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Lord Glenn

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Everything posted by Lord Glenn

  1. Lord Glenn

    Yo all

    Welcome back, SoC. I kinda wondered where you had disappeared to. XD Though, now I have to keep two SoC's straight instead of just one... >_>
  2. Slight update to the towers. Even though they aren't insertable like this (and, the circles weren't anyway, so I'm making this my own personal template), I need some help on how to shade the flags that I've added: Each flag is supposed to be in an S-shape if you went "inside" the template and looked at the side of the flag (i.e. the z-depth of the flag). Basically, at the top the flag is closer to your face, moves further away, and the tip moves back towards your face. Only problem is, I have no idea how to shade them whatsoever, seeing as I generally don't do too many sprites with this kind of complexity (i.e. portraits, full bodies, etc.). Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. (And, if anyone does help, you can nominate an idea for a central design for the flag too.)
  3. MK404 based his original Julie animation on the regular Lord!Eirika animation, not Beta!Eirika. The new animation, if it has a base at all, is clearly not Beta!Eirika's either.
  4. Ok, lighting then, not shading. (Unless you didn't see the darker and lighter pixels in the brick to give the illusion of rounding...) Any suggestions on how better to shade it then?
  5. I'm talking something minuscule here, like <10% for any given character. It only makes sense that as a character is fighting (and, consequently working out), they're going to be getting bulkier. However, it won't be happening that fast, hence the really small growth rate.
  6. Well, the towers themselves are predominantly done. I made add a window type of thing so that it looks more like a medieval tower, but aside from that, I'm going to add something on top of them for the name box stuff. The circles aren't done yet. Provided that they fit (which I have someone hopefully checking for me in the coming days), they're going to be shaded to appear like glass spheres (assuming that I can get the shading down). However, I'm not about to shade them if they aren't going to fit, so... Think of it as a texture or something instead. Like how FE8's template has the darker colored designs over top of the lighter blue or red/orange areas (respectively). Something that makes it stand out a bit more. It may not cover the entire area. And, it's nice to know that my shading on the towers seems to look nice. For a first attempt at ever doing something like that, I'm happy that I didn't screw it up. XD
  7. I personally think the "best" way (IMHO) to go about the situation for calculating AS is to stick with Con as the main driving factor (with a minor growth rate too, no less (kind of like FE5 with the Move growth)), since it makes the most sense. Sure, you could have diminutive characters that are freakishly strong (ToS!Presea, for instance), so Str should play some role, but in the settings that IS has crafted thus far, Con seems the most important (since we haven't had cases like Presea thus far, to my knowledge). And, magic really needs to get sorted out too. Books can't be that heavy, and if Wt is actually measuring strain on the caster, then Str shouldn't be used for AS calculations. Just my thoughts.
  8. It's for a "sequel" to FE4, arguably the darkest FE title thus far, hence the dark palette. It sets the mood (hopefully). Granted, this is only a "mockup," since I can't tell how it would look in-game right now. If it's too dark once it's in-game, I can always adjust the palette. Thanks for the feedback.
  9. Only a month without an update? I impress myself. I expected it to be more like 5 months to a year. XD WIP Battle Template for FE4R. I primarily want feedback on the shading of the "castle towers" that will be the "name" box for the characters. There'll be more added there (to make it more readable and such), but I wanted to get the basic shading down first. And, if you want something else to think about, I'm looking for opinions as to whether I should put some kind of design or something over top of the red/blue area where the HP values and bars are at. I've tried to come up with something, but I can't think of a good design that fits and my free drawing doesn't really accomplish much that looks nice.
  10. Thanks for relaying the information. I appreciate it.
  11. Unless MK404 based the original occurrence of that sequence in FE404 on Titanic, then no. It's merely alluding to the events in FE404 between Raymond and Linoan. (As seen in MK404's videos for Ch. 9!Julie.)
  12. Honestly, I'm with Slize. I feel kind of cheated that IS didn't bother to just do all of FE3 to begin with, and instead, now we have to buy two games instead of one to complete the story. (Not that I bought Shadow Dragon anyway. *coughartstylecough*) I'm glad that IS hasn't dropped Fire Emblem from their sights, but I doubt I'll be picking this up unless it's cheaper than or close to $20. (Similarly with Shadow Dragon.) Wake me up when we get a NEW FE game, please. (Guess I'll go back to sticking with hacks for now. At least they try to do different stuff.)
  13. A project I'm working on is designing a new battle template for FE8. However, none of the people doing the hacking can find the offset for the template, and everyone we've asked has either not known or has forgotten. So, does anyone happen to know what the (graphics) offset is?
  14. That's great for you...? Like I said, this hack is by no means about the difficulty, so if you don't like how it's set up, then don't play it. Simple as that. Just because you're whining about how easy it is, doesn't mean that we're just going to up and change it to suit the whims of one person. (And, I checked - no one else that's posted in this thread has complained about the hack (barring glitches/issues/etc.), so... yeah. Not gonna happen.)
  15. On the newest two maps, you've got some elevation issues in the first one. At the very least, the top room with the throne (Because of the stairs, the walls intersecting the left-hand wall of the throne room should appear as though they don't touch the top. Either that, or you need to stick "raisers" below the wall everywhere else on that part.). Plus, the length of the chapter would feel extremely forced with the map, because of all of the back and forth traversing through the main part of the prison (which, realistically, wouldn't be *that* winding). As for the second map, it's a bit tile spammy, and there's only a one tile corridor to get from the top area down into the bottom area, so I might consider opening up another one of the Thickets into a Forest, since I could imagine people attempting to go through in any place, really.
