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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. Question. What kind of sword, exactly, is Chrom holding in Freddy's drawing? y; His Falchion, or his Falchion?
  2. A 4DS with features such as scratch-and-sniff and time travel. Honestly, I can't find much to improve upon with the 3ds. Sure, NNID-compatibility, better graphics and maybe a second analog and trigger buttons on the thing, but ultimately it's pretty much fine as it is.
  3. A policy which has since expired. Even so, they don't need to make a big deal about it to everyone - but, you know, I should think they'd at least be alright with telling their most-trusted friends (e.g. A-supported people) in private conversations that could potentially lead to them getting married to a gender they don't like. I'm not saying that they needed to make everyone bi, even. But it would have been nice to have one or two options even if they were MU-exclusive. Surrogates and lying-down-and-thinking-of-Ylisse are a thing, so it wouldn't even have to lock you out of Morgan.
  4. Which is why you duct-tape Eirika to Seth's horse and then have him solo it instead.
  5. Put the text you want to spoiler inside of the spoiler tags. The apostrophes are for denoting what exactly you're spoiling, e.g. [spoiler='FE13 Chapter 1']There's a guy claiming to be Marth.[/spoiler] produces [spoiler=FE13 Chapter 1]There's a guy claiming to be Marth. Also: I was willing to do this, but then they had to go and remove my mute option. :< So I'm just gonna make a fake character who happens to also be obsessed with Stahl and we'll see how that goes.
  6. I can forgive her supports with Ephraim. Understand that she's spent her entire life more or less alone. The only friends she has are her adoptive father - who is dead, and she could potentially have killed if you're a monster of a tactician - and Saleh, who constantly treats her as something to be exalted, which she doesn't even want. She wants to be treated like a normal person, but she already knows - and accepts - that this is an impossibility, because she's neither human nor monster. And her contributions to the army - she is sensible enough not put herself in danger when she feels that she would only be a liability, but is willing to join when the world is on the line and her powers could be of assistance - as well, she puts the good of the army over herself, and if she falls in battle, she dies without regret for herself - only concerned that she can't help them anymore. And she is respectful to everyone in the army she meets, even Dozla, without being too hero-worshipping of anyone like Franz->Seth or Ross->Garcia. Other characters have very glaring flaws that make them immature. For Innes, his desire for perfection. For Joshua and Tana, putting their kingdoms at risk for sake of adventure. Likewise, other characters seem to live in a sort of bubble that makes them unable to see the real world - L'Arachel is most pronounced, but Eirika also is an idealist who does anything to get out of fighting, up to and including handing over a sacred stone to the person you're trying to stop with them. Myrrh sees the world for what it is, far more than any other character in the army - not all humans are benevolent, not all monsters are evil, and not all deaths are avoidable - and endures it with aplomb. Myrrh's flaw is that she's never had anyone she could trust... not by choice, like Marisa, but by her very heritage. Her supports with Ephraim are pretty fair in that context.
  7. Question. If this is the case, why is it that Myrrh is probably one of the most mature characters in the Sacred Stones?
  8. I'd help, but at the moment I'm only interested in having mediocre gay sex.
  9. At least with those skills he'll be able to get some Metal King Swords while he's being horribly traumatized.
  10. Let's see. At the cost of slightly inferior maps, you get: Slightly better pacing No phantom ship Better characterization for Cormag and Joshua (as well as making Valter and Caellach more satisfying) Somewhat easier recruits for Amelia and especially L'Arachel, and Dozla, who are not on the phantom ship. Earlier access to Gerik, Tethys, Saleh and Innes... and Marisa, I guess... as opposed to only Duessel and Cormag (and I guess you get Knoll a turn earlier.) Generally easier maps NO PHANTOM SHIP An arguably better starting position in 15, since Ephraim and Dussel can take care of themselves while Ephraim!Eirika... probably can't A backstory in which Ephraim and Duessel become so badass they stop an entire country by themselves NO PHANTOM SHIP. Yes, Eirika mode is better. In my opinion, at least.
  11. There would be no permutation for which Morgan could exist. Either I'd have to play as a female despite being male, or I'd have to romance women despite not caring to do so. So no, I won't be playing as myself. Likely, I'll end up creating a girl named 'Robin' and consider that my headcanon MU, then make a male Robin later on that resembles myself, before finally just going with cool designs and/or characters from other games. It'll depend on the hair, but I'm definitely playing as a Sora no Kiseki character at some point.
  12. stalking is such a harsh word

    i prefer 'keeping up to date on your every motion and thought'

  13. It's probably a King Lear reference, but VC is fine too.
  14. Although the fan-names tend to be correct more often (Frederick, Sumia, Miriel, and Olivia), I wouldn't say the NOJ names can be completely discounted. That was the spelling of Chrom they used, nearly the spelling of Say'ri they used (lacking the apostrophe), and their context makes Emelina/Emerina -> Emmeryn and Sallya/Sariya -> Tharja make a lot more sense as well. It's also probably less confusing than using the fan-name for Serena/Selena, which ends up doubling with Selena/Celina, who is also in this game. And they both have axe access. Wait for it. Axe-ess. I am amazing.
  15. He's almost certainly a reference to Paris (Iliad, best known as Hector's brother and the guy who screwed Troy.) In which case he's probably not changing. 99.9% sure.
  16. I'm guessing Libra/Lavera and Henri. I'm probably somehow way off.
  17. As odd as it is... you're right, neither are on the official site. Huh. That's really strange. Didn't even notice. Maybe they're being saved for upcoming character-of-the-days?
  18. Except for the fact that 'I love you' is a terrible name and Cordelia comes from the word for heart and originates from a tragic Shakespearean character who could not inherit her father's kingdom because she refused to exaggerate her love. And as someone else said, if all else fails, it's the name of the princess in Valkyria Chronicles which is glorious.
  19. Today confirmed my final bride. Dat awesome name. Husbandos Stahl <3 - also my headcanon husbando because he is adorable Chrom Paris Waifus Emmeryn Cordelia Libera Say'ri this is mostly because i'm a little too weirded out to marry second gen characters, but if I had to pick from those outside of for the support library, Azure and Lucy all the way.
  20. Because Tiamo isn't a name and literally is just Italian for 'I love you.' Also, because Cordelia is both a much more subtle reference to the heart and an awesome name in general. One of the best name changes this side of Morgan. Also the name of a tragic character, which is cool. Plus, Chrom/Cordelia is now alliterative and thus that much catchier. A giant, militaristic shopping franchise. It actually makes too much sense.
  21. I think, at least for me, Walhart's going to suffer from the same problem as Godot or Ys Seven's Cruxie. I know exactly how it should be pronounced, but mentally I'm always going to read it the way that I read it when I first saw it - Wallheart over Vahl-heart, Go-dot over Go-dough, Crucksy over Crew-sheh, et cetera.
  22. Considering that Sully also threatens to shove a lance up the Risen's posterior - not in those terms - and is only cut off from saying that by Virion, her saying Bastard hardly comes as a shock to me.
  23. My dream team within the realm of possibility is Isaac, Shulk, and FE13 Marth. If I could pick one character to put in with no chance, though, I'd definitely put in Golden Sun's Alex. - Edit: I made this thing a year or so ago. I changed a few things to account for new developments but for the most part it's the same as it was then. I don't necessarily still stand by all or, indeed, any of these things, but I don't want to make a new one so just take this and lol at it or whatever. The thing on the right is the 'adventure mode path' (blue being the paths possible without unlocking any characters), and 'assist affinity' refers to an assist trophy the character is more likely to draw.
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