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Everything posted by gringe

  1. It's just 人ならぬ人. There isn't really more to it than that. I still think "unhuman" is fine for fulfilling that purpose. The possible inference of "inhuman" isn't even particularly inaccurate in-context.
  2. I don't think "human not human" is a good translation. It's an overly literal and long approximation of 人ならぬ人 (basically, "person that isn't a person"). I think "unhuman" captures it fine. I AM open to other ideas than "unhuman" but I don't like any of the suggestions I've seen so far. EDIT: "Human that isn't" is okay, but I still prefer "unhuman" personally. EDIT2: I can SORT of see the "mystique" of something like "human not human" but since it's explained exactly what it is in the next paragraph after it's first mentioned, I don't think any confusion would arise. "There is an unhuman in the castle." "What's that?" "A human who changes into a dragon." Paraphrased, obviously, but...
  3. Thanks for that! No rush or anything, so whenever you can do Elibe is fine. Here's a short progress report. Lots of screenies today though.
  4. Actually, the idea for "blood-sucking" came from that whole debate. :P It's not just vampires, Alucard is simply too silly a pop culture reference. Even the origin of the name is a bit goofy. Also there's not enough evidence to suggest that's what was intended in the first place. AAAAAAANYWAAAAAAY, I haven't really come across any major issues. I mentioned before, but FEditor occasionally duplicates edited indexes nearby. This is what caused the problem with Rutger/Clarine's conversation a few pages back, and it's also caused some character names to get mixed around. Shanna had the name Juno for example and Erik became Ruud before I fixed them. It's annoying and basically requires constant testing to monitor it, but it hasn't caused any game-ending problems. The game'll just need to tested thoroughly once I get a bit farther.
  5. Yeah, I'm fine with Eburacum actually. If someone makes a jizz joke I guess that's their problem. Wait, I didn't even realize "Caldonia" was mentioned in Awakening. Good catch. If we're doing map graphics though then I guess "League of Lycia" should be changed to "Lycian League" and "Ereb" changed to "Elibe."
  6. I wouldn't be opposed to that, but that would require another graphic edit. If we can do it seamlessly, then sure, let's do it. But if no one can help with that I don't think it's worth the effort.
  7. Thanks, that's really encouraging! I realize this one was probably changed because it has "cum" in it (hurrhurr), but Eburacum was a real place in the Roman Empire, and it was in the British Isles, no less. (Elibe mirrors Europe and the Western Isles are the British Isles.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eboracum
  8. Well, it was quite a pain in the tookus, but 10-11A+B are done, I think. Here are some highlights.
  9. I've been making my way through 10A/11A and 10B/11B's scripts, but the text in these parts is arranged in a not-so-organized fashion. Naturally it's easy to search for text if I know what's being said, but some text is roughly in chronological order while other bits are in an index far removed from the rest and it doesn't help that a lot of this dialogue won't even be activated in a typical playthrough. So point is, it's very possible some of this dialogue might slip through the cracks. Hopefully once this progresses a little further more people will be willing to help test it.
  10. Actually, it was that way in the original patch, but sometimes he would speak with a complete sentence, making it feel half-assed occasionally. I like the caveman speak for him, so I'm just cleaning it up a bit. And I agree, Gonzales is a surprisingly tragic character. ;_;
  11. Yeah, that's the plan at this point. I fixed all the errors bookofholsety mentioned, and I actually found one or two more. Will fix them ASAP. But for now, here's a screenie progress report of chapter 10A.
  12. Don't know why I didn't think to just do a search in an FE7 ROM. Sacaean appears two times in the script, but Sacaen appears many, many times. So, I guess I'll use Sacaen.
  13. They're considerably smoother. But yeah whatever. Was just a suggestion.
  14. No, I'm saying FE8's animations stand out when compared to the other animations in the GBA series. Maybe not everyone notices it, but they stick out.
  15. From the most recent poll, I can see that what you're trying to do indeed varies greatly from what I wanted. I only really have an opinion on the second option, which is an alternative: if anything, thieves should promote to assassins. The classes and monsters added by FE8 have a very different animation style when compared to FE6/7's classes and as such I think they would visually stick out like a sore thumb in this game. Of course if you don't mind then I guess it doesn't matter.
  16. Will correct all of those as soon as I can. I swear, being in Japan has ruined my English. "Assist" is used in Japanese as a noun (アシスト) so it didn't even occur to me that it was off. And thanks a lot for the comment! It's very encouraging. One unrelated question to the general public though... For "Silver Wolf," was Dayan actually ever referred to as that in FE7? Because he was apparently referred as "Ash Wolf Dayan" in Guy's combat quote with Uhai. If he was ever referred to as the "Silver Wolf" though then I can disregard this as an internal inconsistency. EDIT: Found the answer to my own question. He's mentioned in Rath's ending. Oh well. FE7 internal inconsistency it is. Silver Wolf he stays. EDIT2: But okay, another question. How are people of Sacae called in FE7? Sacaen? Sacaean?
  17. I'm MAYBE about a quarter done with main story text. Then I have support conversations, descriptions, and everything else to do. So yeah, it'll probably be at least a few months. I mean, I only started work on this three weeks ago. It's not a simple project.
  18. Well, I was a linguistics major myself, but we talk about language descriptively rather than prescriptively so I'm prone to errors now and then still. But okay, it's a simple change.
  19. Yeah, will get to character descriptions and such some day. Not saying you're wrong, but how is that a grammatical error? To me personally it seems normal. I could say "behind the castle" with the same meaning so I don't mind changing it or anything but
  20. Well, the stuff I've already done is mostly fine at this point. There might just be an overflow error here or there. Thanks for the offer though. Might take you up on it for future overworld text.
  21. Indeed. I essentially have to test any text boxes to make sure they don't overflow, but sometimes I forget. >_> It's more a problem on the overworld explanations which are inherently wordy, but it's occasionally an issue with speech bubbles as well (that creates a slightly different error though).
  22. Ah, thanks for pointing out that first error, bookofholsety. It was a last-minute script change but I guess I forgot to test it. Yeah, that second bit is actually a graphic I think? Regardless, the text editing I've done hasn't affected the text there; I found the text in the text editor and changed it but it had no effect. I reworded it to fit with the forced paragraph breaks.
  23. Okay dudes, here's an updated version of the patch. I believe all the main story text and houses have been done through chapter 9. Death quotes have also been given a skim and quick edit, but support conversations are virtually untouched. Most names have been done as well, though not 100% in every case. Haven't done any graphics just yet. FE6 TL Update 7-27-2013 Patch: http://www.mediafire.com/?tqtq1sa5apcnjr5 Since file size is still an issue with no easy solution apparent, it's a UPS file. Patch it to a clean Japanese FE6 ROM with a UPS patcher such as NUPS. Anyone who wants to help test is welcome. Please, please, PLEASE, let me know of any errors you find (events occurring in the wrong place, people with the wrong names, etc.). FEditor seems to have a tendency to duplicate certain indices elsewhere so I've had to go back and repair some errors already. It's very feasible that others have arisen, but they're probably not too numerous. It should be mostly okay in this regard, but also let me know of any typos, grammatical errors, or awkward phrasings.
  24. I'm open to whatever if you can come up with some cool phrasing, but I agree your initial one is a little "eh."
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