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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. The speculation. If we need to pick something from the game itself, the soundtrack.
  2. Because, as we all know, the only reason taxes exist is to take advantage of the population. Reducing them was absolutely not a contributing factor to the insane public debt that just so happened to start increasing greatly right after both major times they were reduced. No, sir.
  3. I've also had crits from My Unit and Frederick. I remember Chrom's, though, because I've (a) seen it twice and (b) always hear it as "URINE HAS COME" rather than "your end."
  4. My ex used the term to me the other day and it really sort of caught me off-guard. He meant it in a positive way, I know, but mentally I've just so associated that word with people trying to insult me (which tends to happen when one grows up in a redneck part of Texas in before "isn't that all of Texas?") that it hit me the wrong way. It doesn't really help that it literally means 'weird/different. I usually just say LGBT. I know it doesn't include everything, and I feel kind of bad about that, but I feel more comfortable saying that acronym than the former word.
  5. Scientology's at least a bit easier to ignore when they don't have you marked. Nobody really sympathizes with them, anyhow. The WBC is immediately detrimental to everyone, though. They promote hatred of minorities and non-religious people among extremists, and they promote hatred of religious people from non-religious people. These guys would also be significantly easier to take down, too, if the effort had to be made.
  6. Chris is generally masculine, whereas Kris is more ambiguous. I've known both a Kristina and a Kristoffer who went by that name.
  7. I like the one that isn't actively spending vast amounts of money trying to prevent me from getting laid as best they can. Even ignoring that issue, I tend to disagree with republicans in nearly every major point at which the parties differ. That's not to say I always agree with the other side, mind - sometimes they're too moderate, and others too extreme - but they're at least a *closer* match. Gotta love that two-party system.
  8. Congratulations. I'm really happy for the two of you.
  9. I'd be heavily surprised if Miis weren't playable. Wii Sports themed moveset, probably. Could be interesting. My dream team would be Isaac, Paris (assuming he's the FE14 lord and retains axes, otherwise just keep Ike), Saki, Little Mac, Shulk, and the Animal Crossing villager. Realistically, we're probably looking at a 6th gen Pokemon, someone from Kid Icarus, a Mario character that isn't in the game yet, and probably another Star Fox character with the same bloody moveset. (Oh, and if I could pick someone who had no chance whatsoever? Golden Sun's Alex. Yes.)
  10. I think I might also make Lyon a demon fighter, just for laughs.
  11. i would make everyone in my army a bride me chrom stahl sigurd EVERYONE - I'm always disappointed by the lack of male pegasus knights, though...
  12. My guesses: Marble, Gil, Hartsimble, Libyerra, Hinrey, Vass'lo, Gangrene, Vis'รก-vis, Fauhardt, and Geneva. [spoiler=Alright, fine.]I've always been partial to Maribelle over Mariabell, but I don't really care one way or another for the rest. Most of them seem alright as they are. Guire could become Guile since he's a thief, though, and that'd be cool. Paris is definitely staying the same, though.
  13. Given how much they seem to love apostrophes, N'n wouldn't surprise me.
  14. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS Well, there goes my makeshift gay option (e.g. a silent, masculine female). Guess I'll just have to make up an actual character instead.
  15. So tonight I've become involved in a small argument where I'm apparently a fool for even considering that, despite my personal dislike of the name, there is a very real possibility that the protagonist of FE4 might officially be localized as Serlis as per an official website's history section. It occurs to me that, three weeks from now, he, Leaf, Sigurd, Finn, Othin, Wolt, Katarina, and Celica's names will all make their English-language debut within games. I'm tempted to get the popcorn, alcohol, and lurker goggles ready, because I've got a feeling that this is definitely going to be something I want to watch. These tears are going to be delicious. (Celice, Leaf, Othin, and Wolt are probably the only ones who are at-risk, though.)
  16. Today, I was playing Sacred Stones for the third time. Kyle, Gerik, and Seth all died in a single stage to 2% crits. I don't even want to know what the odds of that happening were. All I know is that I'm definitely doing casual if even FE8 is going to be this much of a jerk to me. >
  17. The last few games they've released have been available on the eShop at midnight EST launch day. Presumably this one will as well.
  18. Attend class all day, eagerly awaiting for it to end so that I can play Fire Emblem. Proceed to call Gamestop and find out they're not getting it until Tuesday or Wednesday. Wait until then. This has been a sort of tradition with every game I've pre-ordered from them in two years except Xenoblade (for reference, this is: Professor Layton and the Last Specter, Virtue's Last Reward, and The Last Story), so I have no confidence they're going to stop now. Pretty much my only hope is that it's only the word "last" that's cursed.
