I could again access it... six minutes before your response. Pity I couldn't have been available sooner. Heh. I acknowledge Arvis is more of a name than Alvis is, it's just disappointed me slightly for the same reason as Cyas -> Saias (rather than Scias). Yeah, it's probably a better localization, but it means I don't get to think of respectively Xenoblade and Ys Seven anymore whenever I see them. And I love those games, so wah. :<
  21. FE13 > FE8 > FE12 > FE7 > FE11. That's a very small ass.
  22. Perhaps, but the game is explicitly referred to in Spotpass messages pertaining to Awakening as "Genealogy of the Holy War", with no mention of it being tentative or incorrect. It seems like if it were not meant to be official they'd have just called it Seisen no Keifu or something.
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