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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. No, they just need to have it in the repertoire of classes they pass down, which they will no matter what. And I don't mean we're cloning Kjelle. I mean that, out of Kjelle, Noire, and Nah, you have to pick two of them to be descended from Gaius and Donnel. In other words, pair one with Tharja and one with Sully, or one with Tharja and one with Nowi, or one with Sully and one with Nowi. Unless you're playing as male Avatar, you can't have all three with the skill, I believe. Oh, one more thing: I also forgot that you can have Aversa and Emmeryn learn the skill. They can't have non-Morgan children, but they're factors nonetheless.
  2. Well, as far as children go, here's the list: Lucina (Chrom) Morgan (Robin) Owain (Lissa) Inigo (Olivia) Brady (Maribelle) Kjelle (Sully) Cynthia (Sumia) Severa (Cordelia) Gerome (Cherche) Yarne (Panne) Laurent (Miriel) Noire (Tharja) Nah (Nowi) Thirteen characters. If you're playing as female My Unit, reclass to Dark Flier immediately and learn Galeforce so you can pass it down. Now, let's simplify the above a bit. Kjelle (Sully) Gerome (Cherche) Yarne (Panne) Laurent (Miriel) Noire (Tharja) Nah (Nowi) Cynthia and Severa can access Dark Flier naturally. Lissa, Olivia and Maribelle need to reclass to Dark Flier, but they can learn the Galeforce skill to pass to down to Brady, Inigo and Owain. If we assume that you're playing as female Avatar, you must reclass to Dark Flier and access Galeforce; from here, you can marry Chrom to give Morgan Galeforce and Lucina access to Pegasus Knight (and thus eventual Dark Flier.) This leaves the children of Sully, Cherche, Panne, Miriel, Tharja, and Nowi unable to access the skill under normal conditions. One detail, though: Vaike excluded, the Fighter class, when passed down to a female child, becomes Pegasus Knight. The implications of this are that you can marry Gaius and Donnel to anyone with a female child to give them access to Dark Flier as well. Your options for this include Sully, Tharja, and Nowi. Ultimately, what this means is that you can have the following people have Galeforce on the same team: Female Robin, Cordelia, Sumia, Lissa, Olivia, Maribelle, Cynthia, Severa, Lucina, either Morgan, and two of Kjelle, Noire, and Nah. Oh, and naturally, any female legacy character will be able to access it as well. If you're playing as male Avatar, marry Chrom with Sumia or Maribelle (or a heavily-ground Olivia) to ensure Lucy still gets the skill, and marry the third lady from the above sentence. Female Morgan and they will automatically have access to Dark Pegasus.
  3. This reminds me of Jeanne d'Arc so hard and I'm not even completely sure why.
  4. Unlimited reclassing is locked to Avatars. Since Morgan descends from one, he also gets access to it, as does any of his siblings. - Totally gender-locked classes, not counting church officials, include: Male: Fighter, Barbarian, Warrior, Berserker, and Demon Fighter. Female: Pegasus Knight, Troubadour, Falcon Knight, Dark Flier, Valkyrie, and Bride. Effectively gender-locked classes - special classes only obtainable by certain characters or genders - also include the following: Male: Villager (Donnel and his male children), Conqueror (Walhart only), Lodestar (Marth only). Female: Dancer (Olivia only), Manakete (Tiki, Nono, Nowi, and potentially Fem!Morgan only.) - What this means is that gender-exclusive skills include: Male General: HP+5, Zeal, Rally Strength, Counter, Despoil, Gamble, Wrath, Axefaire, Resistance +10, Quick Slash Effective: Aptitude, Underdog, Conquest (inherent to Walhart and his potential son.) Female General: Speed +2, Refresh, Rally Speed, Lancefaire, Rally Movement, Galeforce, Resistance +2, Demoiselle, Rally Resistance, Support Boost, Rally Love, Bonds Effective: Luck +4, Special Dance, Odd Rhythm, Wyrmsbane, Shadowgift (inherent to Aversa and her potential daughter.) Most of these can be passed down to children of the opposite gender, but they can't get it themselves. It is entirely impossible for a male child to have Shadowgift, Wyrmsbane, or Odd Rhythm, though; female children cannot get Conquest.
