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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. Almost certainly, yes. In Japan they gave a spotpass paralogue every two weeks, and they waited two weeks for our first here. Priam is the very last paralogue given out - the sixth one. We've already gotten the first, so only five more remain.
  2. Couldn't you do it in five? Get everyone except whoever you're marrying to Chrom prepared to access the S-support conversation with each of their potential wives/husbands, put a save file there (and maybe a backup of that as Suspend Save 2), marry off everyone that can marry and save it to another file, get their kids, get their parental/sibling supports, and then go back to the first file and start again. (Gen 2, once you've gotten everyone, can have their marriage supports done in the same manner, but far more easily save-scummable.) From there, you'd only need to make additional files so that Sumia, Sully, Maribelle, Olivia, and the female Avatar all get a turn in Chrom's pants. I think. You can tell me if I'm wrong.
  3. ...are you sure about this? I'm not *terribly* fond of Sully, but I think she's much better about it than Kjelle, who mentions how much better she is than men approximately every 2.8 seconds.
  4. It just occurred to me that we might get King vs. King next week. And when that happens, we learn the English names for all of the following characters: This is gonna be good. I'll bring all of the popcorn. Only one I'm hoping for is Cyas -> Scias, so that I can think of this every time I see him.
  5. who is tiamo and why do you keep saying you love me We could go various directions with this. First of all, Tiamo is not a name. Secondly, it means, literally, 'I love you' - which has two problems in of itself. First and most obviously, naming your kids after a common phrase is generally considered unkind, as my brother Whatsfordinner can testify. Secondly, she doesn't love you - she loves Chrom and only Chrom. Even if she marries you, she loves Chrom. It's a terrible and ill-fitting name. Now, I'm not sure how you're connecting Cordelia with Titania, either, since she's a blatant reference to Catria (whose name she matches fairly closely.) But if you really want there to be a connection, then good news, because there is one: Titania's English name was localized into something from a A Midsummer Night's Dream, and... oh, hey, Cordelia's from King Lear. They're both Shakespearean. Now, what does that Cordelia do? Her motto is 'love and be silent', and she loses her share of a kingdom because she can't exaggerate her love for her father (despite being the only sibling who actually feels it.) Compare Cordelia, whose silence prevents her from having Chrom despite being much more obsessed with him than his other brides. Because this is Shakespeare, she and her father are both killed at the end, but that's neither here nor there. And not even just that, either. Cordelia comes from the word for 'heart', which is about as close to a metaphorical 'bundle of love' as you're going to get. Cordelia is probably the best name change they've ever made and will ever make.
  6. Vgchartz is worthless, NPD is slow and you have to pay for it if the game isn't in the top ten. Neither counts digital sales, either.
  7. Huh. Didn't expect the Laurent hate. I didn't think I'd like him, but he ended up being one of my favorite characters. One of the best voices, too, in my opinion.
  8. Rainbows make everything better. This is scientific fact. I don't see the problem here.
  9. I've always pronounced it like "sarr-ya", but with a slightly-lisped s.
  10. Severa. So much so Severa. She's alone in my hatred, too. Her only redeeming factor is that she turned out to be one of the most powerful characters in my army. I did not initially like Maribelle or Panne at all, either. Maribelle got better during her supports with Libra, and Panne ended up alright as a mixture of her mother supports and the fact that she ended up kicking so, so much posterior.
  11. Virion and Ricken are adamantly refusing to not suck. Ricken especially appears determined to never gain magic, ever.
  12. Yes, Vaike's Victory and Stahl's Horsemen are called that. FE7 is called "Fire Emblem", FE8 is called "Sacred Stones".
  13. He'll probably be the one I get last, since I've been getting them all weakest-first. (Florina, Eirika, and now Mist.)
  14. i am tempted to get this dlc just to see ike throw his sword help
  15. I would like to test something. A friend of mine asked how to determine whether or not a streetpass team was generic. I've realized a few things these teams have in common (the name 'Outrealm Order', if they use Say'ri, if they don't use Morgan, and that they all seem to have renown amounts divisible by 100), but it made me curious. What are the names of the 'generic' characters? And are they actually random? So I list here the five that are available on my map right now. If convenient, I'd like to see if anyone could see if they get these characters and have matching teams/names/renowns. I'm listing them in order of renown. If nothing else, I'd at least like to know all of the possible names. Edit: I'll add a few more as they come. 0300 - Ack'tia (Kellam, Say'ri, Virion, Stahl, Cordelia, Noire, Gaius, Cynthia, Chrom) 2100 - Eteng (Lissa, Cherche, Kjelle, Ricken, Donnel, Panne, Maribelle, Noire, Sully) 2400 - Wymp (Miriel, Frederick, Tiki, Kellam, Olivia, Tharja, Virion, Say'ri, Panne) 2600 - Lozbel (Severa. Henry, Inigo, Gaius, Gerome, Brady, Basilio, Noire, Panne) 2900 - Belquaine (Say'ri, Inigo, Sumia, Panne, Basilio, Kellam, Noire, Lon'qu, Donnel) 3300 - Kinarne (Nowi, Say'ri, Gregor, Basilio, Gerome, Miriel, Virion, Sumia, Inigo) 3800 - Tanar (Cynthia, Kjelle, Frederick, Nah, Tharja, Panne, Noire, Gerome, Cordelia) 4000 - Rodshy (Yarne, Noire, Owain, Kellam, Miriel, Flavia, Gerome, Laurent, Severa) 4900 - Quath (Flavia, Noire, Vaike, Sumia, Morgan, Cherche, Sully, Donnel, Nah)
  16. It's possible to leave Camus alive. On my first run, I did.
  17. Despoil's fun, but it's obsoleted if you buy the Gold and Silver DLC. I like Counter, personally, but it's only particularly serviceable when a character doesn't need experience anymore, at which point they shouldn't be taking much damage anyhow, Lunatic aside.
  18. Inigo: "I wonder what fair maiden dropped this?" (or something like that) You got an Aversa's Night!
  19. New teams are made available 24 hours from when you obtain the previous one. The previous one only counts as obtained if you actually see it in the bonus box, rather than just assume that it's there. Therefore, if you check the bonus box once every 24 hours, as long as you see a new team, you should be good for the next one 24 hours from that moment. Do try to avoid sleeping in past the time you'd obtain it, also. I was getting them at 5:00ish, but today I was really tired and slept from 4 until 8, so now I'll be getting them late at night for a while.
  20. Be sure to access the bonus team menu every 24 hours and 1 minute from when you receive a team.
  21. DLC. Specifically, Talys Island allows you to train any unusably weak character until they can destroy reds with the best of 'em. And my OCD loves it so much.
  22. Vaike allows Owain to make the most sense, but I like Donnel the most becau- why why do you do this stop being me
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