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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. I don't really see why. Rutoga was a sticker -- something that had minimal effort put into it, and appeared in a tiny corner of a single game. The Sword of Seals, on the other hand, is attached to two trophies in different games that are themselves attached to a playable character -- something that would seemingly receive some level of oversight. This is particularly the case in Smash 4, where Roy is both advertised more heavily (as additional content that needs to warrant a purchase in of itself) and doesn't have the excuse of deadlines. Additionally, they had "The Binding Blade" and "Sword of Seals" in the same trophy. That can't be a simple translation error because, without something else going on, most people would use the same name for each. I can't imagine why, but they're intentionally giving the subtitle a different name than his sword. "Rutoga", on the other hand, is a one-and-done thing that they probably translated without even knowing what it was. While it's always wise not to take Smash as gospel, I think Sword of Seals is a different situation compared to the likes of Rutoga. Also unlike Rutoga, it also actually works better in the context of the game -- the Sword of Seals is in the Shrine of Seals, after all, and not the Basilica of Bondage.
  2. Yes. Catria, Palla, Est, and Camus all show up in Valentia after FE1, and they're all back in time for the second book of FE3. More curiously, Gradivus and Falchion also show up despite both of them being very much taken by the time FE3 starts. I'd be completely okay with FE14 having this sort of relationship with Awakening, given that this game seems to be Gaiden 2: The Gaidening anyway and I do love me some Gaiden.
  3. Severa can't ever have that hair color. Severa's artwork was actually Luna the entire time. ...or hair dye, maybe. Shh.
  4. Fire Emblem has always been about appealing to weeaboos. At the latest, since FE3, which was the first to have actual artists. Believe it or not, Kozaki was chosen to appeal to westerners. Incidentally, this is sort of amusing when you consider that both your avatar and badge are different myrmidons -- a class that is practically defined by anime swordsmanship.
  5. Who says they're just friends? Even as a guy I'd be pretty pleased to land Harold.
  6. In what sense? As it is it's only barely different from Gaiden's system of everyone having a weak default weapon, only this time having the choice of Bronze/Iron instead of just the one (nameless) type. Why exactly are we wanting valid features to be removed outright from another version of the game in a manner that makes the games even more lopsided in terms of content than they already are. Having the Castle as a hub doesn't necessarily conflict with the purpose of the Nohr game. So long as it cannot be used to gain infinite money/experience, which is... implicit, I don't see harm in it any more than the Barracks or the Base causes. As for the other four, I generally agree but don't think they actively hurt the game. The reputation of the game, perhaps, because people are uptight about fanservice, but not the game itself.
  7. It's a town. Like in Gaiden, but better. Which is nice, since the series has a lot to learn from Gaiden and I'm glad it's finally doing just that. In other news, Kozaki finally got to draw Ike! How nice. Shame it's locked behind an amiibo wall.
  8. A name that Nintendo has used exactly once for probably the most minor instance possible = a name that they have consistently used every time (out of several) they've referenced the game barring one instance that may or may not even reflect the title as opposed to just the sword. Got it.
  9. If it were a one-off thing - as though only Awakening existed - then I'd stay with Sword of Seals. But considering that Nintendo has consistently called it The Binding Blade without fail since the term first came up, I'm pretty sure that's what the story is meant to be called. Failing all else, I'd go with what the most up-to-date fan translation uses... which, if I'm not mistaken, is indeed The Binding Blade. I think it's a case akin to Sacred Stones - the sidebar will refer to it as Sacred Stones/Binding Blade, and it'll be called that offhand, but when the full title is used it's The Binding Blade/The Sacred Stones. That seems to be the direction NOA is going with it, at least, given that the 'The' is only not present whenever Sacred Stones drops it as well.
  10. Since it turned out we didn't have a common gender-neutral pronoun to complement 'he' and 'she' (aside from 'it', but that's pretty rude and objectifying.) This is most important when dealing with statements that could refer to either gender or when it's important to hide gender (for instance, describing Lucina before localization without a spoiler tag would be most honestly done with a casual drop of 'they', as 'he' would be false and 'she' would be spoilers, but this would be more effective in a series like Ace Attorney where using either pronoun to describe a killer would eliminate suspicion from half the cast) or even just because using the same pronoun all the time is unpoetic. It's an absolutely legitimate usage that's good enough for Shakespeare, so frankly, getting uppity about its usage is thoroughly idiotic. If it keeps people from throwing about the incredibly-unnatural "he or she" everywhere, then it has a valid use in lexicon.
  11. Best news of the year. I'll be buying FC again on Steam, SC on both mediums, and then I'll buy both again for my boyfriend. And then I'll beg everyone else I know to buy them, too.
  12. Ys Seven. Maybe Dissidia 012 and Jeanne d'Arc. Trails in the Sky would be my first suggestion in a heartbeat if the game ended properly. I still believe. Well, sort of. I feel we're going to get FC and SC on Steam eventually. Maybe 3rd. That said, anyone who thinks Zero/Azure's going to get localized is naive, and anyone who thinks Flash and the rest of LOH8 gets localized is a fool. The problem, really, is that there's only one company insane enough to even bother localizing these games, and much as I love them, they're too small to do it with enough speed to ever catch up much less continue doing it.
  13. come on come on Edit: Welp. I suppose I can also inflict physical harm on them while in my bed. Sex was never mentioned.
  14. The werewolf guy from Ouendan 2 was my first. Then the gay shopkeeper in The World Ends With You who hits on Neku and is adorable. Then a one-chapter crush on Joshua Bright before Sora no Kiseki dared show me the fabulous Olivier Lenheim. And then finally Stahl. - Oh, and actually, a man-crush on Dunban too. Can gay men have man-crushes that aren't outright crushes? Like, I'm not really into him in that way but hot damn. Dammit, I need to look this up.
  15. Inigo x Cynthia because I like seeing a girl genuinely interested in Inigo and I don't feel right crushing Cynthia by putting him with anyone else. Stahl x Donnel is too cute to not be able to S-Rank.
  16. Cynthia's gotta have Henry white, Inigo needs Chrom blue, Brady prefers being Libra blonde, and Owain looks wonderful with Donnel purple. Everyone else can have whatever.
  17. I know a lot of people who love that game. With good reason. It's a damn great game.
  18. It's the name of an organization of powerful-but-uncooperative Feroxi crime-fighters led by Basilio.
  19. I could maybe see listing the first couple, but yeah, after III and especially IV, Etrian Odyssey has become surprisingly popular. And I'm okay with that if it means they give me more of them. :c
  20. Well, yes, of course the US is more liberal than the UK. I went out today in Texas and got, like, seven gay marriages.
  21. Statistically, he's not that great. However, he is adorable and I play favorites, so hell if I'm not using him.
  22. Both myself and my boyfriend have Stahl as our husbando, and there's a reason for this. He's so adorably awkward that it's hard not to love him, and some of the stuff he says is just so cute. (The 'fuzzy kittens' line, for instance.) Vice husbando is Donnel for pretty much the same reason as Stahl, trading 'cute sleepyheadedness' for 'dawww that accent.'
  23. Man, I'm the only one here who thought of Zero Escape first? MEMENTO MORI IF THE NINETH LION ATE THE SUN
  24. I am one of three people in the English-speaking Trails fandom. Yes, I hate life, the universe, and myself for allowing this to happen.
  25. Well, Henry did that thingy where he basically told Panne to go save her life. You could get something out of that. Anyway, hello. Stahl/Donnel please. :c
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