  19. Nintendo Power, in days of old, did call him that once. However, Serlis is the only name from there that's constant with literally any other source. Incidentally, that same source calls Zigludo's game "The Descent of Jihad." I don't think this name would fly nowadays, even if it was official.
  20. Considering that Altea, Medeus, and Alm kept their names, I think that the localizations on this website are probably pretty safe. What this means is that I highly doubt that Celica, Sigurd, or Serlis will be altered. I'd say the real wild-card among the lords would be Leaf - he'll probably keep his name, but it's not impossible they might swap it to Leif to match Sigurd's Nordic theme. That said, the spotpass teams - should they choose to keep them - will definitely be one hell of a mess. If I got to change one, one I'd just love to see is Cyas -> Scias
  21. Having just done this chapter myself, I found that Saleh, even untrained, destroys him at range. Try using him. Give him a Thunder or an Elfire, maybe feed him some pure water the turn before, and it's already over.
  22. Normal Casual on my first play (feMU), Lunatic Casual on my second (manMU) I'm a perfectionist, and I can't let anyone die, even characters I hate. The only thing classic mode ends up doing is making me lose an hour of progress if the boss decides to stop being fat and move off their throne (as occasionally happens.) Casual is a godsend to me. ...that having been said, even when I used it in FE12, I still did anything possible to prevent characters from dying - it just made SURPRISE AMBUSH or CRITS EVERYWHERE easier to live with. And I still occasionally reset upon deaths anyway just out of habit, so whatever.
  23. Name: Estelle Gender: Female Class: Grandmaster Best Stat: Strength Worst Stat: Resistance Skills: Sol, Hot Start, Bonds, Weapon Saver, Rainbow Cry Weapons: Healing Sword, Katarina's Lightning Lover: Guire Name: Joshua Gender: Ambiguously Male Class: Assassin Best Stat: Skill Worst Stat: Luck Skills: Luna, Mug, Lethality, Quick Slash, Early Initiative Weapons: Killing Edge, Killer Bow Lover: Lissa Name: Scherazard Gender: She's willing to let you check. Class: Trickster Best Stat: Skill Worst Stat: Resistance Skills: Astra, Lightning Speed, Lance Slayer, Sword Slayer, Acrobatics Weapons: Levin Sword, Brave Sword Lover: Viole Name: Olivier Gender: Male but Flexible Class: Sniper Best Stat: Speed Worst Stat: Luck Skills: Refresh, Magic Expert, Pass, Avoid +10, Magnificent Flame Weapons: Brave Bow, Inne's Bow Lover: Sully Name: Agate Gender: Dude Class: Hero Best Stat: Strength Worst Stat: Speed Skills: War Knowledge, Sword Expert, Concentration, Vengeance, Vantage Weapons: Alm's Blade, Hauteclere Lover: Nono Name: Kloe Gender: Maiden Class: Valkyrie Best Stat: Luck Worst Stat: Defense Skills: Rainbow Cry, Magic Cry, Miracle, Healing Heart, Magic Expert Weapons: Cellica's Gale, Excalibur Lover: Lon'qu Name: Tita Gender: loli Class: Sage Best Stat: Magic Worst Stat: HP Skills: Weak Beats Strong, Good Growths, Curse, Crimson Curse, Slow Start Weapons: Bolganone, Thoron Lover: Grego. Yes. Name: Zane Gender: ONE HUNDRED PERCENT MAN Class: Berserker Best Stat: HP Worst Stat: Magic Skills: Discipline, Max HP +5, Counter, Limit Breaker, Strength +2 Weapons: Hector's Axe, Tomahawk Lover: Maribelle
  24. Question. Why is the 'fan name' for Serena "Selena" (at least according to the main site)? Serena is an actual name. More importantly, it's her actual name, according to both pronunciation and NOJ's spelling. And perhaps more importantly still, we already have a Selena, who was a fairly important character, in a localized game - and she is present in this game. Selena is probably the one thing she couldn't be named.
  25. I'm always up for another Magvel game or a Paris game. Something completely different would be cool, too, though, but there's a lot they could do with Magvel. Renais is busy rebuilding, Jehanna has lost its leader, Grado's in ruins, and Carcino's in the middle of a revolt. Just have either Rausten or Frelia go crazy and BAM instant evil empire.
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