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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. I'd say yes. at least she wouldn't be sitting on the bench the whole time and being seriously underleveled compared to the rest of the team. and she gets access to fire magic when she promotes which would help the DB tremendously I really wish her and Jill started at 2nd tier like the rest of the PoR characters
  2. -support convos, if not for every single pairing then only for certain ones (like other FE games) -trial maps with a few bosses playable -ability to transfer stats from finished game to new game+ and making enemies harder depending on your levels, also allowing all characters to be selectable on all missions -maybe FE 7 and 8 ported onto the disc -something like FE7's battle arena where you can make a team of characters from different save files and have them battle against each other. except in this game they can also be from the same save file
  3. the Mercs for sure. no way Tormod would join the Dawn Brigade while they're fighting laguz. he probably would work better on their team though since GMs has enough people as it is but for story purposes it would make more sense for him to be with the GMs. I don't even think Micaiah could justify Daein's reasons for fighting laguz enough to make Tormod stay with them
  4. I'd like to see Brave tomes since most of the magic users have trouble doubling. also give Micaiah at least one authority star when she promotes since she is the commander of the army also I have no problem with GeoffreyxElincia. even if she liked Ike more I don't think Ike felt the same way about her so it wouldn't work out. at least with Geoffrey they have similar feelings towards each other
  5. Always: Boyd Oscar Kieran Jill Marcia Nephenee Rhys Volke (whenever there's treasure but never use him for fighting) Reyson (sometimes not to endgame but on all other maps) Sometimes: Tormod (depends if I feel like training him) Soren Rolf (same as Tormod) Gatrie Zihark
  6. the wyverns act so stupid sometimes. they retreat up to the top so on their turn it's hard for them to hit anyone or sometimes to the section where the enemies are coming from in which they die on the enemy phase. I think they usually kill a soldier on their first turn
  7. -more maps and more 2nd tier enemies in part 2 -more maps in part 1 so DB has more of a chance to level up -the option to play 3-6, 3-7, 3-11, 3-12, 3-13 and 3-E as GMs or DB -option to play 3-10 as CRKs -increase Mt of all Tomes (since everything has higher RES) -balance character growths and bases better -balance class caps and mastery skills better -update graphics -include support conversations for some pairings (like past games) and more paired endings, and a mode to view them all -Tormod, Muarim, Vika and Nealuchi available in Part 3 -Lucia and Leanne available in more part 3 maps -Meg, Fiona, Astrid and Lyre at higher levels when they join -more specialty weapons for laguz, paladins, generals, etc. -Stefan, Bastian, Volke and Oliver playable in 4-P, 4-1 and 4-2 respectively (on 2nd+ playthrough) -Largo playable, if not as a berserker then as a Reaver -include trial maps -game keeps track of all the possible support combos you've made (kinda like a checklist, could be fun to complete) also put Path of Radiance on the disc (also upgraded) so we get two great games on one disc :D (probably won't happen but would be so cool if it did)
  8. Normal Modes but I try to beat Hard at least once. I like using different combinations of characters and it's a lot easier to do that on normal and it's also less stressful
  9. Rhys because of their supports. they would be great together. plus Rhys could heal Mia if she ever gets hurt
  10. BoydXMist all the way! unfortunately, the game doesn't really hint at them getting together until they have an A support with each other. then you get the base conversation (spirit dust) in 3-E. after you complete 3-E, in that scene when Mist asks to be taken to the medallion, if Mist and Boyd have an A support Boyd will be in that scene instead of Titania. most of the script is the same but there's a little part that shows that Boyd really cares about Mist. it might be subtle but I believe that they do have a special relationship. and of course it says in both of their endings that they get married. yay for the happy couple :D
  11. let's see Edward Jill Zihark (sometimes in part 3) Boyd Rolf Tormod (sometimes) Marcia Kieran Calill Nephenee (in part 2, sometimes in part 3 until she's caught up) everyone else that I like I use equally more or less
  12. In 3-P, NPC Ranulf always attacks the same enemy Swordmaster on the first turn (and ORKOs him) the other (green) units tend to rally around their commander, sometimes even if there is an enemy in their range they will not attack and instead will continue to "protect" their commander (best seen on 3-E and sometimes 3-10) the hawks canto back to Tibarn after attacking an enemy
  13. Swordfighter : Edward Soldier : Nephenee Axefighter : Boyd Archer : Rolf Armorknight : Gatrie Cavalier : Kieran and Oscar Peg Knight : Marcia Dragon Knight : Jill Mage : Tormod Priest : Rhys Thief : Volke Cat : Ranulf Tiger : Muarim Lion : Caineghis Hawk : Janaff Raven : Naesala Heron : Reyson Dragon : Kurthnaga
  14. Calill and Tormod can double auras with Rexflame, White Pool and 31/32 speed. Sanaki can also but she needs 13 strength (her average is 9.6) and 31/32 speed
  15. actually the paladins and dragonmasters in 3-2 have 17 or 18 AS. the only thing he's not doubling is the swordmasters, halberdier (19 speed) and the boss (20 speed). I don't remember the sages speeds and he can have both a speed transfer and a speedwing. yeah it's probably favouritism but it's well worth it. my point is he can double much earlier in normal mode
  16. I think he would be much higher on normal cause he can double much easier. I've got him to double in 3-2 in about 10 different playthroughs on normal (with speed transfer and/or speedwing) and it's really amazing how different he is compared to hard mode.
  17. well I play on normal mode and he's great for me there. I'd choose him over the other 3. also I'm not efficient crazy either
  18. my favourites: Swords: 1. Edward 2. Ike 3. Zihark 4. Elincia 5. Mia Lances: 1. Oscar 2. Marcia 3. Gatrie 4. Nephenee 5. Geoffrey Axes: 1. Boyd 2. Jill 3. Kieran 4. Haar 5. Titania Bows: 1. Rolf 2. Shinon 3. Oscar Magic/healing: 1. Tormod 2. Rhys 3. Calill 4. Elincia 5. Mist Laguz: (normally I don't use them) 1. Janaff 2. Ranulf 3. Ulki 4. Mordecai 5. Maurim
  19. there are 8 characters who have no playtime outside of 4-E outside of 4-E, there are 8 characters who are always forced onto the maps they are available in Caineghis has the most authority stars out of the playable characters but his stars never affect the gameplay (cause he's never the commander)
  20. it's really pointless that Sothe, Sanaki, Ena and Kurth are forced into endgame but you're not forced to use them. why bother forcing them in in the first place? it would've been much better if we could choose up to 4 characters to replace them. how many people would actually take them to endgame if they weren't forced? I wouldn't take any of them if given the choice
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