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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. Naoto x Lucina is objectively the best sitcom pairing ever.
  2. are you saying that the scenes where i make good-looking guys into my husbando are voiced welp TIME TO MARRY ALL OF THEM
  3. T-rex winged pony? Yes please, I'll take ten.
  4. Pegasorceror. I'm not sure if this is the best or worst thought I've had today.
  5. One of the games I played definitely mentioned it somewhere. Don't remember where, though. Maybe Seth/Marcus/Arran said it, or it was in the class reel or something. Or maybe it was in a house. I don't know. But I read it somewhere in the games, out of FE7, 8, 11, and 12 (and FE11 doesn't have any dialogue so probably not there.)
  6. I noticed this the first time I saw him. Give Virion Snake's personality and shirt, and you get Edgey.
  7. 17. I started with Shadow Dragon, which I got on my Birthday, so... I would have been 14. I didn't get into it until I played Sacred Stones last year, though. And then, I was, well, 16.
  8. I like Dark Flier. It's a dark version of the Pegasus Knight. They couldn't call it Dark Pegasus, because it's the rider that's promoting - not the pegasus. They likewise couldn't call it Dark Knight, because... that's already another class. So they took the main attribute of the Pegasus Knight class and worked from there - they are dark, and they fly (on mounts.) Easy enough. Do prefer Ranger to Bow Knight, though, but whatever.
  9. Although I thank you for sympathy, I don't want to turn this thread into a discussion about this sort of thing. I come here to take a break from the place I go when I take a break. I don't want it spilling over here more than necessary. - It means I can get to Lunatic C1 (and thus die on Lunatic C1) more quickly, so I'm fine without Intermission. 'sides, it saves a little prologue for the main game.
  10. Between Velvet, Inverse, and Soiree, I think they're trying to get rid of names that are fairly common words in English. Which makes sense, and, honestly, is probably the best way they could handle them.
  11. I like to think I'm nice. :< It doesn't stop people accusing the staff at large of corruption, though. Which makes it all the more sad when I know every last person on it has the site's best interests at heart. It's just no-win. Give standard-or-higher punishments? Trying to silence opinions, you filthy communist. Site owner's gonna hear about this! Give reduced punishments? You biased nepotist. Site owner's gonna hear about this! Don't give punishments, opting for verbal warnings? You don't deserve to be on staff. Site owner's gonna hear about this! And then the site owner hears about it, slaps me on the wrist, and so I live for another week. If there's one surefire way to turn someone from a wide-eyed optimist into a cold cynic, it's having to deal with that fear every action or inaction I make. I think that was the thing I was most surprised about when I came here - the fact that the staff seems to be... liked. Respected, even. Oh, what I'd give for even an eighth of this kindness - it looks so effortless, but trying for years has not yielded it elsewhere.
  12. It was supposed to be a surprise. I don't know how successful it was, though. The girl is obviously very odd - inhumanly odd - and the game tells you her role at the beginning of the next area anyway. If you're following standard RPG character archetypes, the 'mysterious blue-haired secretly-an-angel waifu' isn't a new one. Considering her above-all attitude and the fact that a race called the 'High Entia' even exists, one can put it together easily. Now, what happens to Melia is the real surprise.
  13. For what it's worth, I was kind of mad about this (at least regarding the Avatar) until I realized that it was crucial to the game's plot that I made babies. So I accepted it, more or less. I don't think it would have killed them to have made one or two dedicated 'bi' characters, but... whatever. - At any rate, I'd definitely like to join in praising you guys here. I'm fairly new, but pretty much all of my past experience with the Fire Emblem fanbase - largely GameFAQs and another forum I administrate, but with a few others here and there - has made you out to all be jerks. I expected the same when I joined here, and mostly only did so because (a) I was really excited for Fire Emblem Awakening and (b) a friend of mine who I was gushing about Falcom towards told me that the dude in charge here liked Falcom and I figured that was deserving of a usercount +1. I was honestly surprised with how nice this place has been... to the point where, honestly, I've grown sort of disappointed in the oftentimes mean-spiritedness of my own forums. I don't know how y'all do it.
  14. Nope, but you can (eventually) marry Paris, who's distantly related to him and has an equally large and impressive sword. Almost as good.
  15. Trails FC and SC might. 3rd could go either way. Zero, Ao, and Sen definitely won't, though. The crossover fighter with Ys probably won't make it, either.
  16. Thing about this line of logic, though... ...and then he wouldn't like you anymore and problem solved. Unless you end up liking it, in which case go contact a television studio with your new sitcom idea.
  17. That's not how the spoiler tag works, hon~ [spoiler=Marriage Cutoff Point]...but at any rate, there's no cutoff point. Any characters that can have babies will have them immediately accessible either after marriage or once the path leading to their sidequest is clear, whichever's later. That having been said, Lucina needs a mom, so Chrom's gotta have babies by the end of chapter 11. If you have any particular preference as to whether Sumia, Maribelle, Sully, Olivia, or the female Avatar ends up marrying Chrom, they've got to have the most support points with him out of those five by the end of that chapter. He can't miss out on children, though - if all of those people are dead or taken, he just makes babies with VillageGirl-chan. The only ways to permanently miss a child's sidequest is to have the mother die/not get recruited or run out of eligible dudes (which should only happen if one dies/is not recruited.).
  18. Hard-Female will be Stahl, Lunatic-Male will be Emmeryn, and Lunatic+-Female will be Chrom. Probably. We'll see how the supports go.
  19. I'll trade you. He sounds annoying, but it's better than nothing. Meanwhile, I've got, like, all of the women.
  20. ESRB rating is out. loins afire confirmed for best localization ever
  21. So, if they release those spotpass teams, they'd have to either give official English names for the game or else give them generic ones (e.g. Fire Emblem 4?) Sounds good. Thank you.
  22. Go play the Kiseki games. Only one of them's been localized. The English mainstream doesn't even know it exists.
  23. Just out of curiosity: does the game mention the titles of previous games in the series anywhere? Like, say, for Leif's DLC, or the menu where you choose spotpass teams, does it actually say Thracia 776 somewhere?
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