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Everything posted by Amiratasiru

  1. Here we go, time to ask the millionth question! I truly am sorry, but my curiosity cannot contain itself. Is it possible to have a character's portrait permanently changed after a certain event in the game? For instance, say there's a character who is blind and has a scar over his/her eyes and some rando ass witch comes 'round and heals his/her scars and blindness, could it permanently remain that way? Obviously it could be done in cutscenes, but I mean for their profile/menu portrait, during supports and what have you (obviously that would imply different support convos depending on that fact, but that's beside the point right now).
  2. Yeah, that looks better now with the river. I am aware you're making your own tileset graphics but it's good to have a map that has a foundation that you can build off of at any time. That way, when you have finished your tileset you have a more immediate idea on what the map will look like or ideas you can build from. Also, a question. Is this game essentially going to be entirely custom? As in, custom classes, tilesets, CGI, backgrounds, etc? With the way the backgrounds clash with the portraits right now I imagine you're eventually going to get around to custom backgrounds. It'd be quite the ambitious project and something I've often considered but knew I lacked the artistic integrity to actually attempt it.
  3. I do very much like what you're doing so far. It took a while for someone to finally make a Fire Emblem game with different graphics and palettes. This has certainly piqued my interest with that very smooth animation and well-done portraits. I do, however think you should work on your maps a bit. I know what you're trying to do with that map; making a secluded sort of farm, but it still could use some work. Mainly just adding more details to the field tiles and having a thicket and a small hill here or there. Maybe a little river to show where the water supply comes from. Nothing too fancy. Have yet to do this with a concept project but I'm gonna follow this. Good luck!
  4. So I'm assuming that based on the song name that this is the blue team turn theme? Nice stuff, though. Has a pretty simple beat but a nice progression and build up.
  5. Erm, I don't mean this in any offensive intent, but why do the map tiles look so bland? Like if you're using a mountain tile it's one type of mountain. I'm assuming these are just placeholders until the official patch is out?
  6. Alright, before anything you should order what you've said in paragraphs cause when I look at it it's kind of a mess to read without getting lost or distracted. It will get people more interested in the ideas if it's neater and easier to read in sections. Also, if you want people to possibly help you or be more interested, maybe show off a map or two, or some in-game dialogue. Something little that's showing you're willing to put in the work.
  7. Terrific snow map, bud. Looks like it'd suit a defend style seeing the armoury and vendor are near the castle. The second map is simply but well-done. Something I'd see would be fitting for the first chapter of a second arc in a story. I think the stairs next to the throne room look a little weird though. Maybe it's a tile too high? I dunno, I know what you're trying to do but there's something I can't put my finger on about it.
  8. Yeah, the cliffs do look a little boring, I didn't really realise it until you pointed it out. I think it's cause unlike the first map this is my first attempt at making much larger mountains. This took a fair bit longer than expected. I feel I may have put down a few too many forests and I'm not sure if I used the river tiles correctly, but other than that I think the design is pretty good. I attempted to make some of the mountains different but it's generally the same stuff for the most part. I'll give the mountain tileset another shot later, but I think I might try and make an indoors map next which I feel is the true test to making maps with all the certain pieces needed based on the structure, etc.
  9. Thank you! Words like these will give me the confidence to get better at mapping! Surprised I'm getting so much positivity for the village map. To be honest cause I had never done maps before when I made it so I used the generator to get the wall shapes. Thanks for the pointers on the mountains, I had been having trouble trying to bend them towards the right side because I'm finding it difficult to get used to the tiles. I'm thinking about making the map larger though towards the left side, with you starting on the right.