  16. It looks like it's another patch by FEBinary. I noticed an icon near the ending segments of the second video that was used in FE4 Inflation, so this is either another project by them, or someone ripped off their icon(s)...
  17. It's definitely not insertable as is. Each panel has the same background on the regular statsheet, but this has panels with different backgrounds. Plus, AFAIK, the regular statsheet uses TSA (the battle template does, so it wouldn't surprise me if the statsheet did as well), so you might not even have the freedom of putting the FE4 logo over top of the background, because of the tiling. (You'll have to confirm or deny that one though.) And, Kai, all MK404 did was change the background that scrolls behind the statsheet (for FE7, which is what this template is based on). The template itself is ok, albeit a bit bland, IMHO. It could use a bit more... flair, I guess you could say. The FE4 logo and Holy Blood chart are nice touches (apparently I started a trend of making pseudo-silhouettes of things?), but the Holy Weapons are a bit cramped by the edges of the template. Maybe change up the borders for the panels and change up the things that surrounds the portrait box and make it a bit different/unique, and then it should have a bit more flair to it.
  18. And it's sad that that's all that ROM hacking has devolved into. Sure, games shouldn't be *press button and win,* but they don't need to always be *rip hair out in frustration over situational difficulty*. Plus, as I said, it expressly said that the hack wasn't meant to fall into the OMGWTFBBQ range of difficulty before the link to the patch was even found. It's not our fault that Inui's time was wasted when the information was right there in front of him.
  19. You act as if this is supposed to be some stupid, overly insane difficulty hack. It blatantly states in the first post: If you want something that takes 99% luck to beat because of stupid, forced difficulty, then you're looking in the wrong place. The premise of the hack was to 1) actually make a hack and 2) to make a hack that people would enjoy, due to the graphics, cameos, and the like. And, for the most part, I'd say that that fits the bill.
  20. No, it's not. If you would have actually bothered to check around to some of the other sites in the fandom... http://fireemblemnewdawn.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showtopic=705&view=findpost&p=49232 Just because it's the sheet that Yuria could find, doesn't mean that the sheet is actually the newest version. (Heck, the team could have been updating internally and never made a formal new compilation for all we know.)
  21. Which is not necessarily true. IMHO, the FE8 colors are far too saturate, causing too much of a gap between the colors in the color ramp (depending on who's making the sprite, I suppose). MK404 is making progress on ASD, albeit minor progress. He's working on the promoted sprites for the units thus far (check his Sprite thread), possibly since so many people have been complaining about the characters not promoting with the correct palettes, etc. You do realize that the compilation sheet is extremely far out of date, right? Edain's been changed like... two or three times since the sheet that was posted here. (Off-topic) It was 12 years, to be precise. >_> ------- Actually on-topic about something, it would be nice if Arch or someone on the project staff would post some actual updates here. I mean, I can peruse some of the other boards and kinda get an idea as to what's been going on, but some solid, firsthand updates would be nice. (If FE4's engine weren't so... broken after playing the newer games, I'd be more inclined to play it. If this finishes, I might actually be able to get through the story without having to just watch it.)
  22. I was going for something that stood out from the rest of the template for the name box. I also didn't want to, yet again, use the FE5 background that the other three main areas were using, so I went with the straight brown. Plus, yeah, I'm at the color limit already for the template, so there really isn't any kind of pattern I could add to the inside of the area. Name box issue is fixed now (see bottom of post). I thought I followed the line on the FE8 template, but it's possible I overcompensated or something. (Or it's just less noticeable in the FE8 template...) Hopefully, shrinking the name box should have alleviated the cramped feeling of the "Class" box. And, I offer MK404's Fire Emblem: A Sacred Dawn statsheet as a counterpoint to the "behind the map sprite" argument. Granted, mine infringes the inside a bit more, but I hardly think it's that big of an issue. The things over top of the "chains" are there to so everything across the border isn't all the same. Just adding some space. And, I fixed the disparity between the top and bottom things as well. I guess that's what you get for using Flip and Mirror on something that can't be centered correctly... >_> (Updated version.)
  23. You give me more credit than I'm due, VASM. And, yeah, it's become more of my forte as of late. I mean, even when I was regularly spriting other things, I'd have to make weapon icons for them, but it just got to the point that I'd only have a small amount of time to sprite, and working on a 16x16 image that I could crank out in less than an hour was just more productive than working on something much larger over the span of two weeks for like 20 minutes at a time. ------------------------------- Also, I bring more new updates. I finished this earlier in the week and had been working on it for a couple of weeks on and off in total. Since it's been inserted and revealed to some of the project threads, I can post it here: This is the new statsheet template for seph1212's hack, FE4 Resurrection. It was mostly sprited from scratch (obviously using the original FE8 template as an underlying base), barring the dragon (cropped from two screenshots of Narga's animation and then flood filled to get the silhouette effect), the "seal" behind the dragon (which was taken from FE4's Holy Blood circle and penciled over and edited), and the backgrounds (which were taken from FE5 and color reduced). I'm happy with the overall result, and it's a nice change compared to most of the statsheets out there, IMHO.
  24. If I feel motivated enough to work on them and have the time, I might consider it. Though, as I mentioned in my description of it, I tend to hate spriting Axe icons, just because they can be so annoying. So, I'll have to have a lot of motivation to get them done. If I do work on them, I should probably alter the ones that are there currently too, since they don't exactly match up with the way axe icons are structured...
  25. I have no problem with it. Obviously, some of the sets aren't done, so you may end up with a set of conflicting icons... Just make sure to throw a note in a Readme or Credits section saying that I made them and it's cool with me.
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