  5. Sounds like Fire Emblem 13 will have serious shipping problems.
  6. Going for Stahl on my female run because he's just adorable. I'll probably go for Emmeryn on my male run. After that I'll probably go with Chrom for the story changes at some point but he's not a priority yet. Dear gods. You already share my husbando and now you're talking my waifu? Madness. And amazing taste. A+.
  7. I'm closest to Libra. I'm in the same month as my husbando Stahl, though, so everything's nice. Oh, I think that one knight guy's close, too.
  8. Oh, one more question for those who have seen the credits. Is it Paris or Parion or Priam or what? I know it was the first in Japanese, but the second had a few days of use before the third gained popularity and now I don't know what it is. Can anyone confirm it?
  9. Huh, oh wow. I was thinking they would do the Zodiac, but then Libra came and trolled me into thinking otherwise. Seems I just had the wrong Zodiac!
  10. I was hoping for "Blood of the Crusade", but I guess that's probably a bit dark for a Nintendo game.
  11. Gotta love how Cordelia is voiced by [spoiler=Eternal Sonata and FE13 spoilers]Falsetto, a character who will never get the strong leader she loves. and Emmeryn is voiced by [spoiler=Eternal Sonata and FE13 spoilers]Polka, a character destined to fall to her doom.
  12. Request granted. The bitterness of sharing my husbando is greatly outmatched by the joy of said someone clearly having very good taste.
  13. I'm a dude, but I'll be playing as a woman so that I can marry Stahl. ...come on, just look at him.
  14. I know exactly one male Morgan and one female Morgan. So... I disagree. In the United States, it's slightly more common for women. In our bestest friend Wales, it's mostly used for men. Elsewhere it's pretty much even. It would have been if he were a girl. I'm pretty sure he's a dude, though. Unlike Morgan, Azure is incontrovertibly a female name. The closest male name by meaning would be Gorman or Aciano. The closest by sound would be Azur, but that's not only incredibly rare but actually means something else entirely (it's a variant of 'Ezra' and means 'helper', not 'baby blue'.)
  15. You win the entire website. Just close up shop now, guys. It's not getting any better than this.
  16. I would actually be very okay with Priam. Still not exact, but at least it's from the same myth.
  17. If we assume that there is no more DLC, the free Lodestar is obtained, and every piece of content is $2.50... Series 1 is $(14*2.5) and Series 2 is $(10*2.5). Counting the initial $40 investment, this will bring the game to precisely $100. Tax will probably raise this to between $105-109.
  18. Assuming they're all the same price, you could get Lodestar (free), Bride, Demon Fighter, Limit Breaker, and Strongest One's Name for $10. That's really all you'd particularly have to have. If you want to sort of cheat, the gold/weapon/experience ones would be another $7.50 overall, which with Iote's Shield makes a total of $60 for game+DLC. I'd say that's about as good as any $60 retail game. And, again, this is assuming they're all the same price - for all we know, non-Einherjar might be less expensive.
  19. Inigo is really clever in all sorts of different ways and it's a shame that I can't imagine it without thinking of Princess Bride. That's not NOA's fault, though, much like the effect Monsters Inc. had on Sully for a bit. If there's one I'm not fond of, it's Yarne. I understand that Chambray is an actual word for a soft fabric, but yarn's a term most people who don't care about knitting would still be familiar with and it just irks me a bit. I'm sure I'll get over it. Otherwise, I'm pretty fine with all of them; I love Nah, and Kjelle's pretty alright considering that Degel is just weird. (I was thinking they'd pull something like "de Jaille", which just looks ridiculous on someone who isn't L'Arachel.)
  20. Male units can be Demoiselles (damsels, maidens.) I think it's nice that they're accepting of their gender confusion.
  21. Basilio is Frederic Chopin. I cannot hold all of this excitement.
  22. That depends entirely on where you live. Google your local sales tax (e.g. 8.75%), move the decimal two spots to the left (e.g. .0875) and multiply that by 2.50, then add 2.50. In that situation, it would be $2.72, but obviously this will vary if you live somewhere else.
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