  10. Thanks for the kind words, I honestly didn't expect such a small amount of criticism! A work in progress. I'm using this map as a way of getting better at doing mountains. I think I'm getting the hang of it, it's just that all the pieces look so similar in the tileset so I'm finding myself spending a couple minutes just to find one tile. Dunno what I'm doing with the top half yet. Yeah, I picked up on that as well, so I got rid of it. I also Opened up the area with the lone fort, giving you two ways to the castle. The thought process was that way is shorter, but you have to face more enemies from that angle at once but has a fort so you can salvage it, whereas the top area you can face them at a slower pace. wew :~)
  11. Uguu, my map idol remain calm I don't really have anything planned for these maps yet. I've been brainstorming romhack/FEXNA ideas but that's about it, I'm not good at keeping at an idea. Though, I am approaching the design as I would if it were to be in a romhack. Yeah, I realised that 5 forts so close was a little much. The idea was once you get close to that area they spawn 1-2 waves of soldiers, cavaliers, etc. but that's a little much so close together. I changed it around a bit, giving it a more refined direction for you to take, opening it up a little more and also getting rid of two of the forts. Look better now?
  12. I sometimes get interested in mapping, but never commit to completing a map or being happy with one. After looking at some of Bky's I gained some inspiration to try my hand at mapping. I'd appreciate some pointers on what I should improve on. To start out, I only have two maps; one I did at the start of the year and the other I finished minutes ago. First, the one less recent... And the new one.
  13. Whoa that's an action-packed map. I haven't played FE4 but doesn't it resemble the first chapter quite a lot?
  14. Jesus Christ, Blaze's animation is fucking beautiful. Among the best I've ever seen in FE hacks. As a fan of RWBY I'm looking to forward to what comes of this. With such an impressive animation presentation I'm sure you can get some people to help you make this hack have a more unique style, as so far it seems like the first chapters mirror the original FE8 chapters in regards to design and approach, though I might be looking at it wrong. Hope you intend to include Jaune, Nora and Lie as well though, but that's probably a given seeing Pyrrha's in it.
  15. Wew, it works pretty well for me, though I never completely finish stuff (except for that one boss theme-esque song I did which is on my soundcloud). I've been practicing composing and the like since the start of the year though so I'm not that good yet ;-;
  16. Interesting, I should look into using FL Studio. I use Guitar Pro 5 for my composing which is fine if you do just the standard guitar, bass and drums scenario but I always use keyboards and woodwind.
  17. Good stuff. Captures the Fire Emblem feel while still sounding like its own thing. I should really do this myself eventually, I have a few songs that people could use as well. Did you compose all this stuff from scratch? Also, which program did you use to write it? I'm curious cause for 17 years old you've got some talent.
  18. Let's give us some credit here, I'm sure you can conjure up something solid by December 30th 2019! But in all seriousness, that's great to hear. I'm a lot more interested in the project knowing that it's aiming to have unique content now. A straight remake with only some slight balance changes is kind of lazy. The story's already been told once after all, ya gotta make it unique in your own way.
  19. That explains that. Whenever I tried playing through Shadow Dragon I'd only play it on hard mode or higher. Besides that, I only played far through the SNES version for some bloody reason haha
  20. wew, this looks cool. I'm not really well-informed on the Marth series, but Marth's dad was never shown, right? Does that make this prologue cutscene a made up one? It's always good to see unique content in remakes if that's what it is. Other than that, along with the obligatory bumpdate, comes with the obligatory "estimated date of release?"
  21. This is simply out of pure curiosity because I've been watching The Walking Dead lately, but would it be possible for a unit to be killed, but if you don't attack/kill them again within x turns they turn into a zombie/something else? Obviously it could be coded in, but the question is would it be advanced? It would breed awesome potential for some unique projects.
  22. I highly apologise if this has already been asked already (cause even I get pissed when people ask the same questions over and over), but I can't remember if it has. Does FEXNA support the strength/magic split? I only ask that because FE7x doesn't have it, though that's presumably because no classes in the game have any need for it.
  23. This is some funky stuff. I like it. I think I might use it on my next PoR playthrough. If my Wii wasn't broken I'd start a playthrough on RD right now using this tool. Also, perhaps include Awakening? I know it's kind of a different story but it limits your options on the harder modes.
  24. Mate MAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE don't piss us southlanders off, or we'll slice you a new ass with our paws. You wouldn't want that, now would ya? :^)
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