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Status Updates posted by Paulina

  1. Le-va-teee~ =3 Just stopping by to say I CREEPED ON YOUR PAGE LOLOL.

    1. Paulina


      *cough* I mean hai =x

    2. Percivalé


      HELLOOOOOOOO how are you

  2. But I still have homework til late December ;n; I'm sure there'll be some games starting up in January =x

    1. Bluedoom


      But Pauli I can't play in January I have more exams ;-;

      holy fuck grandma you're gonna be 22 in a few months I didn't even realize :P

    2. Paulina


      Well then I guess we'll just NEVER PLAY TOGETHER AGAIN. Sniff. ;n;

      Also, how dare you XD Big words coming from someone who won't be a child next month. You ain't no spring chicken yourself, Abhi

  3. Happy birthday Mancer! =)

  4. I might see Thor with my dad tomorrow. Is it any good?

  5. You have the most amazing name.

    1. Paulina


      Happy birthday btw!

  6. Happy birthday Hayate!

    1. Helios


      Thanks ojousama!

  7. Your current sig set reminds me of Joan of Arc. I like it a lot~ =3

    1. Xinnidy


      Haha, thanks~ ^-^

  8. You didn't wish me happy birthday on my birthday. Why should I wish you happy birthday on yours >=x

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Paulina


      Hmph, fair enough. Happy birthday fellow Californian~

    3. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      No way, another Californian. Are you a lucky ducky SoCal master race like myself or one of those weird northern folk I hear about that live in mud huts and drink the blood of their victims?

    4. Paulina


      The latter. I come from the San Jose tribe. We don't perform as many blood sacrifices these days. Elder says that the Dark Lord Hepzibub can be sated by sending our elderly out on ice floes. Then again, there aren't many ice floes near Santa Cruz, so...

  9. Happy birthday [strikethrough]guy who ruined my Void wincon[/strikethrough]. Have a culty day~

  10. Happy birthday Nestling! ^^ Wow, you're an adult now~

  11. Happy birthday Spectakitty ^^ Woo, 20 years on this planet~

    1. Specta


      Thank you, Paulina~!

      It's been pretty cool B)

  12. Happy birthday aizengard ^^

  13. Happy birthday Makaze! =)

  14. Happy adulthood +1, Rei! =3

  15. Happy adulthood! =)

  16. Happy birthday, Momo! ^^

    1. Momo


      Thank you very much, you are an upstanding citizen and I love you

  17. Happy birthday Fenrir! ^^

    1. Fenrir


      Thanks a lot

    2. Fenrir


      Thanks a lot

  18. Your new avvy's the same as mine. ^^ I think our hairstyles are even the same~

  19. Happy birthday, Ana! ^^

  20. Dammit, Boron beat me to it! Happy birthday Sho. =)

  21. Happy 20th birthday, Freohr! ^^

    1. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Awww thanks Paulina~

  22. Happy birthday, Ace! ^^ I hope you have a fun day!

  23. You're not fruit anymore. D=

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Paulina


      It should be something simple, and based off how everyone knows you now. Like "The Fruit Guy" =P

    3. Fruity Insanity

      Fruity Insanity

      I'll keep that in mind. And change it. Sometime. Because FranticforFreeFruityFruit *is* too long. Aha! "Fruit Ninja"! :3

    4. Paulina


      Atta boy. =P Much easier to remember~.

  24. Hey bro, just wanted to graffiti your wall and give you a giant hug. *squee~eze* =3 (And I still think it's funny I'm the first result when someone searches for "Elieson" X3)

  25. Happy birthday Esme! ^^ One more year of childhood! Enjoy it~! =3

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