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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. I had a friend that was going to preorder today too after I showed him that topic yesterday :S Still...all I can say is, either this game is gonna take off big time, or NoA really underestimated the demand. First Amazon's shipping delays (Probably thanks to needing to order more into their warehouse to cover preorders) and now this.
  2. It is kinda hilarious to see zombies flailing about as they're burnt to death by invisible fire before disappearing because they're dead though XD Basically, we had a guy who thought gamers were more of a threat to him and to society than gangs were, in charge of whether or not we got an R18 game rating. He also passed laws banning talking about an election unless you provided your full name and postcode until the public went "This is ridiculous!"`
  3. Yep, just 3 weeks ago, we finally got R18+ rating (US...M? I thin that's it) and the first R18+ classified game was also a Nintendo one XD But yeah,m before R18, we only had MA15+ (Mature Audience) and games had to be censored to be released if they were to go under MA15+, Left 4 Dead 2 being a prime example, where all blood was removed, fire was invisible, and zombies disappeared after you killed them. Or if you didn't censor the game, it'd be banned, like Mortal Kombat, and there's a massive fine if you're caught importing the game. You think PG18 is funny, the original release of Final Fantasy VII? Rated G8+ (Our lowest rating, for General Audience). Yep, if you were 8, you could go ahead crossdressing through a red light district, busting into brothels and chasing a friend around a sex dungeon legally! Oh, or Dead or Alive Dimensions, that got a G at release too XD One of the reasons though why Australia gets screwed over some is our extremely high costs to actually classify games. Apparently it's prohibitively high, and smaller companies will start to lose money if they release too many games, which is why bigger companies like Ubisoft or Square Enix take over for smaller entities like Atlus and publish their games here, as they've got the money to do it.
  4. https://twitter.com/...0083073/photo/1 "Was excited that Sully was bragging about me. Turns out she was talking about her horse. #FireEmblem pic.twitter.com/pJWepLgl" XD EDIT: And another Sully pic, she's turning out quite popular among the few people with review copies https://twitter.com/kirkhamilton/status/293207902653669376/photo/1
  5. Also, the builds for the EU and NA version are sometimes completely different. This is why we're still waiting on Persona 4 Arena on our end, because the European build of the game just wasn't working properly until recently. EDIT: Also for Fire Emblem, at least FE7, I'd say the translation went from Japanese -> English -> Other languages. There's actually a whole textbox in Spanish in the English language choice, which fits perfectly into the English translation around it. And don't feel sorry for Europe, Australia has it worse XD We're solely english speaking, and STILL get our Fire Emblem games later than everyone else
  6. I'd say they left th Intermission out for the shock value, for someone who hasn't played the game, just the demo, they fire it up expecting to wake up amnesiac in a field, BAM! Chromstab time
  7. I really like your art, looks awesome to me XD Well, if I was to put myself as an Avatar... Gender: Female Asset/Flaw: Mag/Lck I'm the bookworm of my group of friends, or the nerd, or the one who knows all this random junk who's happy to share it. I'm not physically strong at all, but I do have a high tolerance for pain. So, I tossed up between Magic and Defense, but ultimately, my smarts > my pain threshold. My flaw was easy though XD I'm the most unlucky (Or lucky, depending on how you look at it XD) person I know. I have a compromised immune system, so I'm always getting sick, I'm incredibly clumsy (I broke my big toe's main bone clean in half at...a chess tournament.) and bad stuff in general seems to follow me and my family around. Strength was second for my flaw, for my physical weakness thanks to my many injuries and illnesses XD Class: I won't put in the full reclass path here, but, my class would be Valkyrie by the end. This ties into the most common comment I get from my friends when we design ourselves as if in an RPG, or if we take a quiz, or something along those lines. Every single time, without fail, I get associated with the healer. I find it amusing, but they tell me it's probably because I'm quite mothering when I want to be, and when anyone gets an injury among us, I'm always