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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. It's actually a form of 'to violate' in French (e.g. 'to rape'), so, you know, I'd rather the implication be that he's got a bunch of STDs than that he just rapes people all day.
  2. Which one is less awful depends on the map; for some maps, it will take until turn 2 for fighting to actually happen, especially since Manakete and Taguel don't have fantastic movement. Odd Rhythm comes with a better class, though, and collectively Nowi and Tiki are better than Panne (with Nah generally far better than Yarne if you bother to use children.) The correct answer as to which one you should be using, though, is 'neither', unless there's absolutely nothing else, in which case it doesn't even matter because no character can get both anyway.
  3. My Shakespeare-reference fetish makes me unreasonably fond of Tiamo -> Cordelia and Tiamat -> Titania. Economically, Thorhammer to Mjolnir was very good, and I can't mention that without the badassery that was Swanchika (...birds of the Reich?) to HELSWATH. Leif also runs circles around Leaf, and Seliph at least sounds like a boy's name. Oh, and I don't even care about their eventual English names (Artur and Innes), but it's a pretty damn good thing they didn't end up being Assray and Heinous (well, Asseray and Heanius, but close enough.)
  4. Inigo was his son in my file, which made the support funnier to me. A, because her specifically acknowledging Chrom makes another degree of sense, and B, Inigo kind of annoys his father, too, so it arguably works better.
  5. level-5 is rebooting thomas the tank engine for the modern era toot toot
  6. I like Pavise more. The problem is that anything that can get Pavise doesn't need it and anything that wants Aegis will probably still get obliterated by anything it protects against. At least melee weapons are more common.
  7. part of me wants this and that makes me even more concerned
  8. The one thing that bothers me is that the game itself has never been referred to as "Sword of Seals" in official English text - just the sword itself, once, in Melee. Whenever the game is given a subtitle, it has always been 'The Binding Blade' (or, failing that, just 'Binding Blade'.) Say what you will about consistency, once may be an incident and twice may be coincident but thrice is a pattern. It was known as 'The Binding Blade' on the old FE7 site, 'The Binding Blade' in Brawl, and now it is again 'The Binding Blade' for Awakening. Are any one of these three sources always reliable? Goodness, no. The first was outdated with Seliph, the second gave us the myrmidon Nabaaru, and the third is only safe by virtue of its novelty. But... when it's been used all three times, I think they don't have any plans to change it.
  9. Even in the localized version I'm not seeing a paradox at all. If the wound was great, as Lucina claims - so much so that it would set in motion a chain of events leading to his demise - then by stopping the assassin, she is indirectly saving Chrom's life in such a manner that she could, even if she hadn't, still return to tell the tale so long as he wasn't stabbed in his Falchion. It both works and is in my opinion more engaging writing.
  10. I've always just assumed they were tied to clear-but-strong strings, but okay.
  11. The obvious solution would be to make some Reverse Rule 63 of Flavia and then make their child. I didn't suggest this if anyone asks.
  12. Axefaire goes nicely with Hero and Helswath. Otherwise, eh.
  13. oh my god i didn't even know i wanted this i want this so hard I'm imagining an 'escape' mission centered around Virion and Cherche, a mission where you (as the Pegasus fleet) have to protect Cordelia while she escapes... maybe even a battle from the previous war that explains why Gangrel and Validar are so messed up.
  14. The fact that she's mostly plot-irrelevant is literally the one thing she has going for her. Exotic name? Check, from Shakespeare as opposed to mythology. Appears out of nowhere? Check, in spite of her alleged close friendships with Sumia and Phila. Last of her kind? Check, with the only other survivor dying in the next chapter. Crush on the main character? Check, check, holy balls check. Anyone who calls her out looks bad? Severa was the most hated character for the first week or two, so check. Everyone else compliments her? CHECK TIMES FIFTY. Except for the aforementioned, nobody ever calls her out for her flaws. Incredibly good fighter? Check in-universe, check in-gameplay. Perfect at everything she does? Check privilege. Lack of personality? Aside from being perfect, check. Friend to all living things? She's a pegasus knight, that's pretty much the closest you can get in this world. Flaws? Modesty and breast size. That's it. Number of supports in which she wishes she could be normal instead of a beautiful genius? I've seen at least three and I've only just started grinding them. She's also one of only eight characters who gets their own conversation with Avatar in DLC complete with swimsuit, but that's not actually her fault.
  15. Being pedantic, it's actually The Binding Blade, but whatever. They're pretty clearly trying to avoid having locations that match real-world locations nowadays, if the changes to Orleans and Macedonia didn't give that away. Scathach and Luchtaine were probably changed because the character they referenced was the opposite gender and just swapping them would cause no end of confusion. They at least knew what they were doing when they changed it, considering that Scathach is from the Ulster cycle of mythology. Raquesis annoys me slightly, but I wouldn't doubt that it's either because they didn't notice the reference to 'Lachesis' in 'Rackesis', or simply didn't want people to completely butcher the name (e.g. La-cheeses, which is how I honestly pronounced it for much longer than I should have.) Yen'fay doesn't seem like a meaningful change, but he's also not a meaningful character, so whatever. And while Rutoga's pretty poor, it's also from Smash, so I wouldn't actually call it canon at this point. Melee also gave us 'Akanea' and 'Dolua', later changed in both versions, while Brawl left us with the swordsman Nabaaru.
  16. Minesweeper always has those two random, dickish spots that you have to guess for, though.
  17. Oddly enough, the sexualization of Aversa doesn't bother me in the slightest, since that's obviously her shtick. Tharja and Olivia annoy me a little more, since their character-defining traits aren't "act sexy and speak in innuendo."
  18. Caeda definitely has traits of it, but she at least manages to be interesting in her own right. She was also one of, like, five characters in her entire continent with a personality until FE12, so it's kind of a case of taking what one can get. Compare Avatar, who gets almost 50 supports and is completely perfect pretty much all of the time - and whenever they screw up it still ends up secretly being a part of their master plan (or else it doesn't impact anything in the long run.) Or Cordelia, who is called out for exactly two flaws in the entire game by people other than her daughter: "modesty" and "having small breasts." She isn't as central to the plot as Avatar, but damn if her supports don't spent vastly more time praising her. I haven't played the Tellius games (so expensive waaah), so I can't use Micaiah or Ike as examples, but they seem to be considered as such themselves on occasion.
  19. where is my cordelia option there is exactly one character in the game she can talk to who does not constantly compliment her Avatar wins out of these.
  20. poor morgan Morgan: "Hmmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my father... All my memories of Mother are so crisp and clear... I remember what an amazing tactician she was, all the time we studied together... But nothing at all about my father. It's one big blank." Fomortiis: "THAT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE A PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A CHILD." "Father! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you! Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate! ...Wait, no. How did Mother put it? "We're not paws of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us." So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link...thing!" "YOU DELUDE YOURSELF WITH SUCH PATHETIC MEANDERINGS?" "Yup! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us. Er, but that reminds me... I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Father. Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back?" "I WOULD PREFER TO CONSUME YOUR SOUL." "Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!" "I FEEL ASHAMED TO HAVE SPAWNED YOU."
  21. Aside from the fact that it requires more typing, Apotheosis is definitely a better name. It's a pretty fantastic word in its own right (having heard it before today), and it carries more intimidating implications (Anna being "the strongest" versus Anna being GOD), but the biggest reason it's better, to me, is because it's only one short and uncommon word. All of the other DLC packs are alliterative, some quirky in-joke or wordplay, or in general don't sound all that serious. Then you get to this one, which only offers you a single, brutal word - a tremendous and powerful contrast that alerts you quite nicely to how screwed you are. The only DLC name localizations that I was displeased about were Smash Brethren (which was a bit too blunt a reference for my liking), The Future Past (which, while more mysterious sounding, feels like it was done just for the wordplay), and Golden Gaffe (which is mostly just because it makes me think of crossdressing.)
  22. I think there may be some legal barrier against this. I once administrated a forum, whose populace repeatedly stressed how badly they wanted this, but no amount of appeals could convince the forum owners to budge. Ultimately I had to step down and decided to try and scapegoat myself so the people who replaced me wouldn't have to deal with that crap.
  23. The eighth generation will not be known as a console war. No, it will be known as a console whimper, as all three companies plea for attention after all they've done wrong. fox news i knew you were bad but seriously pfffthahahaha who is ninento also i am irrationally bothered by the fact that they camelcase here and nowhere else
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