the first giving medical advice, and helping patch them up (I'm hoping to go into the medical field for my career) And, to tie into the weakness, I certainly wouldn't be able to swing around a giant axe/sword like Battle Clerics/Tricksters do, and ultimately, I'm more of a healer than an offense, which is why I didn't choose Sage. Skills: Healing Heart Rainbow Cry/Love Cry Bonds (All of these are support skills, tying into the Healer/White Mage archetype I so often fall into) Great Shield (Reference to my high pain resistance) Secluded Lady (another support skill, but this is also tied into a personal preference of mine for having male friends) Appearance: Well, on the plus side for me, Build 3 with the default hair for the females is actually pretty close to what I look like, just with a darker purple colour for the hair than what's available. Clothing wise, I certainly for one, wouldn't just wear a dress, because really, tiny skirts + riding a horse? My god that's gotta chafe. If I was to wear a dress, I'd be wearing tights underneath. I'd definitely be wearing tall boots, they're a favourite of mine. If I was to wear anything on my head, it'd be the little feather hairclip that Pricillia got back in FE7, because that's really adorable. I'd probably want to stay covered up torso wise, so I'm thinking a vestlike tophalf with a high collar, and probably a small cape, not enough for it to be impractical, but enough for the rule of cool. And most probably, I'd either be doing something majorly derpy, or falling over or some such XD
  8. From what they seemed to explain in their last video, they can't show much, Nintendo's probably telling them what they can and can't show before release/the 30th, when they're allowed to put reviews up
  9. This is my VA guessing friend again XD So far, I've got: Raimi = ??? Flavia = Tara Platt Basilio = Patrick Seitz Lon'qu = Travis Willingham Emmeryn = Kate Higgins Phila = Tara Platt(?) Ricken = Yuri Lowenthal
  10. Nah, there's at least two, let me go looking... 11:50 "Could be trouble..." 12:32 "We can do it" 12:40 "Comin' through!" And for Kellam 12:22 "there"
  11. Videogameplus changed my order status to Preorder Processing, so looks like they're starting to getting shipping ready.
  12. Going from the art in the book, Eliwood's Blade looks rapier-like http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130120031530/fireemblem/images/c/ce/Eliwood%27s_Blade.jpg Also, Eirika's Sword for comparison http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/7/7b/Eirika%27s_Sword.jpg
  13. Flavia sounds incredibly familiar... EDIT: Marth's Falchion is the Parallel Falchion EDIT2: Sumia sounds pretty nice, Callum...not how I expected XD EDIT3: Basilio remains Basilio, Philein became Phila, don't really like Emmeryn's voice..
  14. Well, EB Games systems have April, but going off previous FE releases here....it'll be May >_> Glad I'm importing the bundle
  15. Videogamesplus think they'll be getting more in, and will tweet and reopen preorders then
  16. Want me to get you some non-clean ones that include all the commentary? I've still got all my scans, and the original unclean crops I made for the wiki, so I can do whatever you want me to do when it comes to the event, class, character and weapon art.
  17. It wasn't actually that much work XD I had all of those scanned up from a month or so ago, so it was just cropping and learning how to use a Wiki XD I really like my edit count though XD 500 edits in 2 days XD And another quick update, looks like for all the applicable weapons, the concept art has been set as the main image of the page because it's the most recent art, so new arts for stuff like Armads, Ragnell, Sol Katti and a whole bunch of other returning special weapons. Armads is probably the weirdest, I mean, seriously, look at this sucker http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130120115111/fireemblem/images/5/57/Armads.jpg
  18. Progress report on the artworks, all class concepts, weapon concepts and all but 5 character's concepts are uploaded. Also uploaded are some images from the event scene collection, mostly the ones featuring characters, as I don't know most of the locations they'rs showing. Wednesday my time, I'll have some more scanning time, and will scan up the potraits in the profile section, Cynthia (her leg is borked on the Wiki image, so I'm going to attempt to help fix it), confession scenes and storyboard concepts in that order
  19. Don't worry Vincent, that's what the rest of us are here for, to help out Or utterly destroy and corrupt them It's about a 50/50 